Imágenes de páginas

["Richard Bifield, minister, was buried the 30th of Decr 1664." He was rector of Long-Ditton, had been one of the assembly of divines, and published several sermons and religious tracts.-Extract from Parish Register of Mortlake, with remarks thereon. Lysons's Environs of London, vol. i. p. 371.

Richard Byfield, M.A., who was ejected from the Rectory of Long Ditton in Surrey, retired to Mortlake and continued to preach to the last sabbath of his life. He died December 26, 1664, aged 67, and was buried in the parish church."-Surrey Congregational History, by John Waddington, D.D. Printed in London, 1866. P. 250.-H. F. W.

Nathaniel Byfield, son of Rev. Richard of Long Ditton, came to New England about 1674, and settled first in Boston and afterwards in Bristol, but returned to Boston, where he died June 6, 1733, in his 80th year (see Lane's Manual of the First Church in Bristol, R. I., p. 74). It is said that he was one of twenty-one children (Savage's Dict. i. 325). Rev. Nicholas Byfield of Chester and Isleworth (Bliss's Wood's Ath. Ox. ii. 323, and Brook's Puritans, ii. 298), whom Brook calls a half brother of Richard of Long Ditton, is more likely to have been an uncle. Nicholas was father of the celebrated Rev. Adoniram Byfield.-EDITOR.]

Notes on Abstracts previously printed.

THOMAS COTTON (ante, p. 91):

[Benj. Woodbridge, of Boston, deposes 30 Dec. 1697, that, when I was in London 2 years ago and since, I was often to see Mrs. Bridget Usher the wife of Mr. Hezekiah Usher (lately deceased) who dwelt with her son in law Mr. Thomas Cotton a minister of the Gospel who married her daughter and who had one son living about 5 years old. They dwelt in Hodsdon's Square near Shoreditch. He complained how he was unjustly kept from his wife's portion for about 7 years it being here in New England, and that he would be glad to have relief in that case. (Mass. Archives, viii. 66.)-WILLIAM M. SARGENT, of Portland, Me.]

STEPHEN WHEATLAND of the city of Winchester in the County of Southampton, 6 January, 1737, proved 18 June, 1739. To my son Stephen Wheatland, clerk, one shilling. To my daughter Elizabeth Barlow, wife of Henry Barlow, one shilling. To my granddaughter Elizabeth Barlow one shilling. To Henry Barlow one shilling. To my grandchildren Susanna Whitehead, Anna Whitehead, Stephen Wheatland Whitehead and Elizabeth Whitehead and their heirs, and, for want of such heirs, to William Whitehead, my grandson, and his heirs forever, all my freehold messuages and tenements, lands and hereditaments situate, lying & being in the city of Winchester. My loving son and daughter Edward Whitehead & Susanna his wife to be executor & executrix.

Wit: Tho: Cropp, Richard Rimes, James Pledger.


Henchman, 142.

[Possibly there may be some connection between Stephen Wheatland, the testator, and the family from which Henry Wheatland, M.D., of Salem, Mass., president of the Essex Institute, is descended. The name Stephen is found in both. Dr. Wheatland writes to us: My father, Richard Wheatland, was born in Wareham, England, in 1762. His parents were Peter and Bridget (Foxcroft) Wheatland, who were married about 1752. Their eldest child was born in 1753. We have in Salem the family bible given to my father by his mother, during a visit to England in 1799. It contains the records of the births of the children, 7 sons and 3 daughters, viz. John, Stephen, Peter, George, Richard, Robert, 2d John, Bridget, Margaret and Anne. My impression is that my father's father was born about midway between London and Wareham, probably in the vicinity of Winchester."

See Gleanings by Emmerton and Waters, p. 130, in relation to William Wheatland, who died 19 Feb. 1575.-EDITOR.]

MEMORANDUM That the tenth daye of July i6ii John Harvard of the pishe of St Sauior in Southwarke wthin the County of Surrey Butcher beinge then sicke and very weake in body but of good memory, beinge moved to dispose of his temporall estate uttered theise or the like wordes in effect (in the presence of us whose names be subscribed) viz', I give unto Francis Rodgers tenn poundes And all the rest of my goodes and estate I giue unto my broth Thomas Harvard, and I make my said brother Tho: Harvard my sole Executor, And to witnes the same we haue hereunto sett our handes Tho: Harvard his m'ke Ricd Yearwood Robert Harvard his m'ke. The above will was proved 21 July 1611 by Thomas Harvard brother and executor &c. 158, Berry (Archdeaconry of Surrey).

Marche the 27. Anno i622.

IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. I Thomas Harvard of the precinct of St Katherins neere the tower of London beinge sicke in bodie but