Imágenes de páginas

Bill of Rights Society, 229, 313.
Blodgett, Samuel, 227.
Boston, character of, 15. Small pox in,
15. Parties in, 17, 29. Clubs of, 49.
Vote of, in Faneuil Hall, 54. Riot in,
57. Petition of, 63. Vote of, on troops,
68. Call of a convention by, 84. Me-
morial of, 88. Denunciation of, 95.
Troops landed in, 99. "Appeal to the
world" by, 114. Removal of troops from,
149. Eulogy on, 152, 224, 225. Com-
mittee of correspondence chosen by, 201.
Report adopted by, 206, 213, 217, 236.
Commendations of, 266. Tea destroyed
at, 280. Suffering of, 310. Relief of,
324. Fortification of, 359. Instructions
of, 379. People of characterized, 473,
478, 479.

"Boston Gazette," foundation of, 34.
Bourgate, Charlotte, 127.
Bourne, Melatiah, 64.

Bowdoin, James, 10, 23, 24, 76, 156, 259,

320, 324, 334, 338, 360.

Boyle, John, cited, 461, 518.
Boylston, Thomas, 83, 321.
Boynton, Richard, 201.
Bradford, John, 83, 201.
Brewer, Jonathan, 469.

British officers, behavior of, 428, 487, 446.
Brookline, letter from, 336.
Brown, Buckminster, 546.
Brown, Peter, 515, 517, 578.
Bruce, Captain, 267, 271.
Buckingham, Joseph T., 218.
Bunker Hill, on the occupancy of, 504.
Occupied, 507. Battle of, 513-519.

Burch, William, 52.

Burke, Edmund, 19, 183.
Burns, Robert, cited, 282.

[blocks in formation]

Chester, Captain, 501, 512.
Choiseul, cited, 97.

"Chronicle of the Times," cited, 324.
Church, Benjamin, 64, 66, 137, 171, 194,
195, 201, 202, 206, 225, 240, 534.
Circular Letter, Mass., 39, 71, 72, 90.
Clarke, Jonas, 451, 457.

Clarke, Richard, 238, 240, 250, 254, 262.
Clubs, 49, 50, 169, 170, 238, 441.
Coffin, Colonel, 308.
Coffin, Captain, 267.
Cohasset, militia of, 404.

Committees of correspondence, design of,
181, 189. Origin of, 200. Conferences
of, on the tea issue, 252, 253, 265, 270.
On the Port Bill, 300. On the Regulat-
ing Act, 348. On the troops, 383, 446.
Committee of correspondence, Boston,
200, 202, 203, 205. Report framed by,
206, 217. Faith of, 221. Circular of,
236. On the tea issue, 218, 252, 255.
On the post-office, 297. On the Port
Act, 300, 305, 313. On the Regulating
Act, 333; its action, 343, 380, 383, 446.
Committee of correspondence, inter-colo-
nial, 226, 227.

Committee of correspondence, Mass., let-
ter of, 237.

Committee of safety, Boston, 149, 334.
Committee of safety, Mass., 389, 390, 406,
412, 419, 458, 466, 468, 470, 472, 473,
482, 490, 491, 502, 504, 513.
Congress, general, germ of, 94. Sug-
gested, 182, 224, 225, 231, 292, 296, 314.
Action for, 322. Time of, fixed, 323.
Delegates to, chosen, 324, 338. Reliance
on, 361, 375, 386, 397. Reception by, of
Suffolk resolves, 366, 373, 378. On
views of, on local government, 386.
Pledge of, to Massachusetts, 388 Obe-
dience to, 400, 403, 407. Advice of,
asked by Massachusetts, 476, 487, 501.
Requested to adopt the army, 485. Its
advice on forming a local government,


Congress, Provincial, proposed, 349. Time
of, fixed, 361. Delegates to, chosen, 378.
Meeting of, 376, 384. Action of, on
forming government, 385, 444, 445.
Chooses a committee of safety, 389,
412. Chooses general officers, 390.
Proceedings of, 894, 397, 444, 445, 449,


Convention of 1768. Proposed, 78.
Adopted, 86. Call of, 89. Meeting of,
90. Parties in, 93. Address of, 93. Ef-
fect of, 95.

Consignees, tea. - See "Tea, consignees."
Connecticut, action of, 415, 416, 475.
Cooper, Samuel, 10, 15, 72, 82, 118, 135,
166, 169, 225, 305, 448, 452, 526.
Cooper, William, 24, 68, 135, 138, 155, 178,
202, 229, 333. Character of, 480.
Cooper, William, jun., 480.

