member of the Virginia Council during the Revolution, and long State Treasurer. He left issue: Eliza, married first, William Brent of Stafford County, and secondly, Col. Edward Carrington of the Revolution and member of Congress (no issue); Mary Willis, married Chief-Justice John Marshall; Anne, married George Fisher, of Richmond; Lucy, married Daniel Call, lawyer and legal reporter, Richmond. Upon the tomb of John Ambler, of Jamestown, Virginia (born 25th September, 1762, died 8th September, 1836), in Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia, the Ambler and Jaquelin arms are quartered: Ambler-Sa. on a fesse or, bet. 3 pheons ar. a lion passant guard. gu. Jaquelin-On a bird 3 roses (no tinctures discernible). Much information regarding the Amblers and Jaquelins of Virginia is given in Meade's Old Churches and Families of Virginia, i. p. 97, et seq. The descendants of Edward Jaquelin and Richard Ambler have intermarried with the families of Baylor, Byrd, Carter, Nicholas, Norton, Randolph and others of prominence. R. A. BROCK, of Richmond, Va.] ANNA COLTMAN of London, widow, 10 February, 1622, proved 25 August, 1623. To my grand daughter Anne Coltman, daughter of my son William, one hundred pounds at her day of marriage or age of twenty-one years. If she die before that time then this sum to her father and his younger daughter Alice and his son Richard, to be equally divided between them. To my son Francis Coltman twenty pounds, to be paid him within three months after my decease. Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Henry, if he be living, the sum of ten pounds of the lawful money of England, to be paid unto him within three months next after his return from Virginia. Francis my eldest son, William my youngest son. Other legacies to children. To my daughter Margaret, the wife of my son William, a ruby ring of gold. To Ralphe Canning, citizen and ironmonger of London, forty shillings; and I appoint him sole executor. To his wife a ruby ring of gold. To my friend Mrs. Anne Hebb of London, widow, whom I appoint overseer, forty shillings and a saphire ring of gold. Swann, 78. SOLOMON STEDMAN of Boston in New England, mariner, 20 October, 1696, proved 1 December, 1697. Henry Cole of St Pauls, Shadwell, Baker, to be my attorney to demand and receive of and from the Right Honorable the Treasurer of His Majesty's Navy and Commissioner for Prize money, &c. &c. I bequeath all my estate to my brother John Stedman. Wit: Abraham Card, Sam' Forrest, John Smith. 66 Pyne, 298. AUGUSTINE FISH of Bowden Magna in the County of Leicester, yeoman, 7 April, 1646, proved 23 September, 1647, by Christian Fish the relict and executrix. To Thomas Fishe my second son, and to my wife, during her life, and after her life ended to Thomas and his heirs males forever one farm, whereon my eldest son liveth, called by the name of Royses Farm, with all that John Fish had there during my life, both in town and field; moreover seven pastors" in Acharhads which sometimes did belong to Palmer's House in the neather end, I give unto Thomas Fish and his heirs males as aforesaid, with this caution and proviso that he shall pay unto his youngest sister, Elizabeth Fish, one hundred marks at her age of twenty three years or on her marriage day, which shall first happen, if her marriage be with the liking of the overseers and her mother and brother. If Thomas Fish die without issue male his land to return unto Bartholomew Fish. In like manner if Bartholomew die without issue male it is to return to William Fish which is in New England, if he be then living. I give unto Christian my daughter the cottage house wherein "Jhon" Warde and his sister liveth, with that spot of ground adjoining, bought of Richard Watts, to enter at the death of Jhon Warde, with one cow and five sheep. I give unto Jhon Halliake the eldest son of William Halliake, after his father and mother's decease, the three acres which did belong to Palmer's farm, unto him forever; and all the rest of his other children which will be ruled by parents and grandmother I give five pounds apiece, to be paid at their marriage or at twenty years old. I give unto Bartholomew Fish my youngest son five pounds. I give unto William Fish in New England, if he return, five pounds. Further to my son Thomas Fish, after the lease is expired which now my son John Fish holdeth, called by the name of Waters his close, to my