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1777 BUCKRAM, Schooner. Guns, 8; Men, 45.

Commander: Thomas Snoden.

June 4

Bond: Continental, $5000.

Bonders: Thomas Snoden, of Boston, principal; Daniel
Martin and Thomas Adams, of Boston, sureties.
Owners: Daniel Martin and Thomas Adams.
Witnesses: Timothy Foster, William Lawrence.
M. A., v, 85, 167, 8.

1777 BUCKRAM, Schooner. Guns, 4; Men, 45. Commander: John Cross.

Aug. 21

Owners: John Blake and others, of Boston.

C. C. 196, 11, 53; M. A., 139, 142 (Bond, Sept. 9, 1777, not to enlist any man in New England outside of Massachusetts).

1781 BUCKRAM, Schooner. Guns, 5; Men, 20.

Sept. 19

Commander: John Obey, of Newburyport.
Owners: William and James Bryant, of Boston.
C. C. 196, 11, 54; M. A., 172, 10.

1782 BUCKRAM, Schooner. Guns, 4; Men, 20.

Aug. 22

Commander: Samuel Trask [Trusk?], of Boston.
C. C. 196, 11, 55.

1777 BUNKER HILL, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 35.

[blocks in formation]

Bonders: Moses Lewis, of Well Fleet, principal; Silas
Atkins, jr., and Caleb Hopkins, of Boston, sureties.
Owners: Silas Atkins and others.

Witnesses: Benjamin] Hammatt, jr., James Hughes.
M. A., v, 91, 139, 136, 167, 155.

1778 BUNKER HILL, Schooner. Guns, 7; Men, 35.

May 4, 5 Commander: Isaac Cobb.

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Isaac Cobb, principal; John Lowell and Silas
Atkins, jr., sureties all of Boston.

[ocr errors]

Owners: John Lowell, Silas Atkins, Silas Atkins, jr.,
Ja[me]s Swan, and others.

M. A., v, 90, 93, 139, 170, 168, 279.

1778 BUNKER HILL, Ship. Guns, 20.

Commander: Edward Rolland.

Boston Gazette, Sept. 14, 1778; Pickering Papers, XVII, 151 (William Pickman to Col. Pickering, May 27, 1778).

1778 BUNKER HILL, Ship. Guns, 18; Men, 100. Commander: Nicholas Ogelbe.

Oct. 27

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Nicholas Ogelby [signed Ogelbe], mariner of
Marblehead, principle; Bartholomew Putnam and Ja-
cob Ashton, of Salem, sureties.

Owners: Bartholomew Putnam and Jacob Ashton.
Witnesses: Stephen Higginson, James Jeffry.

M. A., v, 57, 58, 169, 292; Felt, 11, 269 (Reported cap-
tured, Feb. 8, 1779).

1779 BUNKER HILL, Ship. Guns, 20; Men, 110. Commander: John Turner.

Essex Institute, Miscellaneous Ship Papers.

1779 CADWALLADER, Ship. Guns, 14; Men, 60. Commander: Henry Johnson.

Mar. 23

Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Henry Johnson, mariner, principal; Francis Johonnot and George Stewart Johonnot, of Boston, sureties.

Owners: Henry Mitchell and others.

Witnesses: Mary Johonnot, Jona[than] Pollard.

M. A., v, 148, 151, 170, 28.

1781 CAESAR, Ship. Tons, 600; Guns, 26; Men, 70. Commander: Timothy Peirce.

Dec. 26

Petitioners: Jarvis & Russell, of Boston.

Note. Name spelled Caezar in the petition.

M. A., 172, 86; London Chronicle, June 1, 1782: "The Caesar, of 26 guns, from Boston to the West Indies" captured and taken into New York.

1782 CAESAR, Boat. Guns, small arms; Men, 20. Commander: John Harvey, of Boston. C. C. 196, 11, 66; M. A., 172, 184.

Aug. 7

1782 CAESAR, Boat. Guns, small arms; Men, 20. Commander: Benjamin Slater, of Boston. C. C. 196, 11, 67.

Aug. 29




1781 CAMBERWELL, Ship. Guns, 6; Men, 18. Commander: Silas Ewers, of Boston. C. C. 196, 11, 68; M. A., 172, 85.

Dec. 24

1781 Feb. 9

CAPTAIN, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 40.
Commander: John Donaldson, of Salem.

C. C. 196, 11, 72; M. A., 171, 343; Mar. Court Rec., 74;
Salem Gazette, Aug. 21, 1781: “Wednesday last re-
turned into port the privateer brig Captain, John
Dollanson, commander, after being out 24 hours, and
brought in with him the famous Pomroy with his
privateer, having 32 hands out from Penobscot."
Felt, 11, 271 (Captain captured in 1782).

1782 CATCHALL, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 15. Commander: Moses Chase.

Nov. 10

Owners: Miles Ward, jr., and others, of Salem.
C. C. 196, 11, 78.

1779 CATO, Schooner. Guns, 2; Men, 20.

May I


Sept. 8

Commander: William Steward.