Copley, John S., 136, 238, 263, 264.
Coronation Day, 90.

Corner, Captain, 57, 58.

Council, on the press, 42. On the troops,
75, 260. On the tea issue, 252, 259.

Council Chamber, 143.

Counsellors, mandamus, 334, 340.
Courts, powers of, 235.
Cowardice, 418, 451, 452.

Cowley, Abraham, prophecy of, 425.
Crafts, Thomas, 115.

Cushing, Thomas, 24, 64, 76, 82, 83, 87,
91, 103, 114, 135, 136, 139, 165, 166, 171,
187, 196, 229, 290, 324, 330, 333, 338,
882, 526.


Dalrymple, Lieutenant Colonel, 100, 116,
131, 134, 138, 139, 141, 142, 145, 150,


Dalhousie, Earl of, 115.

Dana, Edmund, 19, 20.
Dana, Francis, 448.

Dana, Richard, 64, 66, 83, 103, 114, 171,
172, 178, 195.
Danforth, 259, 353.

Dartmouth, Lord, appointment of, 185.
On judges' salaries, 186. On the tea
issue, 254, 255. On penal acts, 334, 471.
Davis, Caleb, 201.

Dawes, William, 455.

De Berdt, Dennis, 64, 66, 88.
Dennie, William, 201, 240.
De Tocqueville, 23, 98.


Devens, Richard, 384, 387, 412.
Dexter, Henry, 549.
Dexter, Samuel, 259, 397,
Dickinson, John, 33, 52.
Dillaway, C. K., 12.

Donation committee, appointed, 306, 844.
Letters of, to Stonington, 345. Preston,
346. East Haddam, 354. Norwich,
850. Middletown, 391. Montreal, 442.
Falmouth, 423.

Donations, for Boston, 324, 325, 443.
Dorchester, vote of, 270.

Dorr Harbottle, 40.

Douglas, Robert, 227.

Downer, Eliphalet, 461.

Drayton, William Henry, 424.

Drowne, Solomon, 540.

Drowne, William, 540.

Durand, cited, 97.

"Duyckinck's Cyclopedia," cited, 405.


East Haddam, letter to, 353.

East-India Company, 234, 289.

Edes, Benjamin, 35, 40, 44, 48, 493.

Eliot, Andrew, 46, 56, 75.

Eliot, John, 10, 36, 51, 56, 90, 93, 135, 162,
163, 166, 169, 170, 456, 462, 468.

Episcopal clergy, card on, 381.
Eustis, William, 168, 342, 456, 513.

[blocks in formation]

Gadsden, Christopher, 336.

Gage, Thomas, 78. Offer of troops by, 75,
77. Visits Boston, 100. Orders troops
away, 104. Appointed governor, 307.
Dissolves the General Court, 324. Re-
ceives the penal acts, 334. Action on,
339, 348, 351, 418, 503. Fortifies Bos-
ton Neck, 359. Reply of, 362. On the
Suffolk resolves, 367. On supplies, 383.
On the Provincial Congress, 396, 417.
Military operations of, 422, 453, 455, 513.
Views of, 467, 471, 479, 483. Death of,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hallowell, Benjamin, 57, 58, 59, 60, 272.
Hancock, John, 10, 23, 24. Negatived as
councillor, 56. Owner of the sloop

[ocr errors]

,"57. On quelling a riot, 58, 59,
60. On committees. 63, 64, 68, 82, 87,
137, 142, 171, 178, 334, 438. Hutchin-
son on, 162. Popularity of, 163. At
variance with S. Adams, 163, 165, 187.
Declines to act in the council, 193, 251.
Moderator, 193, 243. Thanked by Mar-
blehead, 213. On the tea issue, 240,
243, 249, 257, 258. One of the guard,
280, 286. Commander of the Cadets,
249, 253, 421. Oration of, 296. An ar-
rest of, ordered, 307. The king on,
330. Delegate to the Provincial Con-
gress, 378. Chosen president, 383, 384,

390, 445. Member of the committee of
safety, 389, 412. Chairman, 390. On
the nineteenth of April, 451, 459. Se-
lectman, 465. Death, 525

Hand-bills, 37, 61, 67, 123, 239, 255, 271,

[blocks in formation]

Hostilities, views of, on beginning,
Dartmouth, 411. S. Adams, 411.
Adams, 386. Hawley, 420. J. Quincy,
jun., 421. Warren on, 434. Provincial
Congress on, 449.

