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My son in law Thomas Plampin and cousin John Bagnall, both of London, merchant tailors, to be my executors and my brothers Dr William Forth and Dannett Forth of London, woollen draper, to be overseers. A Thomas Forth a witness.

The above will was proved 29 January 1650; but the executors having died before fulfilling their trust a commission was issued 29 March 1673to John Parkes, a son & legatee. He also died before completing his administration, and commission was issued 3 November, 1681, to Mary Cawley als Parkes, the widow relict of said defunct, &c.

Grey, 10.

[A full abstract of this will was printed in a note in Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, 4th S., vol. vii. p. 385, from a copy obtained for me by Col. Chester. The note was appended to several letters from Edward Parks to John Winthrop, Jr. These show that Parks terms Henry Bright of Watertown his uncle. In the genealogy of the Brights of Suffolk, Eng. (Boston, 1858), we find on pp. 270-71, an abstract of the will of Mrs. Elizabeth Dell, sister of Henry Bright, in which she mentions her nephew William Parks. She also mentions her brother Henry Bright, William Forth and Blowers, her sister Martha Blowers, her cousin Cawby, Esq., and her nephew Dr. William Forth.

Henry Parks, son of Edward, sold in 1655, his land in Cambridge to John Stedman, and very probably came here for the purpose. This particular branch, however, then ceased to have any connection with New England. But at Cambridge one of the early settlers was Dea. Richard Parke, 1638-1655, whose son Thomas had a son Edward. At Roxbury was William Parke, whose will of 20 July, 1684, mentions only three daughters and their children, brother Thomas Parks of Stonington, deceased, and brother Samuel with his sons Robert and William. Savage says that these three were sons of Robert of Wethersfield and New London, who died in 1665. Very probably this Robert was the man who wrote to John Winthrop in 1629 from Easterkale in Lincolnshire (see Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 5th S. vol. i. p. 194), proposing to go to New England.

These may have been relatives of Edward Parke, who was clearly allied to Winthrop through the Forths. The family name of Dannett ought also to lead to some trace of this family.

The Alice Wilcox, sister of Edward Parks, recalls the William Wilcockes of our Cambridge, who died in 1653, leaving a widow Mary (Powell) but no children, and a sister Christian Boiden in Old England. A John Wilcox was of Dorchester, 1661, and went to Middletown. The names Wilcox, Hastings, Fox and Hall are in the Leicestershire Visitations, and Wilcox also in Rutland.-W. H. WHITMORE.]

WILLIAM GOORE of Nether Wallop in the county of Southampton gentleman, 9 November 1587. To wife Joane, eldest son William, all my land called Garlacks. To my four youngest sons Richard, John, Nicholas and William Goore the younger all my land in Newington, in the county of Wilts, and in Basingstoke, in the county of Southampton, and two hundred pounds apiece. To my four daughters Agnes, Elizabeth, Barbara and Margery Goore two hundred pounds apiece. The executors to be my eldest son William Gore and Margaret Reade, the supervisors to be John Pittman of Quarley, Thomas Elie, Clerk vicar of Nether Wallop and Leonard Elie of Wonston.

10 May 1588. Emanavit comissio Wiłłmo St John armigero marito sororis naturalis et ltime dict def et Leonardo Elie generoso uni supervisorum &c. cum consensu Wmi Gore filii &c. durante minori etate eiusdem Willmi et Margarete Reade als Gore alterius executorum &c.

Rutland, 37.

WILLIAM GORE of Nether Wallop in the county of Southampton, gentleman, 22 January 1655, proved 29 March 1656. Wife Elizabeth to be sole executrix. To the poor of Nether Wallop three pounds to be distributed in one month after my decease. To my wife a portion of my now

dwelling house at Garleggs in the parish of Nether Wallop and part of the orchard. To my cousin Richard Hamon. To Amy Singer, daughter of my late sister Margaret, and Jane Singer, another daughter, and Roger Singer, a son. To my cousin Mary Poore the now wife of John Power thirty pounds. To Nicholas & Margaret, son and daughter of my late sister Wallingford, twenty pounds apiece in one year after my decease. To my cousin Nicholas Gore, son of Nicholas Gore late of Farley deceased, ten pounds in one year. To Nicholas Hatchet of Nether Wallop five pounds in one year. My brother in law Mr Robert Sadler, my cousin John Poore and my cousin Richard Miller of Broughton. To the now five children of Richard IIamon forty pounds apiece and to William Poore and Elizabeth Poore, son & daughter of my late cousin William Poore deceased, forty pounds, and to the now children of my late cousin Thomas Singer deceased, forty pounds. To my godson Richard Sherfield, son of my late brother Roger Sherfield, gentleman, deceased. If my cousin Nicholas Wallingford shall have issue of his body or Margaret Wallingford have issue of her body then, &c. To John Gore, son of my late uncle Richard Gore. To my uncle Hugh Mundy. Berkeley, 110.

