Aug. 28 1604 ernment and so hath been these seven years past, and Sarah Rocklyff, maiden, of St. Martin's Ludgate, daughter of Thomas Rockliff of Christ Church, goldsmith, with consent of her said father, as Humfrie Lee of St. Martin's Ludgate, haber dasher, who married the sister of her the same Sarah, offered to testify, the same Sarah being about 19; at St. Peter's Powle's Wharf. Sept. 27 John Hamond1 of Moulsham in the parish of Chelmsford, Essex, chirurgeon, a widower and a householder, aged 45, and Jone Rogers, widow, of the same parish, aged 50, late wife of John Rogers of Moulsham, shoemaker, deceased; appeared Richard Bradwaye, schoolmaster of Chelmsford, who testified; at Chelmsford. Dec. 8 Hugh Goddard of St. Christopher, London, draper, a bachelor aged about 35, at his own government, having been a housekeeper twelve years, and Anne Owen, maiden, aged about 19, living in the house of Mr. Henry Lee, of St. Andrew Undershaft, where she hath remained about twelve months, natural daughter of Israel Owen of Little Barfield, Essex, gent; to be married in the church of Westham, Essex, where the said Mr. Harry Lee hath an house. Dec. 21 Andrew Glascocke of St. Andrew Holborn, gent, attendant upon the Earl of Southampton, a bachelor aged about 36, his parents deceased, and Margaret Loveday, widow, of Duddinghurst, Essex, relict of John Loveday, of Duddinghurst, gent, deceased about a year past; Charles Glascocke of St. Mary Woolnoth, grocer, appeared and testified, she about 40 years old; at St. Martin's Vintry. The wills of these people I have given in my Gleanings, Part II, pp. 214-216. This extract gives ages, which Col. Chester's did not. H. F. W. This is interesting as showing the residence of Mr. Harry Lee at West Ham. Stratford Langthorn is in West Ham. H. F. W. Dec. 21 1604 Robert Whitinge of St. Andrew Undershaft, plaisterer, a bachelor about 30, hath kept house himself these three years, at his own government, and Sarah Crow of St. Margaret Lothbury, maiden, aged about 20, daughter of - Crow of St. Olave's Hart Street, mariner, deceased sixteen years since and she now dwelling with her mother; David Axton of St. Margaret Lothbury appeared and testified that Ann Kiggin, wife of Gabriel Kiggin, mother of the said Sarah, is privy and consenting; at St. Margaret Lothbury. 1604-5. Jan. 27 Lawrence Bradshawe of St. Lawrence old Jewry,, clothier, a bachelor, aged about 24, son of John Bradshawe of Manchester, Lancashire, clothier, who consents, and Sarah Hinxman, maiden, of St. Clement's without Temple Bar aged about 20, daughter of William Hinxman of Andover, Southampton, clothier, she now dwelling with her aunt Joane Ley, wife of Richard Ley, of St. Clement's aforesaid, and so hath done a half year; Richard Ley, scrivener, appeared and testified his wife's consent and his own; at St. Clement's aforesaid. (Against this on the margin was a note which I did not then read carefully but which should be examined.) Feb. 5 Robert Swan of Ware, Herts., shoemaker, a bachelor aged about 30, father and mother both dead and he at his own government; and Bridget Wilkinson, widow, of Ware, aged about 27, relict of Oswell Wilkinson, of York, haberdasher, deceased four years since; appeared Thomas Hampton of St. Sepulchre's, shoemaker, and testified; to be married at Stratford Bow, Stepney, where the said Bridget hath some of her friends dwelling. 1605. June 20 John Peasel of Much Baddowe, Essex, yeoman, a bachelor aged about 45, and Edith Porter, widow, of Hatfield Peverel, aged about 24, relict of Thomas Porter late of Hatfield Peverel, yeoman, deceased a quarter of a year since; personally appeared Richard Tabor of Terling, Essex, yeoman, natural and lawful brother of the said Edith Porter and testified &c.; at Great Bursted, Es sex. [I notice that about this time a Mr. John Rhodes was a curate in the parish of St. Bride's Fleet Street. H. F. W.] 1605-6. Mar. 15 James Williams of Hendon, Middlesex, husbandman, t a bachelor aged about 23, his father being dead, and Mary Brant, maiden, of St. Sepulchre's, aged about 21, daughter of William Brant of Great Stanmer, husbandman; William Hebon of St. Sepulchre's, whitebaker, having married Joane Williams als Hebon, the natural mother of the said James