Hulton, Henry, 52.
Hutchinson, Elisha, 238.

Hutchinson, Thomas, remark of, on inde-
pendence, 23. On the theories of the
patriots, 31. On the libel case, 43, 44.
On the clubs, 50. On sending for
troops, 53. Sent for by Bernard, 62, 64,
65. Cited, 68. On town-meetings, 71,
199. On the people, 72, 74, 75. On the
call of a convention, 87. On the troops,
100, 121, 122. Acting governor, 106.
His character, 107. On suppressing
public meetings, 112, 119. On their in-
fluence, 114. On the public peace, 117.
On firing on the people, 118. His bear-
ing on the night of the massacre, 129.
On the Sixth of March, 141-147. His
reasons for the removal of the troops,
148. Cited, 155. On J. Quincy, jun.,
156. On the faction, 158. On S. Ad-
ams, 159. On the patriots, 159-162.
On Otis, 164. On Cushing, 166. On
political prospects, 170. On Warren's
oration, 178. On Hillsborough, 185.
Appointed governor, 186. Hopes the
Union is broken, 188. His views on
local government, 189, 221. On the
judges' salaries, 190. On the source of
political evils, 192. On committees of
correspondence, 202, 233. Speech of,
to the general court, 222, 224, 227. On
the tea issue, 246, 247, 249, 252, 258,
259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 268, 269,
272, 277, 281. On the effect of the de-
struction of the tea, 292. His departure
for England, 308. Interview with the
king, 327. Letters of, 486, 493. His
view of the army, 502. His death, 502.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

239, 240.

"Liberty and Union" motto, 408.

Lincoln, Benjamin, 383, 384, 389.
Lisle, David, 57, 61.

Livingston, Edward, 47.
Lloyd, James, 13-17.
Loring, James S., 546.

Local government, views of, 29, 31. Claim
of, 68. Re-organization of, urged, 95.
Hutchinson on, 110, 159, 160, 189, 192,
221. Violation of, 160. On quo war-
ranto against, 166. Practical, grasp of,
171, 172. May on, 172. Warren on,
175, 178, 208, 340, 354, 857, 375, 385.
Maintenance of, 185. Aggression on,
186, 188, 334, 361, 391. Right of, 208,
221, 340, 348. On the formation of, 355,
375, 376, 377, 386, 390, 397, 408, 444.
On the necessity of, 357. Charters of,
372. Dissolution of, 373. The people
on, 376, 377. Congress on, 378, 386, 388.
Middletown on, 891. Franklin on, 400,
409. The issue on, 409, 422, 477, 481,
483, 485, 487, 488, 495. Advice of Con-

gress on, 512.
Lovell, James, 157, 544.
Lucas, Dr., 158.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


McDougal, Alexander, 120, 474.

Medford, eulogy on Boston, 152.
Mifflin, Thomas, 248.
Millar, Charles, 422, 544.
Minot, George Richard, 524.
Mohawks, 279, 280.

Molesworth, Sir William, 172.

Molineux, William, 23, 24, 83, 137, 142,

178, 187, 201, 240, 258, 265, 403.

Moncrief, Major, 501.

Monk, Christopher, 439.

Montague, Admiral, 269, 278.

Moore, Frank, "Diary of the Revolution,"

cited, 285, 452.

Moore, Charles W., 13, 115.

Morton, Perez, 14, 27, 34, 35, 462, 524.
Municipal Reform Bill, 98.

Murray's Barracks, 101, 120, 124, 125, 127.


"Nancy Dawson," tune of, 118.
Newbury Bridge, 59.

Newcomb, Richard E., 545.
Newell, Timothy, 187, 195, 465, 476.
"New-England Courant," 50.
Newport, letter to, 290, 398..

New York, on the tea, 283.
Noddle's Island, 482.

Non-importation agreement, 158, 848.
North, Lord, 95

North Carolina, on the tea, 283.
North-end Caucus, 50, 169, 238.
Norwich, letter to, 350.

"Novanglus," cited, 200.


Observations on the Port Bill, cited, 893.
Old Brick Meeting-house, 124.
Old Charter, 89, 371, 376, 386.
Old South Meeting-house, 39, 62, 65, 139,
146, 173, 257, 258, 259, 278, 477.
Oliver, Andrew, 186, 356.
Orne, Azor, 384, 412.