son Thomas and his heirs forever. To my grandchildren at Brigstock, to help to buy every one a sepp,* nobles apiece. I also give unto my grand children at Thorpe, in Rutland, three ewes, to be given at the discretion of my executrix. I also give unto my servants half a crown apiece more over than their wages. make my wife full and sole executrix, praying Thomas Fish my second son, to assist her with his power. I also wish, if be thought good unto my executrix, to give unto my eldest son's children two nobles. The Test. of Augustine Fishe "Ritten" with his own hand. Intreating these two my sons, Edward Marriat and Robert Sly to be overseers. Wit: Maurice Dix and William Whittwell. Fines, 186. [The William Fish mentioned is probably William of Windsor, Ct. See Savage's Gen. Dict. ii. 161; Connecticut Col. Records, i. 144, 148; ii. 519.—EDITOR.] JAMES CARTER of Hinderclay in the County of Suffolk, yeoman, Saturday, 8 Sept. 1655. "I give unto the children of my brother Thomas Carter who now is in the new England, to every of them Tenn pounds apeece as Conveyniently as the same may bee raysed out of my parsonall Estate." To the two sons of my brother William Stubbs of Harleston, by his late wife who was my sister, and his two daughters by her, &c. To Frances Edwards, my wife's kinswoman. Commission was issued 24 October, 1655, to Mary Carter widow of the said James Carter. Aylett, 391. [The Thomas Carter mentioned was probably Thomas of Sudbury, who died Aug. 14, 1659. There were at least two others who may have been the man, viz., Rev. Thomas, of Woburn, who died Sept. 5, 1684 (REGISTER, XVII. 51); and Thomas, of Charlestown, who died about 1652. (Wyman's Charlestown, i. 186.)-EDITOR. Mr. Samuel R. Carter, Paris, Oxford County, Maine, in letter of July 21, 1884, surmises that the Rev. Thomas Carter may have first landed in Virginia (emigrating thence to New England), and that he may have been a relation of John Carter, the ancestor of the well-known Virginia family of the name. There is, however, nothing of tradition or record to substantiate the theory.-R. A. BROCK.] JOHN COOPER, of Weston Hall (in the County of Warwicke), 21 November, 1654, proved 1 October, 1655, by Elizabeth Cooper, his widow and executrix. To brother Timothy Cooper, now in New England, the sum of thirty pounds, but if it happen that he shall die before this shall be due then to his children that shall be living. To sister Dorcas ten pounds, but if she die, &c. then to brother Timothy if living, if not then to his children. My wife to have the benefit of the said sums of thirty pounds and ten pounds during her widowhood. "Yet notwithstandinge if it shall please god to afflict my wife in anie of his providences towards her that shee hath neede of all that I have as it shall evidently appeare to supply her * Interesting as a survival of the Anglo Saxon term for sheep.-H. F. W. selfe in her want Then my will is that that I have bequeathed to my brother and sister shalbe voyde and shall not be exported from her." Wife Elizabeth to be executrix. Friends Humphrey Hale and John Buttery "to be helpefull to my wife as her occation shall require.” The witnesses were John Sutton & John Buttery. Aylett, 392. [The Timothy Cooper mentioned was probably the person of that name at Lynn, who died March, 1659, and had sons John and Timothy, and several daughters.EDITOR.] JOSEPH TOWNSEND, now of London, gentleman, but late of South Carolina in America, 4 February, 1732, proved 16 August, 1736. Money to be raised to satisfy my brothers in law M' John Glasse of Cary Street, gentleman, all such sum & sums that I am or shall be indebted unto him together with interest thereon. If any thing remain I give & bequeath the same unto my loving sister Hannah Glass, wife of the said John Glass, in trust, to divide and give the same unto my dear son William Sinclar Townsend and Hannah Townsend, equally to be divided between them, to be paid at their several ages of one & twenty years; and I desire her to take care of them, &c. My dear sister to be sole executrix, without the control of her said husband. Wit: Do Strangways G. Thornton, Robt: Thornton. Derby, 185. JOHN ENDICOTT of Salem in New England, chirurgeon, now resident in London, being bound on a voyage to New England, 12 August, 1689, proved 30 March 1695 by Anne Endicott, his widow. He mentions wife Anne and the child she goes with, brother Samuel, and refers to the will of his father Zerubbabel Endicott. Irby, 208. [This John Endicott was a grandson of Gov. John Endicott. See REGISTER, i. 336. -EDITOR.] WILLIAM MARCH of Charlestown in New England, but now residing in the parish of Stepney in the County of Middlesex, mariner, being very sick, &c. makes his friend Mr Richard Robison of Shadwell, shipwright, executor and gives him two guineas. "I can hold my pen no longer." 