on, and take fhall take an impreffion of every fuch feal or stamp in a book to an impreffion be kept for that purpose, and shall enter in fuch book, the name in a book, &c. and defignation of the perfon by whom he was employed, and to 1 what person and at what time fuch feal or ftamp was delivered, under the penalty of fifty pounds fterling for each of the said offences. Penalty of XXII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, counterfeiting That if any perfon or perfons fhall counterfeit any feal or stamp Lamps. made in pursuance of this act, or any feal or ftamp of any ftampmafter appointed by the trustees for the linen manufacture in Ireland, he, the or they fo counterfeiting the fame, and being thereof lawfully convicted before the court of jufticiary at Edinburgh, or in the circuits, fhall fuffer and incur the fame pains and penalties as perfons by the law of Scotland, convicted of forgery. XXIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, heckles, and That every maker of heckles, fpinning-wheels, reels, weavingweavers, free looms and weaving-reeds, and also every weaver or manufactuto exercise their trades rer of linen, flaxen or hempen cloth, or heckler or dreffer of in any city,&c. flax or hemp, fhall and may, and is hereby authorized to exercife the faid refpective trades, within any city, town, corporation, burgh or place in Scotland, without any lett or hindrance from any perfon or perfons whatsoever, and without being chargeable or charged with payment of any entry-money or other duty whatsoever, for or in refpect of their following fuch trade or business. Makers of Penalty of ob cers. XXIV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, ftructing offi- That no perfon or perfons fhall by force or violence obftruct, hinder or impede any officer appointed or to be appointed by the faid trustees in the due execution of his duty, under the penalty of forfeiting a fum not exceeding fifty pounds, nor less than five pounds fterling, for every fuch offence. Offences how to be tried. Penalties to be paid to the profecutor. ctions. XXV. And it is hereby enacted, That all offences against this act (except only as to the counterfeiting of feals or stamps) shall and may be heard and determined by the juftices of peace or magiftrates of any burghs, or any one of them, within their refpective jurisdictions, after the fame form and manner, and with the fame powers as are prefcribed and mentioned in the aforefaid act, with regard to offences committed against that act, and that all offences against this and the aforefaid act, (except as aforefaid) fhall and may be alfo heard and finally determined by any of his Majesty's fheriff or ftewart deputes, or their fubftitutes, fubject only to an appeal to the lords of justiciary or their circuit courts. XXVI. And it is hereby declared, That all penalties or forfeitures which fhall be incurred for all the offences against this act, fhall be paid and delivered to the informer or profecutor, and be adjudged to be payable and deliverable to him. XXVII. Provided always, That all actions shall be commencLimitation of ed for offences against this act, and the faid former act, within twelve months after the commiffion of fuch offence; and all actions to be commenced for the fame fhall ceafe and determine, and are hereby discharged from and after the expiration of eight full months from the commencement of the fuit; and if any appeal, either from the magiftrates orjuftices of the peace to the quarter feffions, or from the theriff or stewart deputes, or their fubftitutes, to the circuit court, fhall not be determined at the expiration of eight months from the commencement of the action, the sentence appealed from shall take place, and be put in execution, as if no appeal had been entered against the faid fentence. ner. XXVIII. And it is hereby enacted and declared by the authority aforefaid, That all theriff and stewart deputes, theriff Act to be inand ftewart fubftitutes, juftices of peace, and magiftrates of terpreted in burghs, fhall interpret and put this act, and the faid former act the most bein execution, in the moft beneficial manner for promoting the neficial manlinen and hempen manufactures; and if any of the faid sheriffs or stewarts, juftices or magiftrates, fhall wilfully neglect or re- Penalty on fufe to execute the powers and authorities committed to them magiftrates by this and the faid former act, so as that fuch neglect or refufal refufing to fhall tend to the difcouragement or detriment of the faid manufactures, fuch neglect or refufal shall be and be taken to be a point of dittay, and the perfon or perfons fo offending may be profecuted before and punished by the lords of jufticiary, in manner prescribed by the faid former act. execute the powers. XXIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the comptroller of the customs in Scotland, or his deputy, Comptroller fhall, without fee or reward, in the month of December yearly, of the cuf on demand, deliver in to the faid truftees an account for the toms to deliyear ending at Midfummer preceding, of all flax-feed and hemp- ver a yearly feed, and of all flax and hemp, and alfo of all pot-afhes, and account to the all linen, flaxen or hempen