I have requested him Gentleman who went home three months since. Concerning the New England estate referred to by Edward Rainsborowe in his will of 1677, as above, we have evidence on file in the Registry of Deeds, Salem, of which the following is a summary: Whereas Judith Winthrop and John Chamberlain, two of the Executors of Stephen Winthrop deceased, had by certain deeds of Indenture, Bargain & Sale conveyed to Edward Rainsburrowe of London, merchant, all those parcells of lands lying & being in N. England in America, viz: one moiety of Prudence Island, lying in or near ye bay of Narragansett, in Rhode Island Colony, and all that Farm at Lynn or Salem, containing by estimation 1500 acres more or less, now, considering the great hazard of transmitting ye conveyances beyond sea, the said Executors do acknowledge before a notary public the said deeds of bargain and sale, 21 April, 1671. The document was signed in presence of Nich. Hayward, Not. Pub., Symon Amory, Timo Prout sen', and his son Wm Prout. Timothy Prout, shipwright of Boston, testified to the same before Dep. Gov. John Leverett, 5 Mar. 1672-3, and the instrument was recorded and compared 5 July following. As late as 21 March, 1695-6, the above was compared with the original and found an exactly true copy of ye record in ye booke of Deeds Lib: 8° Page 195. Meanwhile John Chamberlain, the sole surviving executor of Stephen Winthrop deceased, having been shown a copy of the instrument above referred to, as being on file in some court in N. England, made oath 31 May, 1687, that he had never signed nor executed any such writing or instrument, nor did he believe that Judith Winthrop, widow & executrix, had made any such conveyance to the late Edward Rainsburrow. This testimony of Mr. Chamberlain appears to have been given at the request of his nephew William Rainsburrowe, son of Vice Adm. Thomas3 Rainsburrowe, being, we may infer, at the time the only, or at least the eldest, male representative of the family, and acting in the interest of his cousins the children of Stephen Winthrop deceased. Robert Wildey, of the parish of St. Paules Peters, co. Middlesex, cook, and “Thomasine Jenney, of the same place spinster, aunt of ye said William Rainsburrowe," swore to their knowledge of and acquaintance with John Chamberlayn for thirty years and upwards last past; that he and Stephen Winthrop, Esq., whom they had also known, had married two sisters, "this deponent William Rainsburrow's Aunts, and sisters of Edward Rainsburrow in ye above written affidavit named, &c. &c." Nicholas Hayward, the Notary Public, mentioned in the first instrument, swore that he had never drawn up such a paper, and the whole denial was witnessed by four parties on the point of departure from London for New England, and was also compared with the original about nine years later, viz: 21 March, 1695-6. I. J. GREENWOOD.] EDMUND SPINCKES of Warmington in the County of Northampton, clerk, 2 October 1669, proved 11 August 1671. I give out of that seven hundred & fifty pounds which will be due to me or mine from the heirs or executors or administrators of Thomas Elmes of Lilford Esq. (after the decease of himself the said Thomas Elmes and the Lady Jane Compton), Hist. Mag., 1867, p. 299. to my eldest son Nathaniel Spinckes one hundred pounds, to Seth, my second son, one hundred and fifty pounds, to William, my third son, one hundred & fifty pounds, to Elmes, my fourth son, one hundred & fifty pounds, and to Martha, my only daughter, two hundred pounds. To Nathaniel Spinckes, my eldest son & heir, all that land in Ireland, in King's County, which is now in the possession of the heirs or assigns of Thomas Vincent sometimes alderman of London, which is due to me according to a writing signed by him to that purpose 6 March 1642. Item I give to the said Nathaniel Spinckes all that fifty pounds, more or less, with the profit of it, that is now in the Iron works in New England, acknowledged received by John Pocock then Steward of the Company and living then in London, his Acquittance bearing date March 19th 1645. Item, I give to the said my son Nathaniel all that estate whatsoever it be that falleth to me or shall fall in New England, as joint heir with John Nayler of Boston in Lincolnshire, clerk, to Boniface Burton, now or late of Boston in New England, my uncle and mother's brother and only brother; also my library of books, only such excepted as his mother shall choose out for her own use. To Seth Spinckes, my second son, five pounds at the age of twenty-four years, to William five pounds at twenty-four, to Elmes five pounds at twenty-four and to Martha, my only daughter, five pounds at twenty-four. All the rest to my wife Martha, whom I appoint sole executrix. My loving friend Mr. Sam Morton, clerk & rector of the parish church of Haddon, in the County of Huntingdon, and my much respected cousin Mr Richard Conyer, clerk and rector of Long Orton and Butolph-Bridge in the County of Huntingdon, to be overseers. A schedule to be annexed to the said will &c. that Seth shall have paid him out of the estate that my father Elmes left my wife &c. &c. (So of all the other children.) 