29 October, 1694, proved 13 September, 1695. The witnesses were Anne Pearce & Jane Willoughby. Irby, 220. [This William March was the son of Nicholas and Martha March of Charlestown. His mother married for a second husband William Dadey. Administration on this estate in this county was granted to Mrs. Dadey. Inventory, Sept. 12, 1695, £24. See Wyman's Charlestown, ii. 655.-EDITOR.] Letters of administration granted 11 November, 1633, to John Conant, clerk, uncle on the father's side (patruo) of CALEB CONANT, lately in the parts beyond the seas, bachelor, deceased. Admon. Act Book for 1633, Leaf 204. JOHN PARRIS of the Island of Barbadoes, Esq., 15 May, 1660, proved 23 October, 1661. To wife Susanna Parris one hundred pounds a year, in quarterly payments; and I do bind my third part of three plantations in the said Island for performance of the same. To Thomas Parris, son of my brother Thomas, one hundred pounds out of the revenue of said plantations. To Samuel Parris, another son of brother Thomas, one hundred pounds (as before), and to Martyn Parris, another son (a similar bequest). If any of my said three nephews die before they attain the age of twenty one years, the legacies shall remain equally to the survivors. To Sarah Parris, daughter of my brother Richard Parris, deceased, one hundred pounds to be paid within one year after my decease. To my sister Margaret Bully ten pounds. To my sister-in-law Susanna Parris, forty shillings to buy her a ring. To my sister Rebecca Parris forty shillings to buy her a ring. To Thomas Martaine, son of my cousin Thomas Martaine of this Island, one thousand pounds of Musko sugar within twelve months after my decease. To Hugh Leman, one half piece of fine dowlas, &c. Bequest to James Minge. To Thomas Newman, son of George Newman deceased, fifty pounds at age. To my brother Thomas Parris all my third part of three plantations (as above) as also all my part of the stone house at Reades Bay and land at the Bridge, &c., provided he pay annuity & legacies, &c. To John Parris, eldest son of my said brother Thomas, after the death of his father (all the above real estate), with remainder to Thomas, next to Samuel, then to Marrine (sic) Parris, sons of my said brother. And my said cousin John Parris shall have my gold ring with the signet. The residue to brother Thomas Parris. Richard Evens, Capt. James Klinkett, Left. Anthony Woodward and my cousin Thomas Martine to be my executors, in trust, until other orders shall be given by my brother Thomas Parris who is at London. The above will was proved by Thomas Parris, brother of the deceased. May, 161. ANNE PARRIS of St Mary Islington, in the County of Middlesex, wife to Thomas Parris now or late resident at the Island of Barbadoes beyond the seas merchant, 9 June, 1665, proved 10 June, 1665. Reference to bond of husband, before marriage, to one Mr William Freeman, in trust for the use of me, for the payment of five hundred pounds, &c. To Samuel Halsey, now an apprentice in three hundred pounds. To my loving cousin Thomas Bent, citizen & merchant taylor of London, cousin Frances Ascue & cousin Elizabeth Smith fifty pounds apiece. Their mother, my sister, Elizabeth Smith, my sister Tanser. Others mentioned. Mr Thomas Doelittle & Mr Peter Royle to be executors. Hyde, 65. [The Rev. Samuel Deane, in his History of Scituate, Mass. (page 320-1), speaking of Thomas Parris, of Scituate, who was born at Pembroke, May 8, 1701, says: "From undoubted documents, now [1831] in the possession of Rev. Martin Parris, of Marshfield, we learn that this gentleman was son of Thomas Parris, who came to Long Island, 1683, from London, from whence he removed to Newbury, 1685, and to Pembroke, Mass., 1697; which latter was son of John Parris, a dissenting minister of Ugborough, near Plymouth, England,-whose father was Thomas, a merchant of London. The last named Thomas had a brother John, a merchant and planter of great wealth, who deceased in Barbadoes, 1660. His original will is in