Aug. 1 1622 widower aged 50 and upward, and Priscilla Howland of London, maiden, aged about 45, daughter of- Howland; at All Hallows Honey Lane. Sept. 24 John Gladwin of Harlow, Essex, yeoman, a bachelor aged about 44, and Elizabeth Clay, widow of Shering, Essex, aged about 44, relict of Henry Clay, deceased almost a year since; attested by Thomas Clifton of Harlow, tailor; at Harlow. Oct. 28 John Bell of Eaton, Bucks., gent., a bachelor aged about 30, son of Matthew Bell of the same parish, gent., and with his consent, and Joane Oliver, maiden, aged about 17, daughter of William Oliver of --, Kent, deceased about nine years since; then appeared Robert Tompson of St. Clement's by Paul's Wharf, London, citizen and dier, and testified his consent and that of Joane Oliver als Tompson, mother of the said Joane; at St. Bennet's Paul's Wharf. of Nov. 13 Thomas Whiting of Dedham, clothier, a widower aged about 30, and Elizabeth Stocke of St. Stephen's Coleman Street, maiden, aged about 24, daughter Stocke late of -- in the Co. of Suffolk, deceased; John Tedderton of Stepney, tailor, testifies the consent of Thomas Stocke of All Hallows Lombard Street, brother of the said Elizabeth; at St. Peter's by Paul's Wharf. Nov. 27 Mr. Timothy Clay, clerk, curate of Willingdale Doe, a bachelor aged about 30, and Anna Whicher of the same parish, maiden, aged about 24, her father dead and she at her own government; at Willinghall [probably Willingdale Doe is meant]. 1622-23. Jan. 8 James Eliot, 1 clerk, parson of Rayley, Essex, a widower, and Elizabeth Bartlett, widow, of St. James I have his will (1623). He wishes his sons Philip and James to be brought up in the University. H. F. W. Jan. 8 1622-23 Garlickhithe, relict of Bartlett, merchant, deceased; he aged 38 and she aged 39; at St. Nicholas Acon. Jan. 27 William Emerton of St. Dunstan's in the West, tailor, a bachelor aged about 35, and Mabel Pescod, maiden, of St. Andrew's Holborn, aged about. 20, daughter of Nicholas Pescod, 1 deceased, and her mother also; at St. Andrew's Holborn. t 1623. June 172-1 Richard Lee of St. Andrew's Holborn, gent., a bachelor, aged about 23, his father dead and he at his own government, and Elizabeth Robertes, maiden, of the same parish, aged 19, daughter of Thomas Robertes, yeoman, deceased; Thomas Wheatley of the same parish, merchant tailor, testifies that Elizabeth Smithe als Roberts, wife of Thomas Smithe of St. Andrew's aforesaid, innholder, the mother of the said Elizabeth, is willing; at St. Andrew's in the Wardrobe. [This has all been erased. H. F. W.] July 1 (?) Augusten Kellam2 [as signed] of St. George's Botolph Lane, pinmaker, a widower aged about 55, and Ellen Clarke of St. Clement's East Cheap, widow, aged about 50, relict of Clarke, haberdasher, deceased; at St. George's etc. July 7 Benjamin Brereton of St. Bride's Fleet Street, cutler, aged about 22, his parents deceased and he at his own government, and Christian Wolley of St. This Nicholas Pescod was a gentleman whose home seems to have been in Okehanger, Southampton. (See genealogy of the Emmerton Family, p. 8.) H. F. W. Ifind on the Assembly Book at Norwich (1585-1616), containing lists of admissions to the freedom of that city, under date of 30 January, 30th year of Elizabeth, that among those sworn that day as citizens was Augustine Kylham, pinner, non appren. Name, age and occupation seem to correspond. It was the name too, of the first New England ancestor of the Kilham family of Ipswich and Wenham, Mass., who was entered May the 11th, 1637, with wife Alice, aged 40, as desirous to go to Salem in New England, from the port of Yarmouth. H. F. W. July 7 1623 Andrew's Holborn, maiden, aged 22, daughter of William Wolley of St. Katherine Cree Church, scrivener; at St. Andrew's, etc. Aug. 26 Peter Hande [but Hynde as he himself writes it] of St. Mildred Bread Street, embroiderer, desired license for John Greene of Little All Hallows, Thames Street, mercer, a widower aged about 35, and Mary Wollaston of St. Mildred's, widow of Edward Wollaston late of St. Gregory's near St. Paul's, haberdasher, deceased about six years since, to be married at Stepney. Aug. 27 William Gale of St. Martin's in the Fields, gent., a bachelor aged about 35, and Joane Bird, widow, of St. Clement Danes, aged about 40, relict of John Bird, yeoman, deceased; at St. Andrew's, Wardrobe. Sept. 5 William Burnett of