Imágenes de páginas

from the visitation of the plague in the summer of 1625. I saw other burials entered, but did not have time to note them. All, however, I think, were buried in the church. As I passed through this venerable edifice, once the place of worship of our modest benefactor, I noticed that the great window in the South Transept was of plain glass, as if Providence had designed that some day the sons of Harvard should place. there a worthy memorial of one who is so well entitled to their veneration.-HENRY F. WATERS.]

WILLIAM WARD of the parish of St Savior in Southwarke in the County of Surrey citizen and goldsmith of London 2 April 1624.

My body to be buried within the parish church of St Saviors in Southwark aforesaid. My estate shall be divided into three equal parts or portions according to the laudable custom of the city of London. One of which said third parts of my estate I do give, devise and bequeath unto my now wellbeloved wife Roase Ward. One other third part of my said estate I do give and bequeath unto my loving son Edward Ward and unto my well beloved daughter Roase Warde equally between them to be divided part and part alike (both minors). The other third part I reserve towards the payment of debts, funeral expenses and legacies &c.

To loving aunt Margaret Wood widow forty shillings per annum, in quarterly payments. To the poor of the parish of St Savior's four pounds sterling. To Mr James Archar our minister twenty shillings sterling. To the churchwardens and vestry men of the parish of St Saviors aforesaid of which society I am now a member the sum of six pounds sterling to make a dinner for them. To my good friend Mr Richard Yarwood one silver bowl of the weight of twelve ounces. Item I do give and bequeath unto my brother Mr Robert Harverd and to my friend George Garrett and my cousin William Shawarden to every of them a ring of gold to the value of twenty shillings or twenty shillings apiece in money. The remainder shall be divided into three equal parts or portions, two of which I do give and bequeath unto my said son Edward Ward to be likewise paid unto him at his age of one and twenty years, and the other third part of the said remainder I do give and bequeath unto my said daughter Roase Ward to be paid unto her on the day of her marriage or at her age of one and twenty years, which shall first happen. If both my said children shall happen to die before the legacies by this my last will bequeathed unto them and either of them shall grow due then I do will and bequeath all and every the legacies, herein by me before bequeathed unto my said children, unto my said loving wife Roase Ward and unto my cousin Elizabeth now wife of the forenamed William Shawarden equally between them to be divided &c. And I do make and ordain my said son Edward Warde and my said good friend M Richard Woodward executors of this my last will. And I do nominate and appoint the foresaid Robert Harvard, George Garrett and William Shawarden to be overseers of this my will.

This will containing four sheets of paper was read signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us Josua Whitfeild and me William Page Scri. Memorandum that this word Woodward was mistaken in the fifteenth line of this sheet and that according to the true intent of the said William Ward the same was meant and should have been written Yearwood who is the man mentioned to be nominated in the eighth line of the - sheet to be Richard Yearwood and mistaken by me the writer, witness William Page Scri. Administration was granted to Roase Ward, the widow, during the minority of Edward Warde the son, 5 October 1624.

80, Byrde.

[The foregoing abstract was found in the course of my gleanings nearly a year ago, and preserved on account of its mention of Robert Harvard and Richard Yearwood. It now turns out to be very important as evidence that Robert Harvard's wife Katherine, the mother of our John Harvard, was a Rogers; for in my reading of the registers of St. Saviour's I came upon the following marriage :

1621 Oct 17 William Warde and Rose Rogers.

This I made note of at the time, not remembering this long preserved abstract of William Ward's will, but solely because I recalled that Katherine Yarwood had mentioned a sister Rose Reason, and as I fully believed the testatrix would turn out to be a Rogers, the name Rose Rogers struck me as worth noting. Rose Ward and Rose Reason were probably one and the same person.

