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firmly confiding in the Benignity of his Nature that he wont afflict me in another World for some follys I have committed in this, in common with the rest of mankind, but rather that he will graciously consider the frail & weak frame which he gave me and remember that I was but Dust.

As to the Interment of my body I should think it a trifle not worth mentioning but only to desire my executors kindly to invite to my funeral all such New England gentlemen as shall be in London at the time of my decease and to give each of them a twenty shilling ring without any name upon it but only this motto which I think affords a good deal of reflection -Nulla retro via.

As to the small fortune I have acquired I bequeath, &c. as follows-To Mrs Kent where I now live and to Mrs Mary Stephenson lodging in the same house one hundred pounds each and a ring. To my worthy countryman Henry Newman Esq. twenty pounds. To Miss Hook Jacob twenty pounds. To my good kinswoman Mrs Lloyd of New England, formerly Pemberton and Campbell, one hundred pounds. To Dudley Woodbridge1 of Barbadoes fifty pounds for the pleasure I had in his company when in England. To Commissioner Pearse of the Navy his eldest son by his former wife twenty pounds. Item, I give a fifty pound New England bill to Mrs Burr of New England, and, in case of her death, to her children, as an acknowledgment of a civility I received from her husband at the college, I mean that Burr who was schoolmaster at Charlestown. To Colo & Capt. Mandell, Swedes in London, ten guineas each. To Stephen Whateley of Gray's Inn, gentleman, my little Library, and to my brother Dummer of Newbury twenty pounds New England money to distribute among the poor Indian Squaws that may come a begging at his door in the country. I leave to my sister Dummer her husband's picture set in gold which will be found in my Scrutore. The Bulk of my estate I make no disposition of, being content it should go according to the Act of Assembly in New-England for distributing the estates of Intestates. And lastly I desire that Francis Wilks Esq. and Mr Samuel Storke will be my executors and accept of me a small specific legacy, vizt Mr Wilks the Diamond ring which I usually wear and Mr. Storke my gold watch with the appurtenances. -Made & published in presence of Benja Rutland, Ann Silver.

A Codicil, dated 8 April 1739, refers to a deed bearing date 20 March last between the testator of the first part, Dorothy Keant of the second part and Francis Wilks of the third part for the conveying of a house in Ĉlarges street to the said Mr Kent "and which I have ordered to be registered" according to Act of Parliament in consideration of the trouble I have given her during a long fit of sickness. I do hereby revoke the legacy I have given her of one hundred pounds in the foregoing will.

Witnesses F. Hutton, James Howgill.

Plaistow 15 November 1738. I desire my executors will give my scrutore to MTM Kent, all my wearing apparell to Ms Mary and to my coachman a guinea, and the same to each of the maids. JER. DUMMER.

30 May 1739 appeared Francis Hutton of Gray's Inn in the County of Middlesex, gentleman, and James Howgill of the Middle Temple, London, gentleman, and deposed, &c. Henchman, 126.

[Jeremy Dummer, the testator, was a brother of Lieut. Governor William Dummer of the Province of Massachusetts. He was the author of "Defence of the New

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England Charters (1721). He died in England May 19, 1739, and was buried at West Ham in Essex. See Col. Chester's account of him and his ancestry in the REGISTER, Vol. XXXV. pp. 268-9. See also Massachusetts Historical Collections, 5th S. vol. v. pp. xxi.-ii.

1 Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, probably the eldest son of the Hon. Dudley Woodbridge, of Barbadoes, was rector of St. Philip's, Barbadoes. He died in 1747. See "Woodbridge Record," compiled by Donald G. Mitchell, from the papers of his brother Louis Mitchell, p. 37; Register, vol. xxxii. p. 294.

2 Mrs. Elizabeth Burr, widow of Samuel Burr, master of the Grammar School at Charlestown, Mass., a preparatory school for Harvard College, which is said to have had a reputation in the New England colonies similar to that of Eton in England. He was born at Fairfield, Ct., April 2, 1679, and died there while on a visit, Aug. 7, 1719. See Todd's "Burr Family" (1878), pp. 148 and 431.-EDITOR.]