18 May 1693 Emanavit commissio Nathanieli Spinckes, clerico, filio et administratori Martha Spinckes defunctæ &c. &c. Duke, 107. [I presume that this is the "Edmond Spinckes "whose name immediately precedes that of John Harvard in the Recepta ab ingredientibus of Emmanuel College (REGISTER, XXXIX. 103). 66 66 Boniface Burton, whom Mr. Spinckes calls his mother's only brother, died June 13, 1669, aged 113 years," according to Judge Sewall, who calls him Old Father Boniface Burton" (REG. vii. 206). Hull in his Diary (Trans. Am. Antiq. Society, iii. 279) gives his age as a hundred and fifteen years." Both ages are probably too high. Burton's will was dated Feb. 21, 1666-7, and proved June 24, 1669. An abstract of the will is printed in the REGISTER, XX. 241, and on page 242 are some facts in his history. He left nothing to the family of Mr. Spinckes nor to John Nayler. After bequests to Increase Mather, to his niece Mrs. Bennet, her husband Samuel Bennet and their children, Burton leaves the rest of his property to his wife Frances Burton. For an account of the Iron Works in which Mr. Spinckes had an interest, see "Vinton Memorial," pp. 463-74. John Pococke is named among the undertakers. -EDITOR.] GEORGE LUDLOWE1 of the County and Parish of Yorke in Virginia Esq. 8 September 1655. To my nephew Thomas Ludlow, eldest son to my brother Gabriel Ludlowe Esq. deceased, all my whole estate of lands and servants, &c. that I have now in possession in Virginia, to him and his lawful heirs forever; also my sixteenth part of the ship Mayflower, whereof Capt. William White is commander, which part I bought of Mr Samuel Harwar of London, merchant, only this year's "fraught" excepted, which I have reserved for my tobacco &c. My executor, yearly and every year during the natural life of my now wife Elizabeth Ludlowe, to pay unto her fifty pounds sterling in London. My crop wholly this year to be consigned to Mr William Allen of London, merchant, and one Mr John Cray that lives at the Green man on Ludgate Hill, whom I make my overseers of my estate in England. Moneys due from Mr Samuel Harwar at the Sun and Harp, in Milk Street, London. To my brother Gabriel all his children, now in England, one hundred pounds apiece, and the remainder of the money (in England) to my brother Roger Ludlowe's' children equally; and Mr Thomas Bushrodes to be paid seventy five pounds. Whereas my brother Roger Ludlowe hath consigned divers goods to me as per my book appears, as debts in New England and in Virginia as by his letters and other writings appear &c. To my said brother the hundred pounds I lent him. To my cousin Samuel Langrish three thousand pounds of tobacco &c. To George Bernard,* son to Col. William Bernard, my great silver tankard with my arms on it &c. To George Webster, son to Capt. Richard Webster of Jamestown the silver tankard that Mr Bowler brought in the year 1655. To Col. William Bernard, Major William Gooch and Capt. Augustine Warner' ten pounds apiece, and I desire and nominate them to be overseers here in Virginia. To Doctor Henry Waldron all the debt he owes me on book, and the physic I have sent for for him. To Mr Bushrode five pounds. To my man Archyball a cloth suit &c. To Jane Greeham my servant one year of her time. To Mrs Rebecca Hurst all the clothes that I have sent for her in full of her time being with me in my house. Wit: Nicholas Trott, Augustine Hodges. Codicil:-I Colonel George Ludlowe &c. My nephew Thomas Ludlowe intends to intermarry with one Rebecca Hurst that is at this present living in my house. In that case my will is and my desire that my overseers here in Virginia take into their custody all my whole estate and dispose of the same until they can send into Ireland to my nephew Jonathan Ludlowe, eldest son to my brother Roger, who lives in Ireland at Dublin. Now in case my aforesaid nephew Thomas shall marry with the said Rebecca then it is my will that I give and bequeath unto my said nephew Jonathan all the estate that I did formerly give unto my nephew Thomas Ludlowe and make and constitute the said Jonathan my full and sole executor. Otherwise my former bequest to stand valid and the said Thomas shall enjoy what I have formerly given him to his use and heirs as my executor and heir. 23 October 1655. Witness:-James Biddlecombe. On the first day of August, in