Another most important evidence of John Harvard's identity remains to be shown. Knowing that he must have been the owner of landed property, and believing that before leaving for America (in the spring of 1637) he would be selling some of this property, I surmised that some record of such sale would appear in some of the documents preserved in the Public Record Office, although I had been informed that the Record Office had been searched for trace of John Harvard, and that it was hardly worth the while for me to make a search there. However, I laid the matter before my young friend Francis Grigson, Esq. (a son of the late Rev. William Grigson, our former corresponding member), and sought his advice. He said that my surmise was quite reasonable, and that the best field of investigation would be the Feet of Fines. No one could be kinder than he in showing me how to look for the evidence I wanted. After almost a whole day's labor, in which I found many suggestive items bearing on American names, I, at last, found an entry which led me to send for the Feet of Fines of the Hillary Term, 12th Charles I., County Surrey. The following is a copy of the first (and important) part of this document:

Hec est finalis concordia fca) in cur) Dni Regis apud Westm) in Octavis Purificacois Be Marie Anno regnorum caroli Dei gra) Angli Scotie ffranc et Hibn ie Regis fidei Defens etc a conqu) duodecimo coram Johe) ffinch Rico) Hutton Georgio Vernon et ffrancisco Crawley justic' et aliis dni Regis fidelibus tunc ibi) p'sentibus Int' Johem Man et Johannam uxom eius quer) et Johem Harvard et Annam uxom eius defore) de uno mesuagio et tribus Cotagijs cum p'tin in Parochia Sci) Olavi in Southwarke.

The next day, after a long search, I was able to examine the Concord of Fines, relating to the same transaction, where I hoped to find the signatures of the parties to this agreement, as was the custom. This case, to my great regret, proved an exception to the rule, and I was unable therefore to get a tracing of John Harvard's autograph. However, I was enabled to fix the precise date of the transfer, vizt. 16 February, 12th Charles I. The consideration given by John and Johan Man was one hundred and twenty pounds sterling.

Here we find John Harvard appearing in February, 1636-7, as a grantor of real estate in St. Olave (where his brother Thomas was living) and with wife Ann; surely most important evidence that he was the John Harvard who six months afterwards was in New England with a wife Ann; and the above date of transfer and the date of probate of his brother Thomas Harvard's will undoubtedly furnish the limits of the period of time within which John Harvard left old England to take up his abode in our New England. He must have set sail some time between 16 February and 5 May, 1637. The four tenements thus conveyed were, without doubt, the same as those described in the following extract:

John Man of the parish of St. Olave in Southwarke in the County of Surrey, sea captain, 6 August 1660, proved 25 November 1661.

"I giue and bequeath all those my foure houses or Tenements with thappurtenances thereunto belonging scituate in Bermondsey streete in the parish of St Olave in Southwarke and County aforesaid which I purchased of one Harbert, being in the occupation and possession of one Greenball or his assignes at yearely Rent of eight and twenty pounds unto Mary my Loveing wife dureing her naturall life and from and after her decease to the heires of our bodyes lawfully to bee begotten forever and for want of such issue to the heires of the said Mary my wife Lawfully to bee begotten of her body forever."- -H. F. W.] 180, May.

IN DEI NOMINE AMEN. The Sixt Daye of the moneth of ffebruary Anno dñi 1637 I John Sadler of Ringmer in the County of Sussex Clerke Compos mentis et Corpore sanus thankes be to God therefore doe make & ordayne this my last will & Testament vizt ffirst I will & bequeath my poore sinfull Soule to God the father Beseechinge him of his mercy to save it for his sonne Jesus Christ his satisfacčons sake And my Body I will to be buryed where & by whome & in what manner God hath appointed. ffor my worldly goodes I will & bequeath them in maner followinge ffirst I will and bequeath to my daughter Anne the wife of John Haruard Clarke Twentie shillinges to be payd her after my decease when shee shall demand it. Item I will and bequeath to my sonne John Sadler Twenty Shillinges to be payd him within a moneth after my death if it be demaunded Alsoe I will and bequeath to the poore of the parish of Worsfield in the County of Salop Twenty shillinges to be distributed amongst them after my death And I will to the poore of y pish of Ringmer abouenamed the summe of Tenn shillinges to be distributed amongst them after my departure And for the rest of my worldly goodes whatsoever legally bequeatheable I will and bequeath them to Mary my deare and loveinge wife not doubtinge of her good and godly diposeinge of them whome I make the sole and onely Executrix of this my will In wittnes whereof I say In wittnes whereof I haue hereunto sett my hand & seale JOHN SADLER.

Witnesses hereunto John Shepherd John Legener.

