1776 BOSTON, Schooner. Guns, 8, and 12 swivels; Men, 50. Bonders: Silas Atkins, jr., Henry Bass, and John Bradford. Owners: Henry Bass & Co., of Boston. Witnesses: Jona[than] Foster, Jona[than] Brown. 1776 BOSTON, Ship. Tons, 400; Guns, 22; Men, 210. Commander: William Brown. Sept. 24 Bond: Continental, $10,000. Bonders: William Brown, mariner, of Lincoln (Middlesex Owners: Paul Dudley Sargent and others, of Boston. M. A., v, 100, 159, 60, 83, 95, 121, 165, 271, 210, 176; 1780 BOSTON. Guns, 18. 1781 July 6 Commander: Emanuel Smith. London Chronicle, Sept. 2, 1780: "An American privateer of 18 guns, six and nine pounders, called the Boston frigate and commanded by Emanuel Smith is taken on the Banks of Newfoundland, after half an hour's engagement, by the Dolphin privateer of Guernsey and carried into St. John's." BOSTON PACKET, Brigantine. Guns, 6; Men, 15. BOSTON BREDENOT 87 1781 Aug. 3 BOSTON PACKET, Brig. Tons, 90; Guns, 6; Men, 15. Petitioners: Codman & Smith, of Boston. M. A., 171, 440. 1775 BOSTON REVENGE, Armed Vessel (schooner). Tons, 32. Commander: Stephen Mascoll. Dec. 7 Bond: £5000. Bonders: Stephen Mascoll, mariner of Salem, principal; Bound to "the treasurer and receiver general of the Owners: Not stated. Witnesses: John Pickering, jr., Tim[othy] Pickering, jr. Note. This is believed to have been the first privateer bond issued in Massachusetts during the Revolution. M. A., VII, 48, 164, 212, 209, 53 (Apr. 22, 1776). 1778 BOWDOIN, Sloop. Guns, 8, and 9 swivels; Men, 45. Commander: Thomas Stevens. July 2 Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: Thomas Stevens, principal; William West and Owners: Samuel Williams and others. M. A., v, 79, 80, 168, 399. 1782 BOWDOIN, Ship. Guns, 12; Men, 60. Commander: Peter Shorey. Essex Institute, Miscellaneous Ship Papers. 1783 BRANDYWINE, Brig. Guns, 6; Men, 30. Commander: Essex Institute, Miscellaneous Ship Papers. 1778 BREDENOT. Guns, 16; Men, 140. Commander: John Stevens, of Salem. 1779 Sept. 4 tacked by four American privateers of 14, 18, and BRILLIANT, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 30. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Bonders: Sam[ue]l Water [signed Waters], principal; Witness: John] Dall. M. A., v, 52, 53, 170, 352. 1781 BRUTUS, Ship. Tons, 206; Guns, 20; Men, 120. Petitioners: George Williams and others, of Salem. M. A., 171, 427; C. C. 196, II, 49. 1781 BUCCANEER, Ship. Guns, 18; Men, 150. July 30 Commander: Hoysted Hacker, of Providence, R. I. 1782 BUCCANEER, Ship. Guns, 18; Men, 120. C. C. 196, 11, 50; M. A., 172, 126; Boston Gazette, Jan. 1777 BUCKRAM, Schooner. Guns, 8; Men, 45 Bonders: William Marony [signed Morony], principal ton. Owners: Thomas Adams and others. Witness: Timothy Foster. M. A., v, 88, 139, 109, 166, 366. |