the year of Our Lord God 1656, there issued forth Letters of administration to Roger Ludlow Esq., the father of and curator lawfully assigned to Jonathan, Joseph, Roger, Anne, Mary and Sarah Ludlowe, minors, the nephews and nieces and residuary legataries in this will, during the minority of the said minors; for that no executor is therein named as touching the said deceased's estate in England. Berkeley, 256. Administration on the goods &c. of John Ludlow, late of Virginia bache lor, deceased, granted to his brother Francis Ludlow 15 September 1664. Admon Act Book p. c. c. [George Ludlow (or Ludlowe), of the text, was a prominent and influential colonist. Grants of land to him, aggregating some 17,000 acres, are of record in the Virginia Land Registry; the first, of 500 acres, "in the upper county of New Norfolk," being dated August 21, 1638. He was long County Lieutenant of York county, and thus by title "Collonell "; Member of the Council 1642-55. There is a tradition that his brother Roger Ludlow was a fugitive in Virginia from Connecticut near the close of the 17th century.-R. A. BROCK, of Richmond, Va. The testator was probably the Mr. George Ludlow whose name appears on the list of those who desired Oct. 19, 1630, to be made Freemen of Massachusetts. He must have returned soon after to the old world, as a petition received from him in England was acted upon by the General Court of Massachusetts, March 1, 1630–31. -EDITOR. 2 Roger Ludlow was an assistant of the Massachusetts colony, 1630-4, and was deputy governor in 1634. In 1635 he removed to Windsor, Ct., and was the first deputy governor of Connecticut colony. In 1639 he removed to Fairfield. He was a commissioner of the United Colonies in 1651, 2 and 3. He removed to Virginia subsequent to April 13, 1654, but probably about that time. A full memoir of him by Hon. Thomas Day, LL.D., is printed in Stiles's History of Ancient Windsor, pp. 687-8. Mr. Day styles him the "Father of Connecticut Jurisprudence." We have in this will, for the first time, the names of his children. His daughter Sarah, who is said to have been distinguished for her literary acquirements and domestic virtues," married Rev. Nathaniel Brewster, of Brookhaven, Long Island, whose memoir will be found in Sibley's Harvard Graduates, i. 73.-EDITOR. 3 Thomas Bushrod was a Burgess from York county, March, 1658–9. Richard Bushrod was granted 2000 acres in Westmoreland county, Oct. 15, 1660 (Land Registry, Book No. 4, p. 450). There were probably marriages of members of the Washington family with that of Bushrod, and hence the transmission of Bushrod as a Christian name, instanced in Bushrod Washington, nephew of George Washington, and Justice of the United States Supreme Court.-R. A. BROCK. 4 The name Bernard is of early mention in the records of Virginia. Thomas Bernard was granted 189 acres of land in James City county, January 20, 1641, No. 1, p. 762; William Bernard, 1050 acres in Warwick county, December 16, 1641, No. 1, p. 761;"Collonell" William Bernard, 800 acres in Lancaster county, October 8, 1659, No. 4, p. 372. William Bernard, with title of Captain, was a Member of the Council in 1647, and with that of Collonell," 1655-58. Captain Thomas Bernard, Burgess from Warwick county in 1644.-R. A. BROCK. 5 Major Richard Webster was a Burgess from James City county, March, 1657-8. Thomas Webster was granted 251 acres in Henrico county, October 20, 1665 (No. 5, p. 519, Land Registry). Lucy, daughter and heir of Roger Webster, dec'd, was granted 250 acres in Hampton parish, Nov 19, 1642. Head rights: Edward Spark, Stephen Thomas Webster, Susan Webster, Book No. p. 857. Lucy, Judith and Jane Webster were granted 500 acres in James City county, July 20, 1646, No. p. 52.-R. A. BROCK. 2, William Gooch, "Gent.," was granted 1050 acres on the south side of the Potomac river, Oct. 18, 1650 (No. 2, p. 251, Land Registry). Captain William Gooch was a Burgess from York county in 1654. Major William Gooch died October 29, 1655, aged 29 years. His tomb in the burying ground at "Temple Farm," York County (where Gov. Alexander Spotswood was also buried), bears the arms of Gooch of Norfolk county, England (of which family was Sir William Gooch, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, 1727-40), as follows: Paly of eight, ar. and sa. a chevron of the first, between three dogs of the second, spotted of the field. Crest.-A greyhound passant ar. spotted sa. and collared of the last. Jeffery Gooch was granted 500 acres in Northumberland county, January 30, 1650 (No. 2, p. 279, Land Registry). The Gooch family, descended probably from Major William Gooch or Jeffery Gooch, as above, has been most estimably represented in Virginia.-R. A. BROCK. 