PROBATUM fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram ven)abili viro dño Henrico Marten milite legū dcore Curiæ Prerogative Cant Magro Custode sive Comissario ltime Constituto vicesimo primo die mensis Octobris Anno di Millmo sexcentmo quadragesimo Juramento Marie Sadler Relictæ dicti defuncti et Executricis in hmoi Testamento noiāt Cui Comissa fuit Administračo omniu et singlorum bonorum iurium et Creditorum eiusdem defuncti de bene et fideliter Administrando eadem Ad sancta dei Evangelia coram Magro Esdra Coxall Clico vigore Comissionis in ea parte als emanat Jurat. Coventry, 128.

[John Sadler, M.A., whose will is given above, was instituted Vicar of Patcham in the county of Sussex, 3 November, 1608, as I have been informed by E. H. W. Dunkin, Esq., who has for years been making careful researches among the records relating to this county. In Patcham Mr. Sadler's children were baptized as follows:

Ann d. of Jn. Sadler, Mary, August 24, 1614.

[blocks in formation]

Afterwards he was settled at Ringmer, where I find he was inducted 12 October, 1626, and was buried there 3 October, 1640.* His son John was a graduate of Emanuel College, Cambridge, M.A. 1638, Fellow of the College, Master in Chancery, Town Clarke of London and Master of Magdalen College, Cambridge, we learn from Cole's Collection (Add. MS. 5851, British Museum). From Le Neve's Fast. Eccl. Angl. we get this confirmed and with further information, under the title St. Mary Magdalene Coll. Masters. John Sadler, M.A., was admitted 1650, and deprived at the restoration.

*The Burrell Collection (Add. MSS. 5697, &c. British Museum), from which I took the above item, gives the date 1642, a manifest error as shown by date of probate of will; besides, Burrell convicts himself in the next line, showing the date of induction of Mr. Sadler's successor, 1640. My friend Mr. Dunkin' gives me the entry from the Ringmer Register as follows: "1640 Oct. 3 buryed Mr John Sadler minister of Ringmer." H. F. W.

In the same MS. Cole gives the admission of John Harvard, P 1631, and the same year Tho. Allen P. June 22, Suff. Mr. Harvard's graduation is shown to be 1635. His pastor, Nicholas Morton, M.A. 1619, born in Leicestershire, was Dixy Fellow and afterwards chaplain of St. Mary Overies, London (i. e. St. Savior's, Southwark).

In the Sussex Archæological Society's Collection (vol. 11, p. 225) is given "A Rolle of the several Armors and furniture with theire names of the clergie within the Arch Deaconry of Lewes and Deanery of South Malling with the Deanry of Battell in the County of Sussex. Rated and appoynted the 11th day of March Ao D'ni 1612 by the Right Reverend father in God Samuell (Harsnet) Lo. Bishoppe of Chichester." I extract the following item: " Petcham, Mr Jo. Sadler, vicar a musquet furnished."

As the widow Ann Harvard became the wife of the Rev. Thomas Allen, the following abstract may be worth noting here:

Mense Octobris 1673, Vicesimo Septimo die. Emt. Como. Thomæ Allen filio nrāli et ltimo Thomæ Allen nup Civtis Norwicen vid def hentis etc. Ad Admistrand bona jura et cred d'ci def de bene etc jurat. Admon. Act Book 1673, fol. 128.

I cannot refrain from expressing the gratitude I feel towards my brother antiquaries in England for the kindly sympathy and generous_assistance I have received from them; and I desire to name especially Messrs. E. H. W. Dunkin, Francis Grigson, David Jones, Robert Garraway Rice and J. C. C. Smith, who have shown kindness without stint in this matter, as in all other matters connected with my genealogical work in England.-HENRY F. Waters.]

Testamentatum Georgii ffox.

