TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE SPENCER PERCEVAL, M. P. Chancellor of the Exchequer, &c. &c. &c. SIR, THE benevolent Attention you have paid to the Melioration of the state of the inferior Clergy, will, I hope, induce you to receive the Dedication of this small Volume, as a Mark of Gratitude and Respect. The Time, I trust, is not far distant, when, chiefly by your persevering and humane Exertions, every Parish will be enabled fairly A2 to to expect and require its appropriate resident Clergyman. The total absence of Laymen from their Estates, is a great Injury to Society, but the Non-residence of any established Ecclesiastic, either Rector, Vicar, or Curate, is an Evil attended with the worst Consequences to the Interests of Religion and Morality. I have the Honor to be, SIR, Your obedient Servant, A. FRESTON, EDGWORTH, JUNE 3, 1809. TO THE READER. THE Author begs leave to apologize for printing the few Greek Notes that occur in these Sermons, in the Roman Character. He has experienced, upon former Occasions, so much Delay, and so many Mistakes in the Greek Type, that he hopes it will be excused upon the present. The chief Object, is to give the Authority for an Assertion; and to the Learned, he hopes, this will be done as well by the Method now resorted to, as by the other, which it certainly gave him great concern not to adopt. |