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destruction of false religion, and for the renovation of all mankind..:


II. Let us now attend to the devout petition which we are instructed to offer to our heavenly Father, for the coming of this illustrious period; "Thy kingdom come!"

1. This prayer implies a just view of the wretched state of the human race.

If true happiness consists in holiness, or in conformity to the moral image of the Creator, the majority of the human race must be regarded as exceedingly miserable, as having no hope, and as being" without God in the world."

Mankind are divided into four great religious classes;*- Pagans, Mahometans, Jews, and Christians; in every one of which, by a mere glance, we shall observe so much that is dishonourable to our nature, and consequently offensive to God, that it is next to impossible for a mind, possessing even a moderate share of benevolence, not to feel some emotions of pity, -some ardent wish, that the Creator would subject the whole world to his paternal sway. The Pagan division presents to us every

* See Dwight on Human Depravity.


abomination, both in principle and in practice, which the heart of man, widely acquainted as it is with all that is defiled and debased, can conceive. Having long abandoned the grand idea of one self-existent, eternal, wise, just, and benevolent Creator, the votaries of paganism have changed the glories of the incorruptible God into the creatures of their own impure imagination. The present generation of the heathen, whether civilized or barbarous, emulate their besotted ancestors, who commenced the flagitious outrage, and continue to offer their devotions, either to the heavenly bodies, or to

graven images," or to beasts, birds, and reptiles. Before these they prostrate themselves in lowliest adoration; sacrifice to them their parents, their wives, and the offspring of their own bodies; inflict on themselves the keenest tortures, and endure hunger, thirst, pilgrimage, and death in its most frightful forms. Add to this the demoralizing tendency of their respective systems; (for, in what countries, or in what minds, has idolatry produced any thing but what is debasing in the extreme?) the almost total destitution of fidelity, honour, chastity, justice, and benevolence; and the rank and universal growth of dissimulation, impurity, injustice, fraud, malevolence, and murder!

The religion of Mahomet presents us with a

scene scarcely less degraded and afflictive; and, while essentially defective in all that is calculated to meliorate the human character, it has obtained an alarming ascendency over a vast multitude of human souls.

This faith is professedly founded on the Old and New Testaments, but no human device can be more remote from the spirit of those sacred records; for, while it recognises some historical facts, and admits some of the fundamental doctrines of revelation, such as the unity and perfections of God, the immortality of the soul, and a state of rewards and punishments after death; it mingles with these truths the most disgusting and ridiculous fables; promises the bliss of paradise to the performance of external ceremonies; leaves the dispositions of the heart uncorrected; sensualizes the affections; and proposes to extend its interests by the point of the sword.

What a melancholy proof have we of the wretchedness of human nature, in the present state of the Jews! They extend their name over a greater space of history than any other nation in the world. Long were they distinguished from all the families of the earth;"To them pertained the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises. Whose are the fathers, and of whom, as con

cerning the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen." But what are they now? It is true, that, since their dispersion, they have kept clear from the charge of idolatry, and that they professedly retain their attachment to the writings of Moses and the Prophets; but what regard do they evince to those writings, since they pertinaciously reject Jesus Christ, and the tidings of his grace; and thereby virtually renounce the evident design of the Levitical ceremonial, as well as all the predictions which relate to the incarnation and atonement of the Redeemer. Their rejection of the Saviour has also involved consequences the most fatal to all spirituality in religion. In whom, among them, is to be found any thing resembling the fervent piety of their fathers, whose holy exercises they profess to revere, and repeat in their devotions? Who among them pours out his soul with David,-walks in the fear of God with Hezekiah, or lives decided and uncontaminated amidst the allurements of the world with Daniel? What is their religion at the present moment?"How is the gold become dim, and the most fine gold changed!"

Contemplate, in the last place, that corrupt. form of Christianity, which has, for many ages, been sanctioned and propagated by the Church of Rome; a system which is exhibited in the


sacred writings under the appellations of Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots, and abominations of the earth;"— a dark imposing superstition, distinguished for all that is puerile, gaudy, and ostentatious; for all that is artful and ferocious; for all that is bold in pretension, insinuating in hypocrisy, and relentless in cruelty; a monster, which tramples on the rights of conscience, extinguishes the lamp of truth, exults in the debasement of the human mind, and riots in the blood of the saints. It is to be deplored, that this gross corruption of our holy religion extends its influence, at this moment, over a portion of Europe containing no less than one hundred and twenty millions of souls; that the moral effects of it in those countries where it is almost exclusively professed, are precisely what might be expected from its character; and that, with comparatively few exceptions, the people are remarkably ignorant of christian truth, formal in their devotions, and profligate in their conduct.

Such are the facts which present themselves to an impartial observer, and such the reasons for exciting the sincere believer to unceasing prayer for the renovation of the world.

2. The prayer in our text implies compassion for our fellow-creatures.

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