Williams, testified &c.; at St. Sepulchre's. 1606. Mar. 29 William Waltham of St. Peter's Cornhill, alderman, a widower aged about 50, and the Lady Margaret Goddard, widow, of St. Peter's le Poor, aged about 50, relict of Sir Richard Goddard, knight, alderman, deceased three years since; at Hackney. May 12 John Deacon of Watford, 2 Herts., yeoman, aged about 26, son of Thomas Deacon late of Watford, deceased about seventeen years since, and Agnes I have his will and those of sundry of his family. H. F. W. From Watford came Daniel King of Lynn, Mass., and one or two other New Englanders. Perhaps from Watford came John Deacon of Lynn. H. F. W. May 12 1606 t Hill, maiden, of Watford, aged about 20, daughter of Thomas Hill, yeoman, of Watford, deceased about thirteen years since, with full consent of Joane Halsye als Deacon, widow, late wife of Henry Halsye of Watford deceased, and of Dorothy Hill, now wife of William Hill of Watford, the natural and lawful mothers of both said parties; Raphe Haywarde of Watford testified; at St. Giles in the Fields. 1607. April 30 Hugh Walley of St. Peter's le Poor, haberdasher, a widower aged about 65, and Jone Powell, widow, of the same parish, aged about 50, relict of William Powell, late of St. Swithin's London Stone, carpenter; personally appeared John Powell of St. Swithin's, carpenter, son to the said Jone and testified; at Hackney. May 16 William Bedwell of Walthamstow, Essex, husband† man, a widower aged about 50, and Alice Ellmer, widow, of the parish of Woodford, Essex, aged about 43, relict of John Ellmer late of Layton in the same County, husbandman, deceased about two years since; Richard Newman of Woodford, husbandman, testified; at Woodford. June 9 Bartholomew Scrivener, priest, M. A., Vicar of Messing, Essex, a bachelor aged about 28, wholly at his own government, and Margaret Morris of Layer Marney, Essex, maiden, aged about 21, natural and lawful daughter of Thomas Morris, 1 priest, while he lived parson of Layer Marney, deceased about five years since; then appeared William Morris [signed Morrice] of St. Awsten by Paul's Gate, London, grocer, brother of the said Margaret, and gave his express consent and offereth to make faith that Umfrey Morris, her 'I have wills of sundry of this family. H. F. W. June 9 1607 brother, and other friends are consenting; Mr. Brian Tuke, in whose custody she is, also consents; at Messing. Aug. 22 Ewstice Norton of St. Clement Danes, gent, a bachelor, aged about 30, and Joyce Pill, widow, of the same parish, aged about 44, relict of Henry Pill of the same parish, gent, deceased about three quarters of a year since; personally appeared Robert Blundevile of St. Faith, London, yeoman, servant to Mr. Dr Turner1, physician, of the same parish, and testified; at St. Clement Danes. 1608. April 15, 1607 (sic; evidently a mistake for 1608) John Rugmer of St. Botolph without Algate, blacksmith, a bachelor aged about 25, his father and mother deceased, and Susan Crane, maiden, of the same parish, aged about 24, daughter of Garrett Crane late of St. Botolph's, brewer, deceased four years since and her mother also; appeared John Crayne (as he signs himself), of St. Andrew Holborn, cordwainer, natural brother of the said Susan, and testified; at St. Botolph's without Algate. April 26 John Branwood2 of Chelmsford, Essex, yeoman, a bachelor aged about 26, at his own government, and Anne Newman, maiden, of Gingrave, Essex, aged about 22, daughter of Affronius Newman, late of Gingrave, yeoman, deceased six years past, and she now dwelling with her mother Rachel Mansfeild of Gingrave; then appeared Thomas The mention of Mr. Dr. Turner discloses the family of Norton to which Eustace Norton belonged. Dr. George Turner's wife Ann is called in Harleian M. S. 1533 "one of Queene Ann's weomen." "Shee was executed for consenting to the poysoning St Thomas Ouerbury in the tower of London." She was a daughter of Thomas Norton of Hinxton in Co. Cambridge, by Margaret, daughter and sole heir of Sir William St Loe Knt, of Somersetshire. Her brother Eustace Norton is referred to as living at Greenwich, married and having issue. In MS. 1534 he is called "Fawkner to the King & Prince" (1619). H. F. W. *Perhaps synonymous with Brainerd. H. F. W. |