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1780 May 27


Dec. 12

Bonders: Ishmael Hardy, principal; Isaac White and

Daniel Hopkins, of Salem, sureties.

Owners: Isaac White and others.

Witness: John Dall.

M. A., v, 349, 350, 168, 143.

GRAMPUS, Schooner.

Commander: Thomas Holmes.

M. A., XL, 100; London Chronicle, Sept. 7, 1782:
Two American privateers, one called the Shark and
the other the Grampus, are both taken by his Maj-
esty's cruisers and are carried into St. John's. They
had taken within a fortnight four vessels just off the
Banks and sent them for Salem."

GRAND MONARCH, Ship. Guns, 16; Men, 45.
Commander: David Coats, of Newburyport.
Note. Name spelled Monarque.

C. C. 196, VI, 8I.

1781 GRAND MONARCH, Ship. Guns, 18; Men, 120. Commander: John Lee, of Newburyport. C. C. 196, VI, 8o; M. A., 171, 436.

July 27

June 13

1781 Sept. 27

1781 GRAND TURK, Ship. Guns, 28; Men, 140. Commander: Thomas Simmons, of Salem. C. C. 196, VI, 84; M. A., I7I, 480. GRAND TURK, Ship. Guns, 24; Men, 100. Commander: Joseph Pratt, of Salem. C. C. 196, vi, 82; M. A., 172, 13, 216 (Nov. 2, 1782. Petition of Edward Bacon and others, American prisoners who have come from Halifax on parole. If not exchanged they must return, and there are not enough British prisoners for exchange. Certain British prisoners have entered on board the Grana Turk. The petitioners beg that these may be used for exchange); Boston Gazette, Oct. 22, 1781: “The Copper bottomed private armed Ship Grand Turk, Capt. Pratt, belonging to Salem, which sailed from thence on Wednesday last, returned the next Day, having in that Time captured the Privateer Brig Providence . . . mounting fourteen four-pound cannon and navigated by 65 Men." Ibid., May 6, 1782, May 5, 1783; Salem Gazette, Apr. 3, 1783: "A prize

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

ship, which arrived here on Tuesday last, sailed from England about the 11th of February and was captured in the West Indies on the 12th ult. by the privateer ship Grand Turk, Capt. Joseph Pratt of this port. This prize. . . is near 400 tons burthen and though when taken she mounted 22 nine-pounders and carried 70 men, she struck without firing a gun." See above, Introduction, 57.

1778 GREYHOUND, Schooner. Guns, 2, and 12 swivels; Men, 30. Commander: Benjamin Hammond, jr.

Apr. 21

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Benjamin Hammond, jr., principal; Aaron
Wait and John Dutch, sureties.

Owners: Aaron Wait and others. Place not stated.
Witness: Jno Dall.

Note. The name is usually written Grey Hound.
M. A., v, 353, 354, 168, 265.

1778 GREYHOUND, Schooner. Guns, 2, and 12 swivels; Men, 30. Commander: John Pearce.

Oct. 6

Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000.

Bonders: John Pearce, principal; Aaron Wait and Jerathmeel Peirce, of Salem, sureties.

Owners: Aaron Wait and Jerathmeel Peirce.

Witness: D[aniel] Hopkins.

M. A., v, 361, VI, 2, 169, 199.

1779 GREYHOUND, Schooner. Guns, 10; Men, 30. Commander: Benjamin Hammond.

Mar. 17

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Benjamin Hammond, mariner, principal; Na-
than Pierce [signed Peirce] and John Wait, of Boston
and Salem, sureties.

Owners: Nathan Peirce and others, of Salem.
Witnesses: David Townsend, Isaac Townsend.
M. A., vi, 1, 4, 159, 351, 170, 18.

1779 GREYHOUND, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, II.
Commander: Samuel Croel.

Oct. 13

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Samuel Croel, principal; Aaron Wait and Jerath

meel Peirce, of Salem, sureties.

Owners: Aaron Wait and Jerathmeel Peirce.

Witness: Dan[ie]l Hopkins.

Note. The name is spelled Greyhown.

M. A., v, 351, 352, 170, 424; Essex Inst. Hist. Coll.,
XXI (1884), 127 (Capt. Croel's commission).

1781 GREYHOUND, Schooner. Guns, 8; Men, 35.
Commander: Jacob Wilds, of Salem.

May 7

C. C. 196, VI, 9I; M. A., I7I, 384.

1782 GREYHOUND, Schooner. Guns, 8; Men, 35.
Commander: Jacob Wilds, of Salem.
C. C. 196, VI, 92; M. A., 172, 164.

May 25

Sept. 9

1782 GREYHOUND, Schooner. Guns, 8; Men, 35.
Commander: John Cooke, of Salem.
C. C. 196, vi, 86; Felt, 11, 270.
GREYHOUND, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 25.
Commander: Levi Doane, of Boston.
C. C. 196, VI, 87; M. A., 172, 294.