I do give to Thomas Lower my sadle and bridle they are at John Nelson's and spurrs and Bootts inward leathers and the New England Indian Bible and my great book of the signifying of names and my book of the New Testament of Eight languages and all my physical things that came from beyond the sea with the outlandish cupp and that thing that people do give glisters with and my two dials the one is an Equinoctiall Diall And all my overplus Books to be divided among my four sons in law and also all my other books And my Hamock I do give to Thomas Lower that is at Benjamin Antrobus his closett and Rachell may take that which is at Swarthmore. And Thomas Lower may have my Wallnutt Equinoctiall Diall and if he can he may gett one cut by it which will be hard to do, and he shall have one of my prospect glasses in my Trunck at London and a pair of my gloves and my seale. G: ff: And the flameing sword to Nath: Meade and my other two seals I: Rouse and the other Dan: Abraham And Tho: Lower shall have my Spanish Leatherhood and S: Meade shall have my magnifying glass and the tortoise shell comb and cace. G. ff.

And let Tho: Docra that knoweth many of my Epistles and written Books which he did write come up to London to assist ffriends in sorting of my Epistles and other writings and give him a Guinea. G. ff.

And all that I have written concerning what I do give to my Relations either money or otherwise John Loft may putt it up in my Trunck at John Elsons and write all things down in a paper and make a paper out of all my papers how I have ordered things for them and John Loft may send all things down by Poulesworth Carryer in the Trunck to John ffox at Poulesworth in Warwickshire And lett John ffox send John Loft a full Receipt and a discharge and in this matter none of you may be concerned

but John Loft only. And my other Little Trunck that standeth in Benjamin Antrobus his closett with the outlandish things Thomas Lower shall have and if it be ordered in any other papers to any other, that must not stand so, but as now ordered. G. ff. And Sarah thou may give Sarah Freckelton halfe a guinea for she hath been serviceable to me an honest carefull young woman G. ff. Make no noise of these things but do them in the life as I have ordered them And when all is done and cleared what remains to the printing of my Books Benjamin Antrobus and Mary hath one 100 pounds of mine. take no use of them for it when you do receive it And in my chest in Benjamin Antrobus his Chamber there is a little Guilt Box with some gold in it Sarah Meade to take it and let it do it service among the rest so far as it will goe the Box is sealed up.

G. ff. I do order William and Sarah Meade and T. Lower to take care of all my Books and Epistles and papers that be at Benjamin Antrobuses and att R. R. Chamber and those that come from Swarthmore and my Journall of my life and the passadges and travells of ffriends and to take them all into their hands And all the overplus of them they may have and keep together as a Library when they have gathered them together which are to be printed; And for them to take charge of all my money and defray all as I have ordered in my other papers and anything of mine they may the my (sic) take, and God will and shall be their reward The 8th moth 1688. G. ff.

Thomas Lower and John Rouse may assist you And all the passages and Travels and sufferings of ffriends in the beginning of the spreading of the truth which I have kept together will make a fine History and they may be had at Swarthmore with my other Books and if they come to London with my papers then they may be had either at W: M: Ben: Antrobus his closett, soe it is a fine thing to know the beginning of the spreading of the Gospel, after so long night of Apostacy since the Apostles' days that now Christ reigns as he did in the hearts of the people. Glory to the Lord for ever Amen. The 8th moth 1688 G: ff:

30 December 1697: Appeared personally Sarah Meade, wife of William Meade of the parish of St Dyonis Back church, London, citizen and merchant Taylor of London, and did declare that she is of the number of dissenters commonly called Quakers; and she did declare in the presence of Almighty God, the witness of the truth of what she said, that she has known George Fox, late of Swarthmore in the County of Lancaster Gentleman, deceased, he marrying with her, the declarant's mother; and she has often seen him write and is well acquainted with his handwriting and she, having now seen and perused three papers hereunto annexed and marked No 1, 2 & 3, containing the last Will & Testament of the said George Fox deceased, the first beginning thus (I do give to Thomas Lower, &c) and ending thus (" Torkel shel com & case. G. ff."), the second beginning thus (and all that I have written, &c.) and ending thus (the Box is sealed up. G. ff.) and in the margin (give him a guinea), the third beginning thus (I do order William & Sarah Meade, &c.) and ending thus (glory to the Lord forever Amen. G. ff. the 8th mon 1688) she did declare that she did & does verily believe that the same three papers were and are all wrote by & with the proper handwriting of the said George Fox deceased And she farther declared that above a year before the death of the said George Fox (who died on or about the thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord

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