the possession of Rev. Martin Parris.' The testator is undoubtedly the wealthy merchant and planter of Barbadoes referred to by the Rev. Mr. Deane, and the Rev. John Parris of Ugborough must be his nephew John, whom he calls "the eldest son of my said brother Thomas." The late Hon. Albion Keith Parris, the second governor of Maine, was the sixth in descent from Rev. John. (See Historical Magazine, vol. i. (1857) pp. 130–1.) Mr. Thomas Parris was Assistant Justice in Barbadoes, April 11, 1631 (RegisTER, xxxix. p. 138). The Rev. Samuel Parris, of Danvers, of witchcraft notoriety, appears to have been the son of Thomas Parris, of Barbadoes, who died in 1673, and who was probably Thomas, a younger brother of Rev. John Parris, also named by the testator. (See REGISTER, X. 34.)-EDITOR.] JOSEPH WILKINSON of Calvert County in the Province of Maryland merchant, 25 April, 1734. To my brother in law Mr John Skinner an handsome suit of mourning and a mourning ring of twenty shillings sterling price. To my dear and loving wife one full third part of my personal estate. To my daughter Elizabeth one other full third part. To my son Joseph the remaining third part. If my wife be with child then my estate is to be equally divided among all my children. My wife to be executrix. In case of her death my brother in law Mr John Skinner to be executor. Wit: John Smith, Posths: Thornton, Roger Boyce, Alex' Lawson. 22 July, 1736, there issued a commission to William Torver the lawful attorney of Mary Wilkinson the widow and executrix of the deceased, &c., to administer according to the tenor & effect of the said will, for the use & benefit of the said executrix, now residing in Maryland. Derby, 168. EDWARD PARKS citizen & merchant tailor of London, 23 January 1650 To wife Mary Parks, in lieu of her thirds, fifteen hundred pounds (in various payments) and one third of the plate and household stuff, and all that my freehold messuage or tenement with its appurtenances, &c. which I lately purchased of William Pennoyer of London, merchant, wherein I now dwell, in the parish of Stepney, being the North western part of that great messuage formerly the possession of the Right Hon. Henry Earl of Worcester. My wife to have the education of my children. If my son Henry Parks shall within three months, &c. and after notice given, release and quitclaim, &c. all his part of all my goods, &c. (according to the custom of the city of London) and release to George Jackson of Sandhurst in the county of Kent all his part of lands, &c. in Maidstone in the County of Kent which I lately have sold to George Jackson, then I give & bequeath unto him three hundred pounds (in various payments). And further I give & bequeath unto my said son Henry Parks and his heirs forever, in consideration as well of the release by him to be made to my brother George Jackson of the lands in Maidstone, &c. all my messuages, houses, lands, tenements & hereditaments situate, lying and being in New England in the parts of America beyond the seas. If my son Edward Parks, within three months next after notice given him of my death and after he shall attain the age of twenty & one years, release his part of personal estate according to purport of an indenture, dated 26 June 1640, between me the said Edward Parks, of the one part, and Thomas Westby of Fresby in the county of York, gentleman, and Edward Gell of Brimington in the county of Derby Esq., of the other part, then I give and bequeath unto the said Edward three score pounds for his preferment & placing him to apprentice. To my son John five hundred pounds within three months after he attains the age of twenty-one years, and to sons William & Stephen (the same amount with the same limitation). To daughter Elizabeth Parks five hundred pounds at twenty-one or day of marriage. To sons Thomas, Dannett, Francis & Samuel (legacies similar to their brother John's above). To Mark, Francis & Susan Wilcox, three of the children of my sister Alice Wilcox, ten pounds apiece, & to Anne Wilcox another daughter twenty pounds, to be paid, the sons at twenty-one and the daughters at that age or day of marriage. Bequeaths to the widow. Brewer, to Martha Wilson now wife of Thomas Wilson, being both my late servants, to my daughter Mary, now wife of Thomas Plampin and my two grand children Thomas and Edward Plampin. Reference to lands in Hadleigh in the county of Suffolk lately bought. |