Dec. 5 1629 about 45, and Mary Wilkinson,1 widow, of St. Dunstan's in the West, about 42, late wife of Roger Wilkinson of the same parish, haberdasher; at West Bergholt, Essex, or at Fordham. Dec. 29 James Pinckney of St. John the Evangelist, sadler, † bachelor, aged 27, at his own government, and Anne Taylor of St. Mildred's in the Poultry, maiden, aged 19, daughter of Thomas Taylor, late of Rotheram, Co. York, draper, deceased, with consent of Elizabeth Taylor als Winsby, her natural and lawful mother, as attested by William Taylor of St. Mildred's, haberdasher, personally present; at St. Christopher, Stocks. 1629-30. Jan. 1 William Wells of St. Andrew's, Holborn, yeoman, t bachelor, aged 22, at his own government, and Margaret Williams of the same parish, maiden, aged 22, her parents deceased and she at her own disposing; at St. Martin's Ludgate. Jan. 5 Richard Glover of St. Swithen's, citizen and mercer, t widower, about 70, and Alice Faulkner, widow, aged 50, relict of Thomas Faulkner, late citizen and haberdasher of London, deceased; at St. Antholins or All Hallows in the Wall. Jan. 9 William Lacke of Stepney, weaver, bachelor, aged † 26, and Margaret Greene of the same parish, widow, aged 43; at St. Olaves, Hart Street. Jan. 13 John Greene of Stratford Langton, yeoman, aged 50, t widower, and Lettice Barnes of St. Mary Matfellon, widow, aged 46; at St. Mary Matfellon. Jan. 14 William Gardner of St. Michael's, Cornhill, citizen I have the will of a Mary Pennington, calling herself the widow of Isaac Pennington and mother of Gulielma Maria, one of the wives of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. She must have been, therefore, the widow of Sir William Springett, who is said to have died in 1643. If so, she could not have been this Mary Wilkinson. H. F. W. Josse Glover of New England had a brother Richard who was too young to have been the above. H. F. W. Jan. 14 1629-30 t and merchant tailor, bachelor, aged 32, and Mary Williams of Redderiffe, maiden, aged 20, daughter of Mr. Williams late of Ipswich, merchant, deceased, and her mother likewise deceased, and she at her sole government; at St. Mary Islington. Jan. 21 Edward Normanton of St. Dunstan's in the West, t sadler, bachelor, aged 28, and Margaret Milner of Tower Hill, maiden, aged 20, at her own disposing; at St. Mary Whitechapel. Jan. 26 Richard King of St. Andrew's, Holborn, barber surt geon, widower, 42, and Ellen Iremonger, of St. Faith's, maiden, 34, at her own disposing; at St. Sepulchre's. Feb. 1 George Haughton of St. Margaret's, New Fish street, t fishmonger, bachelor, aged 25, at his own government, and Susan Murray (?) of St. Mary Woolchurch, maiden, aged 21, her parents deceased; at the same parish church. Feb. 4 Richard Bishop, yeoman, widower, aged 42, and Jot ane Yelverton of London, spinster, about 33 or 34, at her own disposing; at St. Mary Strand als Savoy. Feb. 4 Thomas Rose of St. Martin's in the Fields, freemat son, widower, aged 40, and Isabel Elsey of the same parish, widow, aged 30; at St. Alphage. Feb. 4 John Questenbury of St. Mary Woolchurch, barber surgeon, bachelor, aged 20, at his own disposing, and Sara Ireland of St. Botolph Aldersgate, maiden, aged 19, daughter of William Ireland of the same parish, gent, who consents; at St. Benet Sherhog. t March 1 John Jarmyn [as he writes it] of Anstye, Herts., t grocer, bachelor, aged 23, and Anna King of Barley, Herts., maiden, aged 21, daughter of Robert King, late of the same place, yeoman, deceased, and at the disposing of Elizabeth King, her mother, who consents, as attested by Charles Jearmyn of St. Clement Danes, tailor; at St. Anne Blackfriars. 1630. March 25 William Cashe (as he writes it] of St. Nicholas Olave, vintner, a bachelor aged about 26 years and at his own government, and Elizabeth Ellam of St. Peter Cornhill, maiden, aged 22, at her own dispose, as is attested by Thomas Wastell of the same parish, vintner; at the same parish church. April 6 Thomas Burton of St. Leonards, Shoreditch, vintt ner, bachelor, aged 23, at his own government, and Florence Goldston of St. Mary Woolnoth, maiden, aged 21, daughter of William Goldston, late of Windsor, Berks., gent, deceased, and her mother also, and she in the government of Mr. Raphe King of the same parish, vintner, her uncle, who is willing, as is attested by