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in the

III. And, the better to uphold, maintain, and defend, all such forts, factories, and settlements, on the coast of Africa, as now are erected, or hereafter shall be thought neceffary to be erected, for the fecuring and better carrying on the faid trade, The forts. be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all and fettlements, every the British forts, settlements, and factories on the coaft and factories, of Africa, beginning at Cape Blanco aforefaid, and extending &c. of the from thence to the Cape of Good Hope inclusive, and all other Royal African the regions, countries, dominions, territories, continents, company coafts, pores, bays, rivers, and places, lying and being with- newcompany. in the aforesaid limits, and the islands near adjoining to those coafts, and comprehended within those limits, which are now claimed by, or are in the possession of, the Royal African Company of England, or which may be hereafter in the possession of the company hereby established, thall, from and after the paffing of an act of parliament for divesting the African company of their charter, forts, castles, and military stores, canoe men, castle flaves, and all other their property on the coast of Africa, their goods and merchandizes only excepted, be absolutely vested in the faid new company established by this act and their fuccessors, to the intent and purpose that the said forts, settlements, and premisses, thall be employed at all times hereafter, only for the protection, encourageinent, and defence, of the faid trade.

trade in their

IV. And it is hereby further enacted by the authority afore- Company profaid, That it shall not be lawful for the company established by hibited to this act, to trade to or from Africa in their corporate or joint ca- joint capacity, pacity, or to have any joint or transferrable stock, or to borrow &c. or take up any fum or fums of money on their common feal.

nine to be

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That A committee the direction and management of the affairs of the faid company oftene annu hereby established, shall be in and by a cominittee of nine per- ally to mafons, to be chosen annually, as hereafter is mentioned, who are nage the afto meet and affemble together, from time to time, as often as fairs of the shall be necessary, at some place in the city of London; and the company. committee-men for the time being, or any five or more of them, or the major part of them so assembled, hall, from and after the pafling such act of parliament for divesting the African company of their charter, forts, castles, and military stores, canoe men, castle flaves, and all other their property on the coast of Africa, as aforesaid, or before the passing such act, so far as the faid African company shall consent thereto, have full power, from time to time, to make orders for the governing, maintaining, preferving, and improving the forts and factories already built, or which hereafter fhall be built, within the limits aforesaid; and to appoint governors, deputy governors, or any other officers, civil or military, of or for the faid forts and settlements, and them to remove and displace when they thall fee fit, and to make orders and regulations for the better government of the faid officers and fervants abroad, and to take security from them for their good behaviour, and for their paying due obedience to the regulations established by this act, and to fuch other orders and regulations as the faid committee shall, from time to time, think VOL. XX.



No restraint to be laid on the trade, or traders.

dom in the

meet on 10


proper to make; so as no orders or regulations, to be made by the said committee, shall tend to lay any restraint whatsoever on the faid trade or traders to or from Africa, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act.

VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the traders, or persons intending to trade to or from Af

Traders who shall pay 40s. for their free- rica, who, in order to be admitted into the freedom of the faid company, shall, on or before the thirtieth day of June, one thoucompany, to sand seven hundred and fifty, have paid into the hands of the chamberlain of the city of London, the sum of forty shillings each July, and choose the first for their freedom in the faid company, thall or may meet and assemble on the tenth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, in the guildhall of the faid city; and they, or the major part of them so assembled, shall or may choose three persons: and that in like manner fuch others of the traders to or from Africa who, in order to be admitted into the freedom of the said new company, thall, on or before the faid thirtieth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, have paid into the hands of the clerk of the merchants hall in the city of Bristol, the sum of forty shillings each for their freedom of the faid company, thall or may affemble on the tenth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, in some convenient place in the city of Bristol; and they, or the major part of them so affembled, thall choose three other persons; and that in like manner such other of the traders to or from Africa, who, in order to be admitted into the freedom of the faid new company, shall, on or before the said thirtieth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, have paid into the hands of the town clerk of Liverpool, the sum of forty shillings each for their freedom in the faid company, shall or may affemble on the said tenth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, in the town hall of Liverpool; and they, or the major part of them, who shall be so assembled, shall and may choose three other persons; and the nine persons so to be chosen in the manner before expressed, shall be the first annual committee for managing the affairs of the faid company, and shall

who are to

one year.

continue for continue in office for one year, and until others shall be chosen in their room respectively, as is herein after mentioned.

