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he laid himself over the arm chest and barricadoe, determined to keep up the fire, but in a short time, from pain and loss of blood, he was unable to command, growing faint, and they helped him below. As soon as he came to, he found his firing had ceased and his people round him wounded, not having a surgeon with them, in a most distressed situation, most of them groaning and some expiring. Struck severely with such a spectacle, Capt. Tracy ordered his people to take him up in a chair upon the quarter deck and resolved again to attack the ship, which was all this time keeping up her fire; but after getting into the air, he was so faint that he was for some time unable to speak and finding no alternative but they must be taken or sunk, for the sake of the brave men that remained he ordered them to strike to the ship." 1781 YOUNG RICHARD, Brigantine. Tons, 110; Guns, 10; Men, 20. Sept. 4 Commander: William Ropes.

Petition signed by Elisha Sigourney in behalf of Elias
Hasket Derby and others, of Salem.

M. A., 172, I.

1777 ZANGA, Brigantine. Guns, 16; Men, 110. Commander: Arthur Crawford.

July 10

Nov. 8

Bond: Continental, $5000.

Bonders: Arthur Crawford, of Providence, R. I., Perez
Morton and Benjamin Hichborn, both of Boston.
Owners: Perez Morton, Benjamin Hichborn, and others.
Witnesses: James Hughes, Seth Sumner.

M. A., VII, 343, 139, 152, 167, 64.

1780 ZEPHYR, Brigantine. Guns, 4; Men, 15. Commander: George Lane, of Boston. C. C. 196, xv1, 56; M. A., 171, 304.

1775 June 12

1781 Apr. 20

Schooner. Guns, small arms; Men, 20.

Commander: Benjamin Foster, of Machias.

Note. Took part in the capture of the British schooner
Margaretta. See sloop Unity.

Coll. Maine Hist. Soc., vi, 130, 131.

Boat (30-foot keel). Guns, small arms; Men, 10.
Commander: George Claghorn.

1781 Apr. 20




Bond: State, "twenty thousand Dollars in Specie or other
Money equivalent thereto."

Bonders: George Claghorn, mariner of Dartmouth, prin-
cipal; Walter Spooner and Edward Pope, sureties.
Bound to Henry Gardner.

Owners: George Claghorn and others.

Witnesses: Belcher Noyes, jr., W. Harris.

M. A., 139, 277.

Boat. Guns, 4; Men, 20.

Commander: William Cooke, of Dartmouth.
C. C. 196, 1, 7.


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