yarn, and linen cloth, imported in- fax, cloth, to Scotland, diftinguishing the feveral ports from whence, and pot-afhes, &e. at which the fame were imported; as alfo an account of all imported and flax and hemp, and of all linen, flaxen or hempen yarn, and exported. alfo of all pot-afhes fhipped in and exported from Scotland, diftinguishing the feveral ports from and to which the fame thall be fhipped, and of all linen cloth shipped in and exported from Scotland, diftinguishing the feveral ports from and to which the fame fhall be shipped and exported, and diftinguishing the feveral bounties paid upon the exportation of fuch cloth. tees, XXX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Contracts, &c, That all contracts, fecurities and agreements entered into and entered into taken by authority of the faid trustees for promoting of the faid by the truf linen and hempen manufactures, or any particular branch thereof, may be entered into, and taken in the name of their secretary for the time being, and his fucceffors in office, for the use of the fund established by the faid act for encouraging the linen manufacture in Scotland; and all bonds obligations and other Bonds, &c fecurities, for the faithful execution of any office, or for the performance of any other matter or thing relating to the faid manufacture, fhall and may be taken in the name of the faid fecretary for the time being, and his fucceffors in office, for the and fuits, &c ufe of the faid fund; and all diligences, fuits, actions, and to be in the proceffes, may be iffued and carried on in confequence of fuch cretary's Q3 con, name, Commence contracts, fecurities and agreements, bonds and obligations, and profecuted to a final iffue, in the name and at the inftance of the faid fecretary for the time being. XXXI. And be it further enacted, That this act, and all the ment of the authorities, powers, matters and things herein contained, shall commence and take place from the twenty fifth day of December one thousand seven hundred and fifty one, a&t. CAP. XXXII. An act for enlarging the term and powers granted by two acts of parliament, For repairing the road from Wendover to the town of Buckingham in the county of Bucks; and alfo for repairing and widening the road leading from the west end of the faid town of Wendover to the end of a lane called Oak-Lane, next the great road called The Oxford road, lying between the town of Beconsfield in the faid county of Bucks, and Uxbridge in the county of Middlefex, and that part of the faid great road which leads from the west end of the faid town of Beconsfield to the river Colne near Uxbridge aforesaid. The gets 7 Geo. 1. c. 24. and 15 Geo. 2. c. 5. comtinued for 21 years. CAP. XXXIII. An act for enlarging the term and powers granted by an act of parliament paffed in the fourth year of his present Majesty's reign, for repairing the roads leading from the most southern part of Butt Lane, in the parish of Lawton in the county palatine of Chefter, to Lawton; and from thence to Henshall's Smithy upon Cranage Green in the faid county; and for making the faid act more effectual. The act 4 Geo. 2. c. 3. continued for 21 years. CAP. XXXIV. An att for the better prefervation of the game in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. WHEREAS it is necessary that the laws now in force in Scotland, for regulating the times for killing the game, and for preventing the abufes of carriers, poachers and others carrying and felling the fame, fhould be amended and made more effectual; be it therefore enacted by the King's moft excellent majesty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled and by the authority of the fame, That no perfon in Scotland partridge or fhall, upon any pretence whatfoever, kill or destroy any moor not to be kill. fowl, from the first day of January to the tenth day of July, or ed out of fea- any partridge or heath fowl, from the first day of February to the twentieth day of Auguft in any year. Moor fowl, heath fowl, fon. Penalty on perfon not qualified to kill game, having any in his cuitody. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no perfon whatfoever, not qualified to kill game in Scotland, fhall have in his or her cuftody, or carry at any time of the year, upon any pretence whatsoever, any hares, partridges, pheafants, muir fowl, heath fowl, fnipes or quails, without the leave or orders of a qualified perfon firft obtained, for carrying fuch hares or other game, or for having the fame in his or her cuftody. Penalty of III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, tranfgrefing That every perfon tranfgreffing this act, fhall for the first offence this act. forfeit forfeit and pay the fum of twenty fhillings fterling; and for the fecond and every other fubfequent offence, the fum of forty fhillings fterling; which respective fines fhall and may be levied by diftrefs and fale of the goods of the offender; and in cafe of infolvency the party offending fhall fuffer imprisonment for the fpace of fix weeks for the first offence, and for the space of three months for the second and every other fubfequent offence. IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Offences how That all offences against this act fhall