iii PREFACE. T HE Author of the following Sheets, makes no Apology for writing on a Subject of the last Importance; and which, as far as I can find, has no where been so fully treated: He builds nothing on a Thing so uncertain as Tradition, which differs in most Countries; and of which, in all Countries, the Bulk of Mankind are incapable of judging; but thinks he has laid down fuch plain and evident Rules, as may enable Men of the meanest Capacity, to diftinguish between Religion and Superstition; and has represented the Former, in every Part, so beautiful, so amiable, and so strongly affecting; that they who in the least reflect, must be highly A 2 highly in love with it; and eafily perceive, that their Duty and Happiness are inseparable. Whether he has fucceeded in this Noble, and Generous Attempt, the Reader will be better able to judge, if he reads with the to judge, same Freedom, and Impartiality, as the Author wrote. THE Manner of debating a Subject Dialogue-wife, (as this between A, and B,) was esteem'd by the Ancients the most proper, as well as most prudent Way of expofing prevailing Absurdities; and Tully's two Discourses, de Naturâ Deorum, and de Divinatione, both levell'd against the Superstition of his Country-men, are living Monuments of the Expediency, and Usefulness of this way of Writing. And certainly the Reader may be better entertain'd thus, than by that dry way of Objection and Answer, with which Controverfies are usually manag'd. THE
THE That the Religion of Nature consists in observing those Things, which our Reason, by confidering the Nature of God and Man, and the Relation we stand in to bim, and one another, demonstrates to be our Duty: and that those Things are plain; and likewise what they are. That not only the Matter of all God's Laws, but the- Penalties annex'd to them, are for the Good of Man- OTCHAP. V. That the Religion of Nature is an absolutely perfect Religion; and that external Revelation can neither add to, nor take from its Perfection; and that True Human Happiness being the ultimate Design, and End of all Traditional, as well as Original Revelation, they must both prescribe the same Means; fince those God does not alt arbitrarily, or interpose unnecessarily; but leaves those Things, that can only be confider'd as Means (and as such, are in their own Nature mutable ;) to human Discretion; to determine as it The fuppofing Things merely positive, to be made the In- |