sians, he declares that Christ" gave some Apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ" (Eph. iv. 11). Now as the "perfecting of the saints" was not for the primitive saints alone, and as "the work of the ministry" still continues, and as "the edifying of the body of Christ" is not completed till the first resurrection; so it follows, of course, that the gifts necessary for these several works must continue also, or the work cannot properly be done. The continuity of the gifts in the church may in like manner be argued from 1 Cor. xii. For, the point which the Apostle contends for being that the body of Christ is one-which body is the church, and each individual a member of that body, without whom the body would be maimed and incomplete-he thence shews the mutual dependence of all the "members in particular" upon each other; the strong and honourable upon the weak and despised, no less than these on those; "that there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another" (ver. 25). But, of all schisms, that is the most dreadful which would sever between the Apostles and the universal church; which would make them, who were men of like passions with ourselves, a distinct order of beings, invested with a saintly dignity to which we may not now aspire; a sort of semi-mediators between Christ and the church-in short, Popish saints. How can any one call himself a Protestant who holds such an absurdity? And the absurdity is increased to the last degree if the Protestant belong to the Church of England, or any church which holds Apostolical transmission or succession. The gifts of God are not an empty name, but bring with them power. When our Lord sent forth the Seventy, he gave them power: the Holy Ghost was given at Pentecost to empower the Apostles for their work (Acts i. 8): and the Ordination Service of the Church of England assumes like power to be given now, by the imposition of the hands of their successors. The Apostle declares that "the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal" (ver.7): and we might fairly conclude from hence, that where there is no manifestation there is no profit; for the manifestation is in the gifts, which he immediately enumerates. But the force of this is evaded by some, in putting a most inconsistent interpretation upon ver. 28, where it is said "God hath set some in the church: first, apostles; secondarily, prophets," &c. This the whole argument of the chapter requires us to understand of the different gifts exercised by different individuals; all of whom are members of the body of Christ, and all co-existing at the time when the Apostle wrote. But almost all the opponents of the continuance of the gifts in the church, starting with the assertion that the apostolic office was the highest, and limited to the twelve Apostles and St. Paul; and that the offices of prophet, teacher, evangelist, &c., were inferior offices, and exercised by persons inferior to the Apostles; do yet most unaccountably arrive at the conclusion, that these inferior offices were also peculiar to the Apostles, and are not to be expected now; and that all the gifts which God set in the church for every man to profit withal are wholly departed: while some have even the hardihood of folly to quote the succeeding chapter in proof that prophecy shall fail and tongues shall cease, and tell us that such a consummation has already arrived; that that which is perfect is come; that we do now see face to face; that we know even as we are known! We would gladly clear up the mistakes in fact, and misstatements of doctrine, which pervade this pamphlet, and almost all the others which have appeared, but the task would be endless from their number and complication. Nor is it necessary, for God is now taking the work in his own hands, and shewing that double operation which has marked every signal interference of God: it becomes a savour of life unto life in those who receive, a savour of death unto death in those who reject, the testimony of God. We can only add our solemn warning to all who have not already hardened themselves, and become abandoned to a reprobate mind, to take care how they trifle with, and, above all, how they mock and deride, what we believe to be a work of God. For though the Lord is slow to anger, and of great mercy, yet he is a jealous God, and will soon-we believe very soonconsume all his enemies in the fire of his indignation. MIRACULOUS CURES. THE CASE OF MARY MAILLARD. (Concluded from vol. iv. p. 481.) The Affidavit of the Child herself. "I, MARY MAILLARD, daughter of John Maillard and Charlotte du Dognon his wife, do testify and declare, That ever since I can remember, from my infancy, I have been very lame, and in a great deal of pain; my hip-bone sticking very much out: and under the bone was a great hollowness, which made me go very uneasy. I have been in England almost five years, and have lived about Soho and Piccadilly all the time; and above a thousand people have seen me; in that miserably lame condition and, whenever I used to walk abroad, a company of boys and girls were wont to flock about me and follow me, calling me by divers ill and reproachful names. My left knee and foot were quite turned inward, and the sole of my foot was upwards; so that I was forced to walk upon my ancle, which made that side much shorter than the other; and that distorted my body on both sides as I walked. It pleased God, that on Sunday, the sixand-twentieth of November last, 1693, as I came from the French church behind Leicester Fields, in the afternoon, several rude boys and girls, that saw me go in that limping and pitiful posture, followed, abusing me in their language, and throwing dirt at me; which troubled me extremely, that I was even ready to cry at their unchristian and barbarous usage of me. When I came home to my mistress, Madle de Laulan, in St. James's Alley, near St. James's Church, in Germain Street, I told her how rudely I had been treated by those children. To which she answered, that I should not complain of it, but take it patiently, as an affliction laid upon me by God for his own wise ends, and the carrying on of his providence in the world. After supper, about eight of the clock in the evening, I took the New Testament in French, and read to her the second chapter of the Gospel of St. Mark, about Christ's curing the sick of the palsy; and, complaining to her of the incredulity of the Scribes, I said to her, stretching out my lame leg as I was wont, Mademoiselle, those folk were very naught, that they would not believe this great miracle. If there were such things done now,' said I, 'I would run and believe too.' And, immediately after these words, my hip-bone snapt aloud, so that she heard it, but thought it had been somewhat in the fire that made that noise. But I replied,' Mademoiselle, I am cured!' and with that I rose up, and, as I thought, heard a voice say, Thou art cured. But she told me I was running mad; but I replied, 'Indeed, Madam, I am cured;' and thereupon went up