Otis, James, 10, 35. Speech of, 38, 39, 64,
65. Moderator, 62, 82, 83. Cited, 86,
87, 92, 93, 96. Negatived as councillor,
56. Aids in quelling a riot, 58. Refer-
ence to, 68, 81, 157, 162, 163, 165, 169,
187, 195, 196, 201, 202. Cited, on the
power of courts, 235. Death, 526.


Paddock, Adino, 83, 420.
Paine, Mrs., 545, 546.

Paine, Robert Treat, 324, 338, 385, 396.
Palmer, Joseph, 389, 412, 521, 529, 534.
Palmer, Richard, 360.

Parsons, Samuel H., 225.

Patronymica Britannica, cited, 4.

Paxton, Charles, 52, 54, 67.

Payne, Edward, 64, 66.

Payson, Rev. Mr., 543.

Pemberton, Samuel, 156, 171, 465.

Percy, Lord, 455, 457, 460, 462.
Perkins, Dr., 16.

Perkins, Thomas Handasyd, 549.
Philadelphia, letter from, 56.


On the tea,

[blocks in formation]

Pigeon, John, 389, 412, 482.

Pitts, John, 244, 339, 340, 465, 476.

Pitts, James, 145, 259.

Pomeroy, General, 141.
Pomeroy, Seth, 384, 390, 412.
Popular leaders, names of, 24. Theory
of, 32.
Use of the press by, 35, 183.
Aims of, 57, 97, 113, 116, 181, 191, 307.
Care of their cause, 129, 132. Fidelity
to social order by, 32, 38, 117. On the
tea issue, 267, 274. On arrests of, 307,
524. The King on, 330.

Port Act, 299, 300, 310, 311, 312, 313, 316,
319, 320, 435.

Powell, William, 244.

Preble, Jedediah, 390, 412.

Prescott, James, 384.

Prescott, Judge William, 515.
Prescott, Col. William, 337, 511, 517.
Press, on the service of, 35, 39, 41. On
the liberty of, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48. Tone
of, 92. On politics, 170, 188, 198, 214,
230. On the tea issue, 234, 245, 255,
269, 270. On Union, 369.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Public meeting, on the seizure of the
"Liberty," 61. On the massacre, 134.
On the tea question, 240, 257, 271, 274,

Public meetings, right of, 49. Effect of,
94, 95. Legality of, 97. Hutchinson
on, 114. Speakers at local, 213.
Public opinion, reliance on, 32. Influence
of, 70. Progress of, 94. Formation of,
114. Demand of, 133, 140. Expres-
sion of, 214, 217, 235, 273, 424, 429.
Putnam, Daniel, 505, 515.

Putnam, Israel, 341, 505, 513, 514, 515.


Quincy, Josiah, 64, 334.

Quincy, Josiah, jun., 10, 24, 26, 35, 39, 55,
64, 74, 92, 156, 157, 169, 187, 188, 201.
Speech of, 276. Life of, cited, 169.
Vindication of the destruction of the tea,
284. On union, 156, 157. On hostili-
ties, 421. Death of, 470. Letter to,


Quincy, Norton, 389.

Quincy, Samuel, 64, 83, 103, 290.

Ramsay, David, 332.
Rand. Dr. Isaac, 18.


Reed, Joseph, Letter to, 486.

"Reed's Life of Joseph Reed," cited, 295.
Regulating Act, signed, 327.


of, 331, 340. Reception of, 332, 335.
Resistance to, 348, 349, 361, 366, 400.
Removal of the troops, question of, 101,
133. Petition to the king for, 102, 105.
Instructions on, 114. Demand for, 134,
137, 141. S. Adams on, 144. Counsel
on, 147. Effected, 150. Views of, 151.
Report, Boston, of 1772, authors of, 206.
Abstract of, 207-211. Circulation of,
213. Effect of, 214-217. Criticism on,
216. Hutchinson on, 211, 221. - See

Revere, Paul, 24, 51, 115, 225, 279, 307,
323, 366, 382, 388, 441, 454, 455.
Rives, William C., 218.
Robinson, John, 52.
Robinson, Lemuel, 534.
Rogers, Jacob, 457.
Rogers, Nathaniel, 136.
Romney, 55, 57, 61, 63, 88.
Rotch, Francis, 254, 269-277.

Rowe, John, 63, 64, 68, 83, 321, 465.

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