Stepney, mariner, a bachelor aged about 26, at his own government, and Susanna Swayne of the same parish, widow, aged about 22, relict of Wiliam Swayne, mariner, deceased; at the Church or Chapel of Stratford Bow. Sept. 24 Tho: Spenser1 [as he signs it] of Westminster, gent., a bachelor aged about 30, and Penelope Filliall of London, widow, about 30, relict of Westorne Filliall, draper, deceased; at St. Peter's, Paul's Wharf. Sept. 29 Samuel Wilson, clerk, a bachelor aged about 34, and Sarah Harvey, maiden, about 18, daughter of Charles Harvey, fishmonger, deceased, with consent of Alice Cuttes als Harvey, as attested by William Cuttes, father in law of the said Sarah, who signs; at St. George's Botolph Lane. Oct. 14 Henry Clarke of St. Faith's, London, merchant tailor, a bachelor aged about 30, and Joane Cartwright2 'I have already published his will in which he leaves his possessions in New England to his son John Spencer. H. F. W. A sister of Frances, wife of Mr. Samuel Vassal. I have her will. H. F. W. Oct. 14 1623 of St. Andrew's Undershaft, maiden, about 18, daughter of Abraham Cartwright of the same parish, draper; at St. Andrew's Undershaft [Abraham Cartwright signs]. Oct. 21 Daniel Hinxman of London, barber chirurgeon, a widower aged about 50, and Winefred Perry, maiden, about 24, daughter of Daniel Perry, gent.; at St. Botolph's Aldersgate. 1624. March 26 John Tirrell of St. Magnus by London Bridge, merchant tailor and a bachelor aged about 27, sole at his own government, and Mary Goodwin of St. Mildred's Bread Street, maiden, about 19, daughter of John Goodwin1 of the same parish, haberdasher; as attested by Thomas Harris of St. Leonard's Foster Lane, vintner; at St. Leonard's Foster Lane. March 26 Humfrey Lake of All Hallows Barking, plaisterer, a bachelor aged about 24 and at his own government, and Audrie Papes of St. Alban's Wood Street, maiden, about 23, her father deceased; then appeared Hugh Waters of St. John Zachary, tailor, and testified the consent of Thomazine Evans als Papes, the lawful and natural mother of the said Audrie; at St. Mary Islington. April 23 George Blincoe of the Middle Temple Esq., a bachelor aged about 23, at his own government, and Mary Hickes, maiden, of St. Martin's near Ludgate, about 17, daughter of William Hickes scrivener, deceased; then appeared Robert Hickes of East Haddon, Co. Northampton, gent, uncle and guardian of the said Mary, and consents; at St. Michael's Cornhill. July 28 George Hewett of St. Giles in the Fields, a bachelor aged about 25 or 26, at his own government, and July 28 1624 1One of the Ipswich Goodwins. I have his will. H. F. W. Susan Draper of the same parish, maiden, about 25, her parents both deceased and she at her own disposition; Anthony Bond of the same parish, merchant, testifies the consent of Cicely Manwaring als Draper, wife of Mr. Roger Manwaring, parson of the said parish, the lawful and natural sister of the said Susan, who now liveth with her; at Marybone. Oct. 20 Philip Eliot1 [as he writes it] of Nasing, Essex, husbandman, a bachelor aged about 22, and Elizabeth Sybthorpe of Little Hallingbury in Co. Essex, maiden, about 23, daughter of Robert Sybthorpe, deceased; then appeared William Curtis of Nasing aforesaid, husbandman, and testified the consent of Anne Sybthorpe, widow, mother to the said Elizabeth; at Nasing or Little Hallingbury. Nov. 27 Adrian Scroope2 of St. Giles in the Fields, gent, a bachelor aged about 24, with the consent of Mr. Robert Scroope, his father, and Mary Waller, maiden, about 16, daughter of Robert Waller, deceased; Dr. Zouche testifies the consent of Anne Waller, widow, mother of the said Mary; at St. Giles aforesaid. [signed by Adrian Scroope.] 1624-25. Jan. 19 Henry Churche of Wapping, seafaring man, a bachelor aged about 22, at his own government, and Elizabeth Vassalls of Ratcliff, maiden, about 17, daughter of John Vassal of Stepney, mariner; attested by Thomas Bagnall of St. Nicholas Acon; at St. Nicholas Acon. Here we have the signature and age of Philip Eliot who came to Roxbury and are introduced to William Curtis, his brother-in-law, who also came hither. Col. Chester has omitted these items. H. F. W. 2 Mrs. Elizabeth Flower of St. Giles in the Fields, in her will (1658-1663) mentions her nephew Col. Adrian Scroope and his wife Mrs. Mary Scroope. H. F. W. Half sister of Samuel Vassall before mentioned. H. F. W. |