1783 Feb. 13

1780 GRIFFIN, Brigantine. Guns, 14; Men, 65.
May 16
Commander: Gideon Henfield.

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000.

Bonders: Gideon Henfield, Josiah Orne, and Peter Lander, all of Salem.

Owners: Josiah Orne and Peter Lander.

Witnesses: Samuel Flagg, Will[ia]m Northey.

M. A., v, 344, 345, 171, 161.

1782 GUSTAVUS, Ship. Guns, 16; Men, 70.

Dec. 3

Commander: James Magee, of Boston.
C. C. 196, VI, 95; M. A., 172, 238.

1777 HAMMOND, Schooner. Guns, 2, and 12 swivels; Men, 25. Commander: Jacob Oliver.

Dec. 10

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £500.

Bonders: Jacob Oliver, principal; Robert Shillaber and
D[aniel] Hopkins, sureties.

Owner: Robert Shillaber, of Danvers.

Witnesses: Josiah Austin, Samuel Whittemore.

M. A., vi, 109, VIII, 4, 168, 75

1777 HAMMOND, Schooner. Guns, 2; Men, 25. Commander: Jonathan Woodman.

Dec. 24

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £500.

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Bonders: Jonathan Woodman, principal; Daniel Hopkins

and Robert Foster, sureties.

Owners: Robert Shillaber and others, of Danvers.
Witness: John Dall.

M. A., vi, 108, VIII, 16, 168, 112.

HAMMOND, Brig. Guns, 14.

Hunt, II, 48.

1777 HAMPDEN, Brigantine. Guns, 14; Men, 100. Commander: Benjamin Warren.

July 7

Bond: Continental, $10,000.

Bonders: Benjamin Warren, of Salem, George Cabot and
Francis Cabot, of Beverly.

Owners: George and Francis Cabot and others.
Witness: John Doul.

M. A., vi, 110, 152, 362, 167, 67.

1777 HAMPDEN, Schooner. Guns, 8 swivels; Men, 20. Commander: John Lander.

Oct. 23

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £500.

Bonders: John Lander, principal; Aaron Waitt [signed]
Wait] and Daniel Hopkins, sureties — all of Salem.

Owners: Aaron Wait and Daniel Hopkins.

Witness: Fitch Pool.

Note. The vessel's name is spelled Hamden.
M. A., vi, 96, 97, 167, 356.

1777 HAMPDEN, Brigantine. Guns, 14; Men, 60.
Commander: John Bartlett.

Nov. 29


July 16

Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £500.

Bonders: John Bartlett, of Marblehead, principal; George Cabot, of Beverly, and Jonathan Ingersoll, of Salem, sureties.

Owners: Jonathan Ingersoll and others.

Witnesses: William Lander, jr., Daniel Hathorne.
M. A., vi, 100, 103, 168, 54.

HAMPDEN, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 40.
Commander: John Ashton.

Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000.

Bonders: John Ashton, mariner, principal; George

Dodge, jr., and Joshua Dodge, of Salem, sureties.

Owners: Joshua Dodge and others.

Witnesses: Stephen Floyd, Reuben Alley (State bond); Daniel Bancroft, Jonathan Symonds (Continental bond).

M. A., vi, 48, 49, 168, 446.

1776 HANCOCK, Schooner.

Jan. 1

Commander: John Manley.

Note. Afterwards commanded by Samuel Tucker.
Washington's Fleet.

1776 HANCOCK, Brigantine.

Commander: Wingate Newman.
Boston Gazette, Sept. 2, 1776.

1776 HANCOCK, Brig. Guns, 12; Men, 60.
Commander: Daniel McNeill.

Nov. 29

Bond: Continental, $5000.

Bonders: Daniel McNeill, principal; Arch[ibal]d Mercer
and Philip Moore. Place not stated.
Owners: Archibald Mercer and Philip Moore.
Witnesses: Jona[than] Hastings, jr., Mary Cotton.
M. A., vi, 78, 166, 69; Council Records, Dec. 17, 1776
(The Hancock had sailed and returned to port; and
was held in port by an embargo. A petition that she
be allowed to proceed on her cruise was not granted).

1777 HANCOCK, Sloop. Guns, 8; Men, 50.

June 11

Commander: James Sellers.

Bond: Continental, $5000.

Bonders: James Sellers, of Dartmouth, principal; Israel
Ferring [signed Fearing], and Ebenezer White, sureties.
Owners: Israel Fearing and others, of Wareham.
Witnesses: Oliver Prescott, John Tyler.

M. A., vi, 57, 167, 19.

1777 HANCOCK, Sloop. Guns, 8; Men, 45. Commander: John Sellers.

Sept. 11

Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £500.

Bonders: John Sellers, of Wareham, principal; John Gibbs

and David Nye, sureties.

Owners: John Gibbs and David Nye, of Wareham.
Witness: Eben[eze]r Davis.

M. A., vi, 56, vIII, 13, 167, 227.

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