[In these Goore wills Mr. Waters is evidently probing the connections of the ancestors of our Merrimac Valley settlers. The villages of Wallop, like those of Choulderton, lic upon the edges of the Countics of Wilts and Southampton, and when Dummer, Saltonstall and Rawson, with their English associates, had arranged for developing a stock-raising town in New England, they arranged also to secure from co. Wilts and its vicinity the transfer of a colony of practical men not only accustomed to the care of live stock, but to the trades which interlaced in the products of a stock-raising community. The matter of first importance was to secure ministers with whom the community would feel at home. Rev. Thomas Parker and his relatives the Noyes family, natives of Choulderton, were secured, and with them the Wiltshire men were glad to join.

In the will, proved 28 March, 1657, the names of many of the Poore family are mentioned as cousins of the testator, and so is Nicholas Wallingford, who came in the Confidence from Southampton in 1638, with others-Stephen Kent, John Rolfe, John Saunders, John and William Ilsley, and more recruits to join their relatives who established the town of Newbury. Joseph Poore, of Newbury, married, 6 August, 1680, Mary Wallingford, daughter of Nicholas, born 20 August, 1663. Anthony Sadler was a passenger in the same vessel. In the Visitation of co. Wilts in 1623 are pedigrees of the Sadler family on p. 63. The son and heir of the family given there is Robert Sadler, born in 1608, who may have been the person mentioned as brother-in-law in the will given above.


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The will proved in 1588 contains an instance, not uncommon at that period, but a terrible annoyance to genealogists, of two sons having the same baptismal name— eldest son William, and four youngest sons, among whom is William the younger. The name of Margaret Read recalls the fact that the Read and Noyes family intermarried in the locality of these testators.-JOHN COFFIN JONES BROWN.]

JOSEPH BLAKE of Berkley County in the Province of South Carolina, 18 December, 1750. My whole estate to be kept together until it raises the sum of two thousand pounds sterling money of Great Britain and one thousand pounds Proclamation money, or the value thereof, in the currency of this province, exclusive of the maintenance of my sons Daniel and William and my daughter Ann Blake. After said sums are cleared-to be kept at interest and the interest applied towards educating & maintaining my sons Daniel & William and daughter Ann until they arrive at full age. Then one thousand pounds sterling to my son Daniel, the same to son William and the remaining thousand pounds Proclamation money to daughter Ann. To son Daniel the plantation I now live on called Newington and a tract of land on the Cypress Swamp lying between the lands of Mr James Post

ell and Barnaby Brandford, part of which I purchased of M' James Postell deceased, the remainder I took up of the King; and that part of my land on Charles Town Neck which lies between the High Road and Cooper River; and fifteen hundred acres to be taken out of my lands on Cumbee River between Mrs Hudson's land and the land I bought of Colonel William Bull, the line to run towards Calf Pen Savanah as far back as will take in the quantity of fifteen hundred acres; and a plantation containing five hundred & ninety-seven acres in two tracts bounding on M's Donings and Mrs Drake to the North East and to the North West on M's Donings, Mrs Sacheveralls and Doctor Brisbanes, to the South West on a tract of land which was formerly Mr Dowses but now mine and on Mr Ways, to the South East on Mr Richard Warings. To son William & his heirs forever my plantation containing more or less on Wadmelaw River and new cut, commonly called Plainsfield, lying between lands of M' John Atchinson and Mr Fuller; and that part of my land on Charles Town Neck that lies between the High Road and Ashly River, bounding on Mr Gadsdens, Mr Ilunts & Mr John Humes; and two tracts of land lying between M2 Atchinsons and Mr Stoboes, one tract containing two hundred & thirty acres, the other seventy-six acres; and two tracts of land containing four hundred & forty acres purchased of Stephen Dowse by Mrs Jennis, bounding on Mr William Elliott, M' John Drayton & M' Graves.