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: William Stewart [signed Steward], mariner,
principal; James Swan, Silas Atkins, mariner, Andrew
Oliver, hatter, and Jona [than] Nutting, painter-all of
Boston, sureties.

Owners: Jonathan Nutting and others.

Witnesses: Robert Lash, Nath[anie]l Baker.

M. A., v, 138, 141, 170, 74.

CATO, Schooner. Guns, 4, and 6 swivels; Men, 30.
Commander: Samuel Trusk.

Petitioners: Silas Atkins and others, of Boston.

M. A., 159, 236, 239, 170, 380; Boston Gazette, Nov. 1, 1779.

1779 CATO, Snow. Guns, 10; Men, 30.

[blocks in formation]

Petition signed by Job Prince in behalf of Andrew and
John Cabot, of Beverly.

M. A., 170, 403.

1779 CATO, Schooner. Guns, 4; Men, 20.

Nov. 3

Commander: Noah Stoddard.

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Noah Stoddard, mariner, principal; Thomas

Crafts and Dimond Morton, of Boston, sureties.
Owners: Thomas Crafts and others.

Witnesses: Rob[er]t Robins and Sam[uel] Paine.
M. A., v, 137, 139, 171, 13.

1780 CATO, Schooner. Guns, 5; Men, 18.
Commander: Timothy Weston.

Mar. 23

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Timothy Wheston [signed Weston], mariner, principal; Thomas Crafts and Dimond Morton, of Boston, sureties.

Owners: Dimond Morton and others.

Witnesses: Sarson Belcher, James Arnold.

M. A., v, 128, 131, 171, 103.

1780 CATO, Schooner. Guns, 4; Men, 20.

Sept. 26

Commander: David Allen, of Boston.

C. C. 196, 11, 81; M. A., XL, 97, 171, 282; Mar. Court
Rec., 56.

1781 CATO, Ship. Guns, 10; Men, 40.

Feb. 5

Commander: Benjamin Lunt, of Newburyport.
C. C. 196, 11, 85; M. A., 171, 339.

1781 CATO, Ship. Guns, 12; Men, 40.

Feb. 9

Commander: John Lee, of Newburyport.
C. C. 196, 11, 84.

1781 CATO, Brigantine. Guns, 16; Men, 60.
Commander: Jesse Fearson, of Salem.
C. C. 196, 11, 83; M. A., 171, 400.

May 28

1781 CATO, Schooner.

Aug. 17

Commander: William Morgan, of Boston.

Mar. Court Rec., 73 (The Cato captured the schooner
Sally May 31, 1781, and brought her into Boston.
The case was tried Aug. 27, 1781).

1781 CATO, Brigantine. Guns, 14; Men, 60.
Commander: Johnson Briggs, of Salem.
C. C. 196, 11, 82; M. A., 171, 463; Boston Gazette, Nov.
12, 1781: "A valuable Prize from Jamaica, loaded with
Rum and Sugar, taken by Capt. Briggs in the Cato
Privateer, was cast away, since our last, on Ipswich
Bar; the Men were saved, but the Vessel and Cargo,
excepting about thirty Hogsheads of Rum and a few

[blocks in formation]

Hogsheads of Sugar, were lost." Salem Gazette, Nov. 22, 1781: "Last Monday arrived in a safe port the prize ship St. Mary's Packet, near 400 tons burthen,

. . bound from Jamaica to London, and was taken by the privateer brig Cato, Capt. Briggs, of this port." Salem Gazette, May 9, 1782: "The letter of marque brig Cato, Capt. Briggs, of this port, was taken on the 29th of March by a privateer brig of 16 guns and 75 men."

1781 CATO, Ship. Guns, 16; Men, 50.

Nov. 15

1782 May 6

Commander: John Tittle, of Marblehead.

C. C. 196, 11, 88; M. A., 172, 60; Salem Gazette, June 6, 1782 (New York, May 11): "Last Thursday arrived the ship St. John, Capt. Bowen. . . . This vessel struck without resistance to the Fair American, who the same day fought the ship Cato, Capt. Tittle. . . . It was a smart action lasting three glasses; the Cato was bravely defended against the united attacks. of the Fair American, Digby, and Prince William Henry, cruisers. All the parties were greatly shattered and fortunately for Capt. Tittle, night and fog coming on enabled him to escape with flying colours. His antagonists give him the utmost credit for a very distinguished and truly gallant behaviour." Ibid.: "Among the many gallant actions which have distinguished the Commanders of American ships, during the present war, that lately fought by Captain Tittle, in the ship Cato, was one of the most brilliant. Notwithstanding what is said under the New York head, he had but 12 six-pounders and 35 men. With this small force he greatly damaged and finally beat off three privateers which to say the least were three times his strength. This brave officer (who belongs to Beverly) has, together with his officers and crew, the thanks of his owners and the applause of the public."

CATO, Ship. Guns, 12; Men, 50.

Commander: Daniel Tappan, of Newburyport.
Owners: Caleb and Joseph Tappan, of Newburyport.
Note. A Massachusetts ship credited to Connecticut
in Naval Records of the Revolution.
C. C. 196, 11, 87.

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