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be one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that Thou hast sent me."Here we are especially to notice the importance of the word that' in the last portion of the sentence, where it is an illative or inferential particle, and puts the truth of His mission and the testimony of His religion, on the UNITY OF HIS DISCIPLES !

How great, then, must be the offence of exposing His religion to the contempt and disbelief of the world, by making divisions in his Church!


Vain is it to talk of our 'Faith'-vain is it to buoy ourselves up with Hope;' for what avails Faith,' what avails' Hope,' when we abandon the greatest of the three' Christian gracesCHARITY?



April 7, 1828.


Printed by R. GILBERT, St. John's Square, London.

Lately published, by the same Author, price 12s. in boards,

A volume of


Designed to correct some of the principal doctrinal errors of the present

times, and to promote Unity and Church-Membership.

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1.-The Church defined; or, an Answer to the Question, "What is the Church?"

2.-The Danger and Sin of Separation from the Protestant Episcopal


3.-An earnest and affectionate Dissuasive to those who are meditating

Separation from the Church.

4. The Anti-Calvinism of the Church of England. (A Visitation Ser


5. The Athanasian Creed not unscriptural or uncharitable.

6.-Infant Baptism defended.

7.-Confirmation-an Apostolic rite, and of perpetual obligation on Chris


8.-Exhortation to those who have received Confirmation.

9. The Divinity of Christ maintained against Unitarians. 10.-Obedience to Government a religious Duty.

11.-On Behalf of the suffering Irish.

12.-On practical Religion, as contradistinguished to the internal impres sions substituted for it by "the Evangelical."

LONDON: Printed for C. and J. RIVINGTON, St. Paul's Church-yard and Waterloo-place; and may be ordered through any Bookseller.

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