Valentine Smith, of St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street, draper; at St. Mary Woolnoth. April 15 Mark Hygate of St. Martin's in the Fields, yeoman, t widower, aged 35, and Ursula Gould of the same parish, widow, aged 38 (?); at St. Martin's, Ludgate. April 19 George Taylor of St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, mert chant tailor, widower, aged 32, and Elizabeth Hales of the said parish, maiden, aged 20, daughter of Henry Hales, who consents, as attested by Edmund Hales, her brother; at the said parish church. April 29 Andrew Neale of St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish t Street, clothworker, widower, aged 27, and Sara King1 of Watford, Herts., maiden, about 20, daughter of Raph King of the same place, mercer, who is willing, privy, and consenting, as is attested by Edward Neale of St. Andrew's, Holborn, white baker; at Idelstry, Herts. May 10 Richard Harlakenden of Earl's Colne, gent, bache 1A sister of Daniel King of Lynn, Mass., who owned Swampscott, H. F. W. May 10 1630 lor, aged 23, with consent of Richard Harlakenden of the same place, Esq., his father, and Alice Mildmay, daughter of Sir Henry Mildmay, knight, of Graces, maiden, aged 19. His free consent is attested by William Goodwin, servant to the said Sir Henry Mildmay [signed by Willm Goodwin]; at St. Bride's or St. Ann's Blackfriars. May 21 Simon Barron of St. Botolph's Algate, needle maker, t bachelor, aged 24, and Margaret Lowe, of the said parish, maiden, aged 24, her father deceased and she at the disposing of her mother who consents; at St. Faith's. June 8 Nathaniel Andrewes of St. Mary at Hill, merchant, † bachelor, aged 26, at his own government, and Jane Caseere of St. Dionis Backchurch, maiden, aged 27 or 28, her parents deceased; at St. Martin's, Ludgate. June 8 William Alford of St. Stephen's, Walbroke, skinner, † bachelor, aged 25, and Mary Draper of Hackney, maiden, aged 22, at the dispose of George Harwood1 of London, merchant, her uncle, who giveth consent; at Hackney. June 14 Henry Thornton of St. Michael's Querne, skinner, t bachelor, aged 31, and Alice Hall, maiden, aged 21, her father deceased and she at the disposing of Alice Hall of Bovindon, Herts., widow, her natural and lawful mother; at St. Martin's, Ludgate. June 17 Anthony Hunt of Tottenham, Middlesex, yeoman, † bachelor, aged 32, and Mary Sterne of the same place, maiden, aged 24 (?) at her own disposing, her parents being deceased; at St. Ethelburgh. July 12 Nicholas King of St. Mary Matfellon, widower, aged t 33, and Margaret West, widow, of Stepney, aged 32; at St. Gregory's near Paul's. I suppose him to be the George Harwood who was the first treasurer of the Massachusetts Company. H. F. W. Oct. 4 1630 t Thomas Howe of St. Dunstan's in the West, yeoman, bachelor, aged 34, and Mary Campe of Kelvedon, Essex, maiden, aged 21, at her own disposing; at St. Faith's. Oct. 20 John Field of Theydon Mount, Essex, yeoman, bacht elor, aged 30, and Mary Savill of Harlow, maiden, aged 24, her father deceased and she at the disposing of Susan Savill, her mother; at Northweld Basset. Oct. 27 John Coxe [signed Cock] of St. Mary Woolnoth, t yeoman, bachelor, aged 20, with consent of Thomas Coxe, linen draper, and Martha Standish of the same parish, maiden, aged 20, daughter of Standish, late deceased, and she at the disposing of Anne Standish her mother; at the parish aforesaid. Nov. 9 William King of St. Bartholomew by the Exchange, t merchant, bachelor, aged 23, at his own government, his father deceased, and Sarah Buddens of St. Bennet Graschurch, maiden, aged 18, daughter of Adam Buddens late of London, dier, deceased, and she now living with John Wright of Gray's Inn, Esq., her father-in-law, who consenteth; at St. Lawrence Pountney. Nov. 9 Stephen Stephenson of Sepulchre's, cook, bachelor, t aged 26, at his own government, and Elizabeth Medcap of St. Botolph's, Algate, maiden, aged 30; at St. Alphege without Cripplegate. Nov. 29 Robert Manfield of Walthamstow, Essex, gardiner, bachelor, aged 38, and Dorothy Swayne of the same parish, maiden, aged 25, daughter of William Swayne of the same, yeoman; at St. Clement's Eastcheap. Dec. 16 Thomas Axtell of Christ Church, London, grocer, t allegeth that Abraham Redman of the same parish, draper, bachelor, aged 44, intendeth to marry 9 |