I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Rebecca Izard, to her and her heirs forever a tract of land containing eighteen hundred & seventy three acres in Granville County on the Lead of Coosaw, Hatchers and Chili Phina Swamp, bounding on James Therrs to the North West; and an Island on Port Royal River in Granville County commonly called Cat Island, containing four hundred acres. I give and bequeath to my loving daughter Ann Blake one thousand acres of land to be laid out by my executors and executrix on the Calf Pen Savanah to be taken out of my lands on Cumbee on the head of the said tracts and an island containing two hundred and eighty-six acres of land in Granville County on the North East side of Port Royal River and on all other sides on marshes and creeks out of the said River. I give all my Real estate, not already given, devised or bequeathed, unto my two sons Daniel & William Blake, all my household goods & plate to be divided between my two sons Daniel & William & my daughter Ann Blake, to each a third. To son Daniel my coach & harness and Prime Thorn, his wife Betty Molly & all their children which they have or shall have. To son William Wally Johnny Molatto Peter Mol Juda & all their children, &c. To daughter Ann Blake Lampset Nanny Patty & Molly child of Hannah & all their children, &c. All the residue of my personal estate (not already given, devised or bequeathed) unto my four children Rebeccah Izard, Daniel Blake, William Blake & Ann Blake, to be equally divided.

I nominate, &c. daughter Rebecca Izard, son Daniel Blake and son Ralph Izard executrix & executors & guardians to my children until they attain the ages of twenty-one years, &c. & to improve the estate of my said children either by putting money at Interest, buying slaves or any other way they shall judge most advantageous.

Wit: Jacob Molte, William Roper, Alexander Rigg.

Charles Town So: Carolina Secretarys Office.

The foregoing Writing of two sheets of paper is a true copy from the Original will of the Honble Joseph Blake Esquire deceased. Examined & certified p William Pinckney Depty Secty.

11 February 1752 Depositions of John Ouldfield, of South Carolina, planter, & William George, freeman of South Carolina, at present residing in the city of London, gentleman.

The will was proved 20 February 1752 by Daniel Blake Esq. son, &c. &c. Power reserved for the other executors. Bettesworth, 30.

GEORGE JONES, of the City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania, yeoman, having a design by the Permission of the Almighty to pass over the seas, 22 September 1743. To Sarah Toms daughter of Robert Toms twenty pounds current money of Pennsylvania, to be paid her at her age of eighteen years. To Thomas Howard of the city of Philadelphia. joyner, all my right & title of & to my seat in Christ church in Philadelphia. To Mary Howard, daughter of Thomas Howard, ten pounds at age of eighteen. To Andrew Robertson, miller at Wesschicken, my horse, saddle & bridle, my watch & seal thereto affixed. To Kattrine Hinton one hundred pounds immediately after my decease, &c. provided that the said Katrine do not marry till after my decease. To Abraham Pratt, of the city of Philadelphia joyner, twenty pounds, &c. To the children of my brother James Jones deceased, of the parish of St John at Brogmore Green in the County of Worcester in Great Britain, & to my sister Elizabeth Clay, of the city of Worcester, & to her children, all the rest & remainder of my estate, Real & Personal, to be equally divided.

I do nominate & appoint Jonathan Robeson of Philadelphia Esq., Lawrence Anderson, of Philadelphia merchant, and Jacob Duchee, shopkeeper in Market Street, executors.

Wit: William Cunningham, Warwick Coats John Chapman.

14 February 1752 Admon. with the will annexed of the goods & chattells, &c. of George Jones late of the city of Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania, but at the city of Worcester deceased, lying and being in that part of Great Britain called England only but no further or otherwise, was granted to Elizabeth Clay, widow, the natural & lawful sister of the said deceased & one of the Residuary Legatees named in said will, for that Jonathan Robeson Esq., Lawrence Anderson & Jacob Duchee, the executors appointed in said will, have taken upon them the execution thereof so far as concerns that part of the estate of the said deceased within the Province of Pennsylvania, but have respectively renounced the execution of the said will and their right of administration of the said deceased's estate in that part of Great Britain called England. Bettesworth, 39.

[Probated in Philadelphia, 1751, Book i. p. 404.-C. R. HILDEBURN, of Philadelphia.]