7 Colonel Augustine Warner (son, it is presumed of Augustine Warner) granted 250 acres called Pine Neck, on New Pocoson," October 12th, 1635 (No. 1, p. 298, Land Registry), born June 3, 1642; died June 19, 1681; Burgess from Gloucester county, 1658, and Member of the Council during the administration of Governor Sir William Berkeley, is buried at "Warner Hall," Gloucester county. The Lewis, Washington and other prominent families have intermarried with that of Warner, which is a favored Christian name in Virginia. John Lewis, second son of Robert Lewis, from Brecon, Wales, of Abington, Ware parish, Gloucester county, Virginia, married Isabella Warner, "daughter of a wealthy and retired India merchant;' called his seat "Warner Hall," a spacious mansion of 26 rooms, in which was long illustrated the refined hospitality typical of the Old Dominion. This Isabella Warner was probably a daughter of the Augustine Warner, the first grantee as above. See article, Descendants of Robert Lewis from Wales," Richmond Standard, Feb. 5, 1881.-R. A. BROCK.] 66 JOHN CUTLER of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk, merchant, 10 November 1645, with codicil dated 6 January 1645, proved 29 January 1645. To Robert Cutler, my cousin, youngest son of my deceased uncle Samuel Cutler, one half of my manor of Blofields als Burnivalls and of all lands, tenements, hereditaments, rights, members and appurtenances thereunto belonging &c. in Trimly St Mary and Walton in the said County of Suffolk. If the said Robert die without heirs of his body lawfully begotten or, having such heirs, if the same shall die before they come to the age of one & twenty, then the said half to my cousin Martha Noore, the wife of Raphe Noore of Ipswich, merchant, sister of the said Robert (on certain conditions). The other half to the said Martha Noore. John Smithier of Ipswich, to be assistant to my executor in & about the getting in of my estate beyond the seas and elsewhere. To Elizabeth Smithier his daughter and all the rest of his daughters and to his three sons John, William and Henry and to Nicholas Kerrington, the said Mr John Smithier's wife's brother's son. The said Mr John Smithier and his wife and the longer liver of them shall dwell in my messuage or tenement wherein they now dwell in St Nicholas' Parish, Ipswich, rent free for three years. To M' Samuel Snelling, son in law to my cousin Mr Ralph Noore, and to my cousin Martha Snelling his wife, and Mary Noore and Alice Noore her sisters and Richard Noore her brother. To my cousin Thomas Cutler Secretary to the Company of Eastland merchants, resident at Ipswich. To Elizabeth Hubbard and Mary Ward, maidservants to my cousin Mr Raphe Noore. To Mrs Ward, widow, late the wife of Mr Samuel Ward, late town Preacher of Ipswich, and to Samuel & to Mr Joseph Ward her sons. To the poor of St Nicholas, Ipswich, to the poor of the parish of Whatfield, near Hadley in Suffolk. To Mr Lawrence, common preacher or lecturer of the said town of Ipswich. M' John Revett, merchant, to assist my executor in getting in of my estate beyond the seas. To John Cressall, to Johan Nowell. To my cousin Margaret Skinner, wife of Jonathan Skinner, clerk, and all her children now alive. Others named. George Raymond one of the witnesses. Twisse, 3. [There were several early emigrants to New England by the name of Cutler:-1. John Cutler, who came from Sprowston in Norfolk, with his wife, seven children and one servant, and settled in Hingham, Mass., in 1637 (REG. xv. 27); 2. James Cutler, who settled at Watertown as early as 1634; 3. Dea. Robert Cutler, who was here as early as 1636. See Genealogical Record of the Cutler Families, by Rev. Abner Morse, Boston, 1867. Mr. Samuel Ward named in the will was the author of The Life of Faith. He was a brother of Nathaniel Ward, the compiler of the Massachusetts Body of Liberties. A sketch of his life is appended to the Memoir of Rev. Nathaniel Ward by the editor of the REGISTER. His son Joseph, also named in the will, was rector of Badingham in Suffolk.-EDITOR.] MARIANE SEVIER of Yenstone, in the parish & peculiar of Henstridge in the County of Somerset, widow, 9 May 1607, proved 26 June 1607. To be buried in the churchyard of Henstridge. To the parish church of Henstridge ten shillings. To the poor folk of Henstridge parish ten shillings. To Deane Haskett, the daughter of Ellis Haskitt forty shillings. To Ellis Haskett's three other daughters and William Haskett his son four pounds, provided if any of them die before they come to the age of one & twenty years or be married then the money to remain to the survivors. To Margaret Sevier, daughter of Richard Sevier, a gown cloth and ten pounds; to Alce Sevier, another daughter, a gown and ten pounds. To Marie Royall |