and may be enquired into to be tried. and determined, either by the oath or oaths of one or more cre dible witness or witneffes, or by the confeffion or oaths of the parties accused, before any two or more of his Majesty's justices of the peace, or before the theriff of the county where the offence thall be committed, or where the offender thall be found; and that all profecutions for offences against this act shall be carried on either at the inftance of the fifcal of court, or of any other perfon who will inform or complain. V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Application of That one moiety of the forfeitures to be incurred for any offence the forfeitures. against this act fhall, when recovered, be paid to the informer or profecutor, and the other moiety fhall be applied for such publick fervices within the county where the offence fhall be committed, as the justices of the peace or the sheriff respectively shall direct, before whom the offender fhall be convicted. VI. Provided always, That any perfons aggrieved by the Perfons agjudgement of the faid justices or sheriff refpectively, fhall have grieved may liberty to appeal to the next general or quarter feffion, in cafe appeal. fuch judgement was given by any juftices of the peace as aforefaid, or to the lords jufticiary in their next circuit court, or (where there are no circuit courts) to the court of justiciary at Edinburgh, in cafe the judgement complained of was given by the theriff of any county; and that the determination of the faid general or quarter fellion, or of the faid circuit court, fhall be final and conclufive to all parties. CAP. XXXV. An act for repairing the high roads in the county of Edinburgh, to and from the city of Edinburgh; and from Cramond Bridge to the town of Queen's Ferry in the county of Linlithgow. A private act, 12 Ann. ft. 2. enlarged and continued for 21 years. CAP, XXXVI. An act for building a bridge over the river Ribble, between the townships of Preston and Penwortham, near a place called the Fish-house, in the County palatine of Lancaster. CAP. XXXVII. An act for dividing the parish of Saint Philip and Jacob in the county of Gloucester and in the city and county of Briftol; and for erecting a church in the new intended parish. W HEREAS the inhabitants of that part of the now or late foreft or chafe of Kingswood which lies in the parish of Saint Philip and Jacob in the county of Gloucester, within the diocese of Bristol, are very numerous, and at a great distance from the mother church in the city of Bristol, which Jaid church is not large enough to contain all the inhabitants: and whereas it is now propofed, for the better accommodation of the faid inhabitants, to erect a new church upon the faid now or late foreft or chafe, to be confecrated and used for the publick worship of God, and the inftruction of the inhabitants there in the chriftian religion, as it is now profeffed in the church of England, and established by the laws of this realm; and to promote fo good a work, Thomas Chefter, efquire, lord of the manor of that part of the faid now or late foreft or chafe of Kingswood as lies in the faid parish of Saint Philip and Jacob in the faid county of Gloucester, hath proposed to grant a piece of ground commodiously fituated in the centre of the new intended parish, for the fite of a church and a church-yard, vicarage houfe and gardens, and for other purposes relative to the defign; and the right reverend the lord bishop of Durham (late of Bristol) for promoting fo good a defign, is dif pofed and ready to give the fum of four hundred pounds, towards the endowment of the new intended vicarage, for the maintenance of a minifter or vicar, who shall refide in the vicarage house, and in order to obtain the like fum of four hundred pounds to be added thereto, by the governors of the bounty of Queen Anne, for the augmentation of the maintenance of the poor clergy, for the further augmentation of the maintenance of fuch minifter or vicar of the faid new intended parish: and whereas feveral charitable and well-difpofed perfons, to encourage fo pious an undertaking, have contributed, and are ready to contribute, towards the erecting and finishing fuch church, and an boufe for the minifter or vicar to refide in, and for the better endowing the fame, in cafe there shall be an overplus: and whereas the mayor, burgeffes and commonalty of the city of Bristol, patrons of the vicarage of the faid parish church of Saint Philip and Jacob, and the inhabitants of the faid parife, are willing and defirous that a new church and houfe may be erected as aforefaid, and that a proper district round the intended church may be appointed, in order to feparate the fame from the faid parish, and make it a diftinct and feparate parish: and whereas, for preventing the trouble of feparating and dividing the fame by commiffioners, they the faid inhabitants and parishioners of the parish of Saint Philip and Jacob aforefaid, have agreed among themselves on the diflrict of and for the new intended church and parish, and fettled the limits and bounds thereof; which diftri fo limited and bounded, is, as herein after is mentioned and expreffed; that is to fay, From a bridge at the foot of Lawrence |