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out to the view of the individual, as the director of his actions; and there may be another of far different character, which in reality guides him, but which is coiled up, like a main spring, in a secret place, and thus eludes his observation. The Bible, when it teaches us that "the heart is deceitful above all things," tells us nothing which an unbiassed observation of human-nature will not everywhere confirm.

Now, if some sinister motive is for a time actuating a Christian in his religious course, he can very easily detect it, by the manner in which the public duties of the Sabbath are performed. A man who is secretly influenced by some worldly consideration in what he does, may be attentive and faithful in all the open and public Services of Religion. If we are thus influenced, however —as it is external appearance only which can bring us worldly advantage-we shall go no further than to the outward appearance. We may rise with God's people in His house of prayer, and assume the posture of reverential supplication; but, if appearances are all which we regard, we shall be satisfied with merely assuming the posture. We may join with our lips in the song of praise; and, if to be seen of men is our object, the service of the lip is all that is necessary for its accomplishment; and that will be all at which we shall aim. And we may listen with apparent attention to the message which the Preacher delivers; but the appearance of attention will be all, if our object is such that this appearance will attain it.

On the other hand, if an honest intention of worshipping God be the motive which calls a man to the weekly assembly, it will carry him further than to a compliance with the external form. When, in the season of prayer, recognising the presence of the Great God of Heaven and Earth, he rises to assume the attitude of respectful

reverence, his heart will feel the reverence which his action implies. His thoughts, instead of wandering to the ends of the earth, will ascend in devout aspirations to Heaven. Contrition, for the offences which he has committed against that Being who has been kind to him as a Father-resolutions to conform his conduct and character more completely to the divine will-longings for that assistance from above, without which, past experience and the word of God inform him that his efforts will be strength spent for nought—and ardent supplications for blessings upon his fellow-men, dictated by a benevolence which comprises in its view the whole human family, and which looks forward, in its good-will to men, to the enjoyments of eternity, as well as to the comforts and conveniences of time- these will be the emotions which will controul the heart of the man of sincerity; while the affections of the man of form will be grovelling, upon the farm, the money, or the merchandise.

The song of praise, too, from the one who really worships God will not be merely music on the tongue: it will be an expression of warm feeling from the heart. The voice of adoration and praise will arise from a soul which adores and praises; and which, as it lifts up that voice, will be itself elevated by the emotions of gratitude and love: while the offer of an external worship will be lost in vacancy during the singing of God's praises, or only interested in the mere music of the song.

And, in the listening to the sermon, the conscientious worshipper will give earnest heed to the things which relate to his everlasting peace. Knowing that he has, in multiplied instances, transgressed a law which God has established, and enforced by dreadful sanctions, he is convinced that it becomes him to attend in earnest to the means of averting the consequences of his guilt. With this view, his mind is fixed in attention to the way of

reconciliation with God, and to the duties which devolve upon him who cherishes hopes of immortality; and, all this time, he who is contented with outward conformity is lost in a mental, and perhaps in a bodily, slumber.

Let me urge my readers, then, to be careful how they perform the duties of Public Worship. The responsibility of being interested in them, and profited by them, rests upon you alone. You cannot throw it off upon your Minister. Examine yourself with reference to the spirit and feelings with which these duties are performed. They afford you a fine opportunity for close and faithful self-examination; for the sinister motives, which, in a greater or less degree, undoubtedly exist in your hearts, will shew themselves here.

There is one thing more that I ought to present to the consideration of my readers, before closing the chapter on this subject. It is this:

In keeping the Sabbath, avoid all appearance of evil. -I have endeavoured, in this discussion, to accomplish two objects. First, to convince my readers that the mere form and manner in which the Sabbath is kept, except so far as that it is matter of express command, are not material; and Secondly, to convey to the mind a distinct idea of what I understand to be the spirit of the command; and to persuade all my readers to aim at producing, by the best means within their reach, upon their own hearts and lives, the effect which God had in view in the establishment of the institution. From these views of the subject, were I to stop here, it might seem that, if we take such a course as shall really secure our own religious improvement on the Sabbath, we may do it in any way: for example, that we may walk, or ride, or visit, provided that we so regulate and controul our thoughts and con

versation, as to make the spiritual improvement which it

is the object of the day to secure. "avoid the appearance of evil."

But, no: we must

We must not seem to

be breaking, or disregarding, God's commands.

For example:-A Christian, living on the sea-shore, after having spent the day in the various duties which have presented themselves to his attention, stands at the door of his house, and looks out upon the glassy surface It is a summer of the bay which stretches before him. evening. The sun is just setting, throwing his bright beams over the water, and gilding every object upon which it shines. The Christian looks over this scene of beauty; and its expression of calmness and peace is transferred to his own soul. He feels the presence of God in it all; and rejoices in the power and goodness of the Great Being who reigns in every scene of beauty or of grandeur which Nature exhibits.

With his heart filled with such thoughts, he walks down upon the beach, to indulge in the contemplation of God's goodness, to mankind, and to himself. May he not step into the little boat which floats in the cove, and unloosen its chain and push himself off from the shore; that, while the gentle, dying swell of the sea is rocking him, he may lose himself more completely in the absorbing feeling of God's presence, and muse more uninterruptedly upon his Creator's power?-Shall he go?

No; stop, Christian, stop! Before you spend your half hour in a boat upon the water, consider what will be the influence of the example on those who see you, and perhaps cannot understand your motive. Avoid the appearance of evil Will you appear, while you are doing this, to be remembering the Sabbath-day, to keep it holy? Is it best, on the whole, that riding, walking, and sailing, should be among the occupations of holy time? Will

God be honoured, and His Sabbath kept, if all spend the Sabbath evening as you are about to spend it?

These questions must be answered on a principle which will apply to multitudes of other cases. Take a course, which, were it universally imitated, would promote the greatest good: otherwise you may be doing that, which, though safe for yourself, will be of incalculable injury, through the influence of your example upon others.

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