Imágenes de páginas


Page 54, Note, for genetive read genitive
Page 80, line 18, for whenever read when.

Page 81, line 7, for amelioration read melioration.

Page 118, line 9, for merey, read mercy; line 13, for cou-

duct read conduct

Page 136, line 13, dele that.

Page 137, line 5, dele he.

Page 138, line 18, for effeet read effect.

Page 143, line 3, for the read his.

Page 157, line 15, for shall read shalt.

Page 183, head line, for edcaution, read education.

Page 192, line 16, for the read the.

Page 212, line 6, for man read men.

Page 220, line 21, for Commannment read Commandment.

Page 246, line 6, dele but.


Campbell, Mrs.
Clarke, Rev. G.

Croft, R. Esq. 2 Copies

Cox, Mrs.

Chapman, Rev. J.

Cumberland, Rev. R. D.

Croome, Mr. R.

Church, Rev. Τ.

Church, T. Esq.

Douglas, Rev. Dr. Archdeacon of Wilts

Douglas, Miss

Douglas, Mrs.

Daubeny, Rev. Mr.

Denman, Dr. M. D. 2 Copies

Drake, Sir Francis, Bart.

Dreyer, Rev. Mr.

Day, Mr. William

Exeter, Bishop of, 2 Copies

Fendall, William, Esq.

Ferrers, Rev. Edmund

Fordyce, Mrs. 4 Copies

Forth, W. S. Esq.

Forth, Mrs.

Fosbrooke, Rev. T. D.

Furs, Mr.

Faucks, Mr. Charles

Gloucester, Bishop of, 5 Copies

Grey, Rev. Mr.

Green, Mrs. G.

Goode, Benjamin, Esq.

Gregory, Mr.

Grooby, Rev. Mr.

Guerin, Rev. Mr.

Goffe, William, Esq.

Hereford, Bishop of

Holder, J. H. Esq.

Hyde, Major

Hicks, Henry, Esq. 2 Copies

Holmes, -, Esq.

Hollis, Mr. J. S.

Jefferies, Edward, Esq.

Jones, T. Esq.

Johnson, Rev. William

Ind, Edward, Esq. 2 Copies

Kingsbury, M. Esq.
King, Mr. Richard


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