he sprinkled the blood upon the book of the covenant, and gave it thee, and said, "This is the new testament in my blood!" Oh! live henceforth a life of joy and faith, as a man that is elevated above the world. Do not live at the old dull and slothful rate; carry it as a believer; and, in a word, walk as one that doth indeed take all for truth that the Lord Jesus hath spoken to thee this day. Let that of the Apostle be a close to all, (2. Cor. vii. 1.) 'Having therefore, the promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness, both of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God!" THE END. CONTENTS. The Proclamation, or the Voice of the Lord 31 I. The immunities & liberties of the covenant 33 II. Its privileges and prerogatives III. God maketh over himself to us in all A Soliloquy, representing the Believer's Triumph in God's Covenant, and the va- rious Conflicts and glorious Conquests of I. The soul taketh hold of God's covenant III. It confounds the soul with the amazing V. It questions the believer's title to God's grace and interest in the promise VI. Faith makes its claim to all the benefits CHAP. VI. PROMISES CONCERNING SPIRITUAL THINGS. OF SIN. If thou findest nothing in thyself that may If you fear God will remember your sins 123 pardon 124 If thou despair If thou findest sin a heavy burden, and Sa- tan pursuing 127 If thou turn from sin & yet doubt of pardon 128 If thou wouldest have thy rebellions subdued 129 If thy heart be hard, & full of corruption 130 If thou fearest the breaking out of some sin &c. 131 God corrects thee If thou canst not find out the sin for which CHAP. VII. OF GRACE. 133 If thy heart be as a wilderness, barren of good 134 If thou wantest holiness 137 When all thy graces are weak 138 When thy heart is dried for the want of grace 140 If thou seest a good way and hast no power to walk in it 145 If thou wantest to remember the word of God 146 If thou art fallen, and fearest the Lord will leave thee so 152 When thou fearest the Lord has forsaken thee, 153 When thou feelest thy spiritual poverty corrupt worship and manners CHAP. VIII. --THE MEANS OF GRACE. A promise to be applied in every ordinance. When thou prayest When thou meditatest 156 157 155 158 159 160 In reading the word, if thou understandest not 161 If thou canst not confer When thou art to go to the assemblies, to participate in the ordinances Wouldest thou enjoy the ordinances of God, and a blessing upon them If thou enjoyest grace, or means of grace, When thou art banished from God's ordi- art come to great misery When thou settest thyself to fast CHAP. IX. OF PERSECUTION. If thou art railed upon for well-doing. 162 163 166 168 169 171 172 172 173 174 When thou art called forth to defend the truth 175 When thou wouldest have thy going out, &c. 179 When thou takest rest at night, &c. 181 If thou art diligent in thy calling. &c. &c. 183 If thou fearest the loss of thy good name, &c. 184 When thou art in any want for soul or body 185 In liberal giving 186 If sickness be among us 187 If thou fearest death, &c. 188 If thou fearest hurt by any of the creatures, &c.189 If thou wouldest have thy purpose to prosper 190 In times of danger 191 When thou art in great trouble, &c. 192 When thou seemest to be forgotten in affliction 193 When thy sorrows grow great 194 If thou wouldest have deliverance, &c. 194 If thine enemies prevail 195 If thou wouldest have thine enemies destroyed 196 For the fall of Antichrist 197 For the calling of the Jews 199 CHAP. XI. PROMISES FOR THE SAINT'S SUPPORT IN TIMES OF TROUBLE AND PERSECUTION. That God hath freely loved his elect, &c. That we are freely justified, &c. That God will call his children, &c. 201 202 203 That God will give his children humble hearts 204 That the children of God shall live holy 205 208 That God's children will fear and serve him 206 faithful, &c. 211 God will preserve his children in afflictions 213 God will subdue all the enemies of his church 214 The just shall be raised unto eternal life |