1778 CUTTER, Schooner. Guns, 8 swivels; Men, 20. Commander: David Smith. Apr. 6 Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £500. 107 Bonders: David Smith, mariner, principal; Aaron Waitt [signed Wait] and Jeremiah Roals [signed Roale], of Salem, sureties. Owners: Aaron Waitt and others. Witness: Fitch Pool. M. A., v, 157, 158, 168, 246. 1780 CUTTER, Schooner. Guns, 7; Men, 45. Commander: Samuel Croel. Mar. 17 Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: Samuel Crowel [signed Croel], principal; John 1780 CUTTER, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 40. Commander: Samuel Croel. July 25 Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: Samuel Crowell [signed Croel], mariner, principal; John Page and Sam[ue]l Ward, of Salem, sureties. Owners: Samuel Page and others. Witnesses: Eben Wales, Caleb Davis. M. A., v, 159, 160, 171, 206. 1780 CUTTER, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 45. Commander: George Ashby, jr., of Salem. C. C. 196, 111, 56; M. A., 171, 299. Nov. 3 1782 CUTTER, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 30. Sept. 27 Commander: Joseph Strout, of Salem. C. C. 196, 111, 58; M. A., 172, 198. 1782 CYRUS, Ship. Guns, 12; Men, 45. Mar. 19 Commander: John O'Brien, of Newburyport. 1782 CYRUS, Ship. Guns, 10; Men, 20. June I Commander: Jonathan Mason, jr., of Salem. 1776 Oct. 7 DALTON, Brigantine. Guns, 18; Men, 120. Bond: $10,000. Bonders: Eleazar Johnson, jr., mariner, Tristram Dalton Owners: Tristram Dalton and Stephen Hooper. M. A., v, 191, 165, 334; N. E. Hist. and Gen. Reg., Apr., 1779 DANIEL, Bark. Guns, 8; Men, 20. Sept. 13 Commander: James Montaudevert. Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Bonders: James Mountadere, mariner, principal; others Owners: Gustavus Fellows and others, of Boston. Signers: J. Montaudevert, Daniel McNeill, Gustavus M. A., v, 180, 183, 170, 394. 1781 DART, Schooner. Guns, 2; Men, 25. Aug. 28 Commander: Lemuel Perkins, of Salem. Owners: Nathaniel Brookhouse, of Marblehead, and others. C. C. 196, 111, 66. 1781 DART, Schooner. Tons, 25; Guns, 6; Men, 20. Dec. 12 Commander: William Gray. Petition signed by Miles Ward in behalf of Nathan Good- Note. Dated Dec. 24 in Council Records. 1782 DART, Schooner. Guns, 10; Men, 25. Mar. 5 1782 DART, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 22. Commander: Zenas Cook, of Salem. C. C. 196, 111, 63. July 10 DALTON DECOY 109 1782 DART, Schooner. Guns, 4; Men, 25. Commander: Thomas Dexter, of Salem. C. C. 196, 111, 65; M. A., 172, 255. Dec. 9 1779 DAUPHIN, Schooner. Guns, 6; Men, 12. Commander: Thomas Powars. July 11 Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: Thomas Powars, mariner, principal; Dan[ie]l Den[niso]n Rogers and Benj[amin] Call, of Boston, sureties. Owners: Benjamin Call and others. Witnesses: John Browne Fitch, Samuel Call. M. A., v, 196, 199, 170, 216 (petition signed by Benjamin Call in behalf of John Rowe). 1782 DAUPHIN, Brig. Guns, 6; Men, 20. Nov. 4 1780 Dec. 9 Commander: William Brown, of Boston. DEANE, Ship. Guns, 30; Men, 210. Commander: Elisha Hinman. Note. This vessel was owned in Connecticut, at least when she was bonded in that state, June 6, 1780 (C. C. 196, 111, 69). M. A., XLIV, 392, 393: "Descriptive Roll of Men Belonging to the Privateer Ship Deane, Elisha Hinman, Commander. Boston, Novr. 1780," 3924: "Suffolk, Decr. 9th, 1780. then Elisha Hinman, Esqr. appeared and made oath that the foregoing is a Just and true discriptive list of the officers, marines, and mariners belonging to the Ship Deane, commanded by himself. Before me, Joseph Greenleaf, Justice peace." 1780 DECOY, Schooner. Guns, 7; Men, 25. Commander: Silas Howell. May 11 Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: Silas Howell, of Manchester, principal; Nathan Nichols and Jerathmeel Pierce [signed Peirce], of Salem, sureties. Owners: Nathan Nichols and Jerathmeel Peirce. Witness: Daniel] Hopkins. M. A., v, 194, 197, 171, 156. 1779 DEEPFall. Commander: London Chronicle, Aug. 28, 1779: “The Deepfall privateer, of Salem, is taken by the Nancy letter of marque, after an engagement of two hours, and carried into New York.' 1779 DEFENCE, Boat. Tons, 8; Guns, 6 swivels; Men, 15. Commander: Silas Hatch, jr. May 13 1779 July 6 Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: Silas Hatch, jr., principal; Nathaniel Freeman and Joseph Dimick [signed Dimuck], of Falmouth. Owners: Joseph Dimuck and others. Witnesses: N. Bodfish, E[benezer?] Nye. M. A., v, 174, 177, 170, 95 (Intention of petitioner to DEFENCE, Brigantine. Tons, 170; Guns, 16; Men, 100. Bond: Continental, $5000; State, £4000. Bonders: John Edmonds, principal; Andrew Cabot and Owner: Andrew Cabot. Witness: Job Prince, jr. Note. On the Penobscot Expedition and destroyed to prevent capture. M. A., v, 144, 147, XXXVII, 178, 280, 170, 209. 1780 DEFENCE, Brigantine. Guns, 14; Men, 50. Commander: John Edmonds. Mar. 24 Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Bonders: John Edmonds, mariner, principal; Andrew sureties. Owner: Andrew Cabot. Witness: Samuel Colesworthy, jr. M. A., v, 142, 145, 171, 104. 1781 DEFENCE, Ship. Guns, 16; Men, 50. Commander: John Edmonds. Salem Gazette, Jan. 16, 1781: For Bilboa. "The Ship DEEPFALL DELIGHT III Will sail by the first of February. . . . For Particu- 1781 DEFENCE, Sloop. 1781 Nov. 18 Commander: James Nivens. Massachusetts State Navy. DEFENCE, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 16. Commander: Robert Rentoul, of Salem. Note. The captain's name is also spelled Rantoul and C. C. 196, III, 74; M. A., 172, 63. 1782 DEFENCE, Brigantine. Guns, 10; Men, 16. Oct. 26 1779 DEFIANCE, Brigantine. Guns, 6; Men, 15. Commander: Jonathan Parsons. Jan. 4 Bond: Continental, $10,000; State, £4000. Bonders: Jonathan Parsons, mariner, principal; Nathaniel Tracy, of Newburyport, surety. Owner: Nathaniel Tracy. Witnesses: Joseph Chapman, jr., William Payne. 1779 DEFIANCE. Guns, 12. London Chronicle, June 24, 1779: "The Defiance, an American privateer of 12 guns, belonging to Salem, is taken by a letter of marque after an engagement of two hours and carried into New York." 1782 DEFIANCE, Boat. Guns, small arms; Men, 9. Commander: William Read, of Freetown. C. C. 196, 111, 78; M. A., 172, 204. Oct. 12 1780 DELIGHT, Schooner. Tons, 60; Guns, 10; Men, 50. Commander: Seth Story. Aug. 28 Petitioners: Nath[anie]l Silsbee and others, of Salem. |