and down the room as straight as I do now, without any pain at all. Upon which my mistress bid me return hearty thanks to God, and thereupon we went to prayers. And I bless God, I continue so to this hour." } Signed, this 18th day of December, in the year of our Lord 1693. coram me, William Ashurst, Mayor." "I, Renée de Laulan, do certify, that Mary Maillard (commonly called Mariane), daughter of John Maillard and Charlotte du Dognon, hath lived with me two years, or thereabouts, being always very lame, so that she walked with great difficulty, and felt extreme pains. Her left leg was considerably shorter than her right; her foot was also turned inwards; and her thigh-bone was, as far as I could judge, out of its place. She all along continued in that condition till Sunday, the 26th of November last; when, coming from the French church behind Leicester Fields, besmeared with dirt almost all over, and crying, she told me that she had been very ill used by the little children, who had called her many naughty names, such as chiefly reproached her deformity. Whereupon I told her that she ought to take it patiently, and comfort herself in God. At length, after supper, she took the New Testament; and, opening the book, fell upon the place that speaks of the wonderful cure of St. Peter's mother-in-law; and I, at the same time being 6 very ill of an ague, said I had great need of such a Physician. She continued to read on; and then, reading the second chapter of St. Mark, which speaks of the cure of the man sick of the palsy, she seemed to wonder very much at the Jews' incredulity, who would not be convinced upon the sight of such a miracle. 'If such a thing should happen now,' said she to me, 'I would run very quickly, and believe too.' I perceived her then stretching out her leg towards me; and, looking upon it as too uncivil a posture, bid her draw it in again, and told her that it was not decent. She replied, to excuse herself, that she was in a great deal of pain; but, however, she endeavoured to pull it in. And, just at that moment, she heard the snap that her thigh-bone gave; which I heard also, but attributed it to something in the fire. Then she said to me, in a transport of joy, Mademoiselle, I am healed; my bone is slipped into its place again.' I answered, Mariane, thou art a fool.' Said she again, Mademoiselle, I am healed;' and came to embrace my knees, telling me that she thought she heard a voice, saying unto me, Thou art healed. She thereupon went to walk in the chamber, and prayed me to look upon her legs, which appeared to me then of an equal length; and she added, that she felt no more pain. This happened on the said 26th day of November, 1693. And this is all I can say of the healing of this girl : I shall add only this protestation, That neither I myself, nor any other person as I know of, had any share, or contributed in anywise, directly or indirectly, towards it; and that the following day she went out of the lodging, and walked as well as she doth now. This is the testimony I think myself obliged to give to the truth." 66 London, December 23, 1693. coram me, James Vernon." "Renée de Laulan." The Affidavit of Monsieur de Batt, Surgeon. "I, James de Batt, master-surgeon, a French refugee, serving the poor of the committee, do declare, that about two years ago I was called by Charlotte du Dognon, mother of Mariane Maillard, to visit the said Mariane; whom having examined, I found on her left side first a tumour or swelling, which seemed to me to be very considerable, about and a little above the cavity of the ischium, into which the head of the thigh-bone ought to fall. I observed, secondly, that the left leg was considerably shorter than the right. Thirdly, I took notice that her left leg was turned inwards. Having been since called, within these ten days, to visit her, I went thither with Mr. Metayer à French minister, and Mr. Dùlac a gentleman; I found the said Mariane in the following condition. First, the tumour which I had observed appeared to me very inconsiderable, both in feeling and seeing. Secondly, the left leg as long as the right, within very near the thickness of a crown-piece. In the third place, the left leg and foot in the right natural posture and situation. This is the testimony I render unto truth. "Given at London the 16th of December, 1693. The Affidavit of Monsieur Lafargue, Doctor of Physic. "I, John Lafargue, doctor of physic, do declare, that I have known for near these two years Mariane Maillard, whom I have seen, and with whom I have often spoken. I have always observed when I saw her standing that her body bent backwards; and that when she walked she threw herself first on the one side, then on the other, as if she would have broke her back. I have not entered into the same examination concerning the state of her leg, as Monsieur de Batt at that time; but having seen and visited her with him to-day, in the present condition wherein she now is, I can attest, that all which he hath said of her is very true." "Given at London 19th of December, 1693. e The Certificate of Monsieur de la Menardiere. "I do hereby certify that Mrs. Laulan was known in France by many persons of worth and honour, to be a very virtuous, honest woman, and that since her coming here, upon the account of her religion, she has led a very exemplary, pious life, and is respected as such by all who know her. As to what relates to the girl she has taken into her service within these three years, who was lame and halted to a very considerable degree, having endured violent pains in one of her hips; it is most certain that she was considerably eased on Sunday, being the 26th of November. I saw her the very next day myself, in a condition which has raised great admiration in all those that had seen her walk the preceding days; her hip being restored to its natural condition of itself, which is looked upon by every body as an extraordinary deliverance by the immediate hand of God, and almost without example. In witness whereof I have signed this present certificate." London, December 25, 1693. "De la Menardiere.” In this account of Mary Maillard, we shall omit, for the sake of brevity, the certificates of the following persons, as being the same in substance with the above; namely, Daniel Taureau, James Gorgo, Daniel Demier, Thomas Stratt, Eleanor Harding, John Lafargue, John Jortin, physicians; Jean Maillard; James Gemaury and his wife; John de la Cour; Elizabeth Marionneau ; Susanna Peret; John de Seret; Margaret Megee; and Martha Jenkins. The Rev. Henry Briel testifies, that he has "been married to Mrs. Mary Maillard near thirty years, and never knew any weakness or disorder in the thigh which was lame; notwithstanding many sore trials, great difficulties, and uncommon fatigues, which she has undergone during that time. And what is still more remarkable is, that she has been often afflicted with the rheumatism, and now is quite lame therewith on the right side; but the left side, which was thus wonderfully cured, is not |