WILLIAM STOCKTON, Clerk, parson of Barkeswell in the County of Warwick, 2 March 1593, proved 17 June 1594 by Elizabeth his relict & executrix, through her attorney Thomas Lovell Not. Pub. The will mentions brother Randulph Stockton, brother Raphe Stockton, the children of cousin John Stockton, parson of Alcester, the children of cousin Thomas Gervise, son Jonas Stockton, eldest daughter Debora Stockton, wife Elizabeth & daughters Judith & Abigail, cousins John Stockton & Thomas Gervis and Thomas Benyon of Barkes well yeoman, & John Massame of the city of Coventry, clothworker, to be overseers. Dixey, 49.

[I suppose the cousin John Stockton, parson of Alcester," mentioned in the above will, was the father of Patience, wife of Edward Holyoke of New England, whose father, John Holliock, of Alcester in the county of Warwick, mercer, made his will 21 November 30th Elizabeth (proved 31 January, 1587) in presence of John Stock

ton. If this be so, then Mr. Stockton must have removed before 1607 to Kinkolt in Leicestershire, where he was living (probably as Rector of that parish), as shown by a letter from young Edward Holyoke to his betrothed, dated 21 Nov. 1607. (See Emmerton & Waters's Gleanings from English Records, pp. 57-59.)—H. F. w.]

ROBERT WILCox, the younger, of Alcester in the county of Warwick, mercer, xiiii October 1626, proved 14 February 1626. To my father Mr Robert Wilcox, over and above the two hundred pounds due to him by bond, one hundred pounds within one year after my decease (and some chattell goods). To my son Robert fifty pounds to be put out for his best use at his age of xiiii years. My will is that Ann & Elizabeth Heath shall have xli between them for the money I received by their brother Richard's will. To each of my sisters xl. To Humfry Bedowe x. To Joane my maid servant xv, to Elenor my maid servant xa. I give xli to be from time to time lent gratis to honest tradesmen at the discretion of Mr Bayliffe for the time being, with the assent of my father Wilcox, brother Bridges, brother Holioke and Mr Jeliffe, or of three, two or one of them so long as any of them shall live, and, after the death of the survivor of them, at the discretion of M' Bayliffe for the time being. To mine apprentice xx at thend of his term. The rest of my goods chattells, &c. to Martha, my beloved wife, whom I make sole executrix. The overseers to be my well beloved father in law John Halford and George Jelliffe and my brother Florisell Bovey and I give them iis via apiece for their pains.

Wit: Samuel Hulford, Edward Holioke.

Skinner, 12.

[An article on the Wilcoxes of New England is printed in the REGISTER, xxix. 25-9, but no connection with Robert of Alcester is found. There is probably some relationship between his "brother Holioke" and Edward Holyoke, the immigrant ancestor of the Holyokes of New England, who seems to have come from Alcester (see will of Edward Holliock, 1587, in Emmerton and Waters's Gleanings, p. 57). Two other New England immigrants, William and Richard Waldern (written by descendants, Waldron), were natives of Alcester (see REG. viii. 78).—EDITOR.]

Mr. THOMAS ROPER'S will. John West my servant to be set free. Alexander Gill, servant to Capt. Peirce, to be set free or else if Capt. Peirce shall refuse to release him, then that the said Alexander receive two hundred pounds of Tobacco from Capt. Peirce. I give and bequeath all tobaccoes due unto me in Virginia to my brother John Roper in England and that Mr George Fitz Jefferyes receive it to the use of my said brother. Item a pair of Linen breeches to William Smith of James City. To the said William Smith a waistcoat. To my brother John Roper three hundred and odd pounds of good & lawful money of England, in the hands of my father in law Mr Thomas Sheaperd of Moine in Bedfordshire. The residue to my brother John Roper. Fifty shillings in money to Mr Haute Wyatt, minister of James City.

Wit Haut Wyatt, William Smith, George Fitz Jefferey.

In the letter of administration (5 February 1626) to John Roper Thomas Shepard is spoken of as the natural & lawful father of John, Elizabeth and Constance Shepard, brother and sisters of the deceased on the mother's side (ex materno latere), the letters of administration granted in the month of May 1624 having been brought back and renounced.

Skinner, 11.

[According to a pedigree of the Wyatt family furnished me some years ago by Reginald Stewart Boddington, Esq., London, England, the Rev. Hawte Wyatt (a younger brother of Sir Francis Wyatt, twice governor of Virginia, married 1618, buried 24 August, 1644, at Boxley) was the second son of George and Jane (daugh

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