VII. And it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforeElections to be faid, That in all future elections, the said committee of nine

persons shall annually, on the third day of July in every year, be nominated and chosen as follows; that is to say, three of the faid committee shall be nominated and chosen by the major part of the freemen of the said company, admitted to the freedom of the faid company in London, who shall assemble for that purpose at London; three other persons to be of the said committee, shall be chosen and nominated by the major part of the freemen of the faid company admitted to the freedom of the faid company in Bristol, who shall affemble for that purpose at Bristol; and three other persons to be of the said committee, shall be chosen and nominated by the major part of the freemen of the faid company admitted to the freedom of the faid company in the

on 3 July



town of Liverpool, who shall assemble for that purpose at Liverpool.


VIII. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the major part of the freemen of the faid company, Power to made free at London, assembled for that purpose at London, from choose other time to time, at their will and pleasure, to choose and fupply one men in the or more committee-man, or committee-men, in the place or room of those places of any of the committee-men by them chofen, that shall who shall die, happen to die, be removed, or refuse to act; and in like man- &c. ner, That it shall and may be lawful for the major part of the freemen of the faid company, made free at Bristol, assembled for that purpose at Bristol, trom time to time, at their will and pleafure, to choose and fupply one or more committee-man or committee-men, in the place or places of any of the committee-men by them chosen, that shall happen to die, be removed, or resuse to act: and that it shall and may be lawful for the major part of the freemen of the faid company, made free at Liverpool, assembled for that purpose at Liverpool, from time to time, at their will and pleasure, to choose and fupply one or more committeeman, or committee-men, in the place or places of any of the committee-men by them chosen, that shall happen to die, be removed, or refuse to act: and publick notice shall be inserted to days noin the London Gazette, previous to every such election, by the tice of fuch committee for managing the affairs of the faid company, of the election to be given in the time and place when and where such election is to be had, ten London Gadays at least before the time appointed for fuch election.


fuch as hall

IX. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the autho- If no election rity aforesaid, That in case at the time appointed for the first be made by and other elections of the said committee-men, the traders ad- the traders of mitted to their freedom, in any one or more of the faid cities one town and towns respectively, shall neglect to proceed to fuch choice; be elected by in that cafe, such other of the persons who shall be chosen by the other, shall the traders admitted to their freedom in the other of the faid manage the cities or towns, or the major part of them, though less in num- affairs. ber than nine, shall or may act as the committee for managing the affairs of the faid company, until the next annual election; and that all elections of committee-men for managing the affairs

of the faid company, shall be determined by the majority of Where 3 July votes then present; and that in all cases, where the third day of shall be a SunJuly shall happen to fall or be on a Sunday, the annual election day, the elecof committee-men shall be had and made on Monday the fourth tion to be on the 4th.

day of July.

X. Provided always, That in case of an equality of votes, In equality of the lord mayor of London, the mayor of Bristol, and the mayor votes, the of Liverpool respectively, shall and inay determine which of such mayor to depersons shall be the committee-man or committee-men.


XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That First meeting the said committee for managing the affairs of the said new of the com company, shall meet together for the first time on the first Mon-mittee. day in Auguft, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, and shall then fettle the manner of their future meetings, and of the notices and summons to be fent for that purpose, from time to time,

[blocks in formation]


No orders of
the commit-

tee to which
all are not

to the members of the said committee; and no order or resolution of the said committee, to which all the members of the

said committee, present at the making thereof, shall not be conconsenting, to senting, shall be valid or binding, unless the same shall be apbe valid, un- proved and confirmed at a subsequent meeting of the said comless confirmed mittee, at which all the members of the said committee shall at afubfequent be present, or of which, such of them as shall happen to be ab


chairman to be chosen.

fent, shall have had the usual notice.

XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That on every meeting of the said committee, when the time prefixed for entering on business shall be come, and the said nine committee-men, or fo many of them as are necessary to make a committee, shall be present, before they enter upon business, a chairman thall be chosen by lot out of the committee-men then present, who shall take the chair for that meeting; and shall not be permitted to give his vote that day on any question before the faid committee, unless there shall happen to be an equality of votes on any question or questions; in all which cafes the faid chairman shall be at liberty to give his vote on which the choice of fide of the question he shall judge to be right; and to prevent the chairman any of the faid committee-men from being designedly absent

men absent at

not to vote.

when a chairman is to be chosen, every committee-man, who shall not be present at the choice of the chairman, shall not be permitted to vote on any question before the committee that day; but shall be at liberty to be present, and give his opinion in all matters whatsoever, as any other committee-man may do: and all matters which shall be decided by a plurality of votes of fuch committee-men as shall be intitled to vote, shall be deemed and taken to be decided by a majority of committee-men present;. any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding.

XIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Traders pay- That fuch of his Majesty's subjects, who thall, on or before the ing 40s. on or before 30 faid thirtieth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and fifty June, 1750, to pay to the chamberlain of London, the clerk of the merchants

be the first

hall in Bristol, or the town clerk of Liverpool respectively, the members, &c. fum of forty shillings each, for their freedom in the said company, shall be the first freemen and members of the said new company established by this act: and that, from and after the said thirtieth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, any other of his Majesty's subjects, trading, or intending to trade to or from Africa, shall and may be admitted to be a freeman or member of the said company at London, Bristol, or Liverpool, upon his payment of the sum of forty shillings for the fame, to such perfon or perfons, as the committee for managing the affairs of the said company shall, and are hereby required, from time to time, to appoint to receive the fame in London, Bristol, or Liverpool, respectively.

Persons ad

mitted after

30 June, not
to vote at any
election for

XIV. Provided always, That no persons so admitted, after the faid thirtieth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, shall be intitled to vote for the election of any committeeman, until one year after such admission.


XV. And

XV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Certificates of That the chamberlain of London, the clerk of the merchants perfons admitted. hall in Bristol, the town clerk of Liverpool, and fuch other persons whom the committee for managing the affairs of the faid company shall, at any time hereafter, appoint to receive the faid fums of forty shillings for the admission of persons into the freedom of the said company, thall, upon their receiving the same, sign and deliver a certificate to the perfon paying the fame, certifying his having paid the sum of forty shillings for his being admitted into the freedom of the faid company; for which certificate there shall be paid to the perfon appointed to receive certificate. the faid sums of forty shillings, the fum of two shillings and fix pence, and no more, as a fee or reward for his trouble therein, Names of the and the names and places of abode of every person paying the company to faid fum of forty shillings, shall be entered in any book or books be entered. which the perfon receiving the same is hereby required to keep for that purpose.

Fee of the

XVI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Sums received That the chamberlain of London, the clerk of the merchants hall for freedoms, to be paid to at Bristol, and the town clerk of Liverpool, shall respectively pay the order of over the several fums of forty shillings, which shall have been the commitpaid to them for freedoms of the faid company, to such person tee, &c. or persons whom the committee of the faid company shall authorize to receive the same; and shall, at the fametime, deliver over the books, in which the names and places of abode of the persons who shall have respectively paid the said fums of forty shillings each for their freedoms in the faid company, shall have been entered, to such person or persons as the faid committee shall appoint to receive the same.

XVII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Receivers to That the perfon or pay the fame persons who shall, from time to time, be ap- anually, and pointed by the said committee at London, Bristol, and Liverpool, to deliver lifts to receive the faid sums of forty shillings, payable by persons of the names, on their being admitted into the freedom of the faid company, shall annually, or oftener, if required by the said committee, pay and deliver over all fuch sums, which shall have been paid to them respectively for freedoms in the faid company, together with lifts of the names and places of abode of the persons from whom they shall have respectively received the same, to the faid committee, or as they shall, from time to time, direct.

XVIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, lift of the That a true and exact list shall, from time to time, be made company to and kept at the office or place where the said committee thall be kept at the office, tranfact their business in London, of the names and places of abode of all persons admitted into the freedom of the faid company, distinguishing the place where each perfon was admitted; which litt shall annually, ten days at least before the annual e- printed annulections, be printed and delivered, without fee or reward, to aily before the such of the persons admitted into the freedom of the faid com- elections.

pany, who shall defire the fame.

XIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid,

and to be



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