NATHANIEL HULTON citizen and Salter of London, 20 July 1692, proved 13 March 1693, with three codicils, the last of which was dated 1 January 1693. To son in law James Greene and his sons James, Richard and John, daughters Margery & Elizabeth Greene; to Joseph Scriven; to John Greene, brother of James Greene the elder; to the poor of Newington Green where I live. Wife Elizabeth Hulton; William Hulton, son of my late kinsman William Hulton deceased; Joseph Hulton son of my late kinsman Adam Hulton deceased; the widow and daughter of the said Adam Hulton; kinsman Samuel Haward; Thomas Crompton, son of my late kinsman Adam Crompton deceased & also his second & third sons & two daughters; sister Hulton, widow; the daughter of kinsman George Crompton; kinsman John Hill; Nathaniel Hill son of Edmund Hill deceased; kinswoman Elizabeth Hill; my sister Elizabeth Dickins, widow of John Dickins deceased; kinswoman Ann Prinlott and her two sons now living and her daughter; Mrs Mary Pickford & her eldest son & her other six children now living; kinsman Nathaniel Hulton's wife & daughter; my son in law Thomas Horrocks; my daughter in law Jane Perry, &c. &c. My body to be interred at Bolton in Lancashire near my father & mother. In the last codicil he makes a bequest of one hundred pounds to M' Encrease Mather, minister of the Gospel in New England for the use of the College there of which he is President.

Box 54.

MARY BUTCHER, daughter of Francis Butcher, late of Staplehurst in the County of Kent, Clothier, proved 6 June 1651. Mention made of uncle John Hide, of Sounteine in the County of Sussex, and his daughters Jude & Margaret Hide, brother Thomas Butcher, mother Ann Lambe, father Thomas Lambe, brothers Thomas, James, Christopher & John Lambe (all under 21), uncle Thomas Watersfield & Dorothy his wife, uncle Ninian Butcher & Francis his wife and his two daughters, Mary and Rebecca, Aunt Elizabeth Batherst, widow, cousin Mildred Stace, wife of Captain Stace, Hanna Butcher, wife of Capt. Butcher, and her daughters Elizabeth and Hanna Butcher, Elizabeth Holden, wife of James Holden of Crambroke, Cousin Elizabeth Holden daughter of Richard Holden of Fevershame in Bedfordshire (sic), Mary & Dorothy Lambe daughters of Christopher Lambe late of Westrum and the widow Dupper. Father Thomas Lambe to be executor. Grey, 109.

[See the will of Ninian Butcher, uncle of the testator, in the REGISTER, vol. xxxviii. p. 415; ante, p. 75.-EDITOR.]

ARTHUR SOMNER of Chittlehampton in the County of Devon, fuller, 25 May 1637, proved 10 October 1637. Son John, son Roger (under twenty one), daughter Ales Somner, godson John Somner, my brother John's three other children, my brother William Somner's two children, uncle John Tanner's children. Wife Mary to be executrix and brothers John Somner, William Somner & Lewes Smale to be overseers.

Goare, 129.

[Whether Arthur Somner was related or not to the New England family of Sumner 1 have no means of determining. William Sumner, of Dorchester, the stirps of that family, came from Bicester in Gloucestershire. See REGISTER, vol. ix. p. 300, vol. xxxvii. p. 237. The name Roger occurs in the Bicester family of Sumner.-ED.]

THOMAS WATERS of Herstmounseux, in the County of Sussex, yeoman, 13 May 1614, proved 11 December 1617. To be buried in the church yard of Herstmonseux aforesaid. To eldest son Andrew Waters fifty pounds within one year after my decease, and, after the decease of Winifrede my wife, six acres of marsh land in the Levell of Horsey & in the parish of Pevensey in the aforesaid county. To son Thomas Waters one parcel of land in the parish of Ashborneham in said county, called Blackland fields, containing five acres, more or less, and forty pounds in one year, &c. I give unto my son Sampson Waters a lease of half an acre known by the name of Lusted's Croft, joining unto Bawley Lane, in the parish Herstmonseux aforesaid, and ten pounds in three years, &c. To Nicholas Waters my brother six pounds that he oweth unto me. To John Waters, my godson, twenty shillings and to the other of my brother's children ten shillings apiece in one year, &c. To Thomas Waters, my godson, son of Andrew Waters, ten pounds & to James, the son of Andrew Waters ten pounds, to be employed to their best advantage within two years after my decease. The residue to my wife Winifred whom I ordain and make sole executrix. Loving friends William Parker, gentleman, and Jerimy Grint, yeoman, of the said parish, to be overseers.

Wit: William Parker, Samuel Parker & Mathy Pinson.

Weldon, 124.

[See Savage. Sampson Waters of Boston.-H. F. W. Lieut. Edward Waters was granted 100 acres of land in Elizabeth City, Va., "in the precincts of Buck Roe," Oct. 28, 1628. Va. Land Records, No. 1, p. 93. William Waters, probably a son, was Burgess from Northampton County, 1654-60. His will is dated 1685; died soon after, leaving issue-1. William, Naval Officer for Accomac, 1713; Burgess for Northampton County, 1718; had son William, whose only child Mary married David Meade of Nansemond County; 2. Obedience; 3. Thomas.-R. A. BROCK.]

JOHN KIRTLAND of Tickford in the parish of Newport Pagnell, county Bucks, gentleman, 12 December 1616, proved 1 August 1617. To son Nathaniel all that part of my dwelling house in Tickford wherein I now inhabit sometime called by the name of Emberton's,' adjoining to the tenement in tenure of William Coningham and to the house and ground of me the said John Kirtland, sometime Thomas Horton's. Legacies to Mary Kirtland my now wife, sons Francis and Joseph Kirtland, and daughters Abigail, Susanna & Mary Kirtland. To my eldest son John Kirtland the house or tenement sometime Thomas Horton's (next the above) and adjoining a tenement of heirs of William Barton deceased. Wife Mary and her five children (as above). To godson John Kirtland, son of my brother Philip Kirtland, xiiii3 iiiia and to the rest of the children of the said Philip iis vid each, to be paid unto the said Philip for their use. To the children of my brother Francis Kirtland iis vid apiece. To Francis Foster, clerk, ten shillings. Wife Mary to be executrix, friends George Hull and John Horley, inhabitants of Newport Pagnell, to be overseers. Phylipp Kyrtland one of the witnesses. Weldon, 82.

[Probably the family of President Kirkland of Harvard College. A number of settlers of Lynn came from about Olney in Bucks. Sherrington, from which Philip Kirtland of Lynn is said to have come, is only about two miles from Newport Pagnell on the road to Olney.-H. F. W.

President Kirkland was a great-grandson of John Kirtland of Saybrook, Conn., said to be a son of Nathaniel Kirtland, an early settler of Lynn. Philip and John Kirtland were also early settlers of Lynn. (See Chapman's Kirtland Genealogy in the REGISTER, vol. xiv. pp. 241-5, and Lewis and Newhall's History of Lynn (1865), pp. 154-5.-EDITOR.


Paganus de Emberton, of Tykford Priory, Bucks, 1187. Dugdale's Monastikon.-JAMES A. EMMERTON.]

JOHN DOWNING of St Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex, skinner, 15 May 1623, proved 7 July 1623. To the poor of the said parish twenty shillings. To my daughter Katherine a ring with a flower de luce which I wear upon my finger. To my daughter Abigail twenty shillings. And moreover my will and meaning is that if my said daughter Abigail shall determine to go to Virginia that upon her going away my executors shall pay to and for use unto the Virginia Company the sum of six pounds towards her charges. To my grand child Sara Smith ten pounds, to be put out to the best advantage by my executors until the day and time of her marriage. To my grand child Katherine Smith and her sister Dorothy Smith twenty shillings apiece, to be paid them at their several marriages, or sooner, at the discretion of my executors. To my grand child Francis Smith forty shillings, at his accomplishment of the age of twenty and one years. Το my grand child Sibell Smith twenty shillings, at her day of marriage, or sooner, &c. To my grand child John Smith five pounds towards the placing and putting him forth an apprentice; and my will is that until he shall be fit and capable for service my executors shall maintain him & keep him to school, to write and read. To my son Smith's daughter Mary ten shillings within three months after my decease. the two sons of my son Drake, vid1t to John and Richard, twenty shillings between them, in three months, &c. To my sister Joyce Wilson a seal ring with a faucon in it, which I had of her, and twenty shillings in money, to be paid unto her within three months, &c. To my grand child Abraham Downing ten shillings. To my well beloved son Richard Downing the lease which I hold from and under the countess Dowager of Arundell by the houses now in the occupation of me the said John Downing, together with the shop, &c. of Jane Barkested widow, &c. &c. To my well beloved son Francis Downing twenty pounds over and besides his part of the remainder of my goods, which my will is he shall have within three months after my death. The residue shall be equally shared & divided between my said two sons Richard and Francis Downing and they two to be co-ex



Wit: Elias Allin, George Courthopp, Thomas Dannett & John Browne, Scr. Swann, 67.

JAMES RAND, citizen & apothecary of London, 20 June 1685. Legacies to son James and to son Ralph. I have advanced my daughter Mary in marriage. There is a debt owing to me from one William Bancks now or late resident at Virginia, in the parts beyond the seas. My daughter Grace Rand to be executrix. Mr John Fisher and my son in law Christopher Gould to be overseers.

Wit: Leonard Bates, scr., Robert Burges and George Gittens his servant. In a codicil, dated 26 March 1686, he refers to his daughter Grace as very sick and appoints his daughter Mary Gould executrix in her stead, if she shall happen to die.

The will was proved 3 May 1686 by Mary Gould, wife of Christopher Gould. Lloyd, 63.

THOMAS DOBSON, citizen and skinner of London, 13 September 1626, proved 30 May 1627, directs his body to be buried in the parish church of St. Michael Bassishawe, makes bequests to sundry people dwelling in Colman Street and to sundry ministers, among whom Mr. Davenport, minister at St Stevens in Colman Street. In a codicil of 11 November 1626 he revokes a bequest of ten pounds made in his Will to his sister Dobson, and bequeaths that sum to Thomas Davenport, son of his neighbor Mrs. Mary Davenport, widow, to be paid to the mother for the use of the said Thomas Davenport. In another codicil, of 13 March 1626, he changes this bequest to one of ten pounds to the widow Davenport and ten pounds to her son Thomas. Skinner, 46.

Inducco mri Johīs Davenport cliči in artibus probati ad vicariam eccliæ pochiæ Sci Stephĩ in Colman strete cits et archiñ p' vacañ per mortem nałem mri Samuelis Jerman cliči ulti vicarii et incumbents ibm etc emt sub sigillo etc quarto die novembris A° Dnĩ 1624°.

Prob. & Admon. Act Book, Archdeac. of London, 1611–1626, fol. 190.

Inducco Johis Goodwyn clici in Artibus magri ad vicariam ppetuam eccliæ poch sci Stephani Coleman streete cits et Archiñat London def p liberam et spontaneam Resignacoem Johīs Davenport cliči ultimi vicarii et Incumben pred ad quam p discretos viros Simonem Laurence Willmum Spurtlowe Augustinu Garland Johēm Stone Henricum Wood Henricum Austin Ludovicu Roberts et Michaelem Warner pochianos de poe veros et indubitatos patronos p'ntatus extitit.

Prob. & Admon. Act Book, Archdeac. of London, 1626—1637, fol. 139.

[Rev. John Davenport was the fifth son of Henry and Winnifred (Barnabit) Davenport, of Coventry, co. Warwick, where he was born in 1597. On the 9th of April in that year he was baptized in the Church of the Holy Trinity, of which the Rev. Richard Eaton, father of Theophilus Eaton of New Haven, Ct., was rector. He was admitted to Merton College, Oxford University, in 1613, and after passing two years in that college he removed to Magdalen Hall, but the same year, Nov. 15, 1615, left the University and commenced preaching. On the 5th of October, 1624, he was almost unanimously elected vicar of St. Stephen's, Colman Street, London, to which living he was inducted Nov. 4, as the above record shows. On the death of Archbishop Abbot he left London, Aug. 5, 1633, for a hidden retreat in the country, and after waiting three months, finding the messengers of Laud, the new archbishop, were on his track, he crossed over to Holland, landing at Haarlem in November. He resigned the vicarage of St. Stephen's, and John Goodwin was admitted as his successor Dec. 18, 1633. In 1637 he came to New England, arriving at Boston June 26, 1637, with another minister and Mr. Eaton and Mr. Hopkins, merchants, as Winthrop informs us (Hist. of New England, vol. ii. p. 226, 2d ed. p. 272). It is possible that the other minister may have been John Harvard, who probably arrived about this time. It is true that Trumbull (Hist. of Connecticut, vol. i. p. 89) says that Rev. Samuel Eaton accompanied his brother, but it is hardly probable that Winthrop, who gives his brother's name, would omit his. Davenport was the first minister at New Haven, Ct., 1638-67, and was pastor of the First Church of Boston, Mass., 1667, to his death 1670. For further details in the life of Rev. John Davenport, see History and Genealogy of Davenport Family, by A. B. Davenport, 1851, and Supplement to do. 1876; Life and Writings of John Davenport, by F. B. Dexter, in New Haven Historical Society Papers, vol. ii. pp. 205–38; and REGISTER, vol. ix. p. 147. Mr. Waters has much other matter relative to the Davenports, including a will of an uncle of the Rev. John Davenport, who mentions him as at the University. This matter will appear in a future number.EDITOR.]

JOHN GREENE, late of the parish of Petsoe in the County of Gloucester, Virginia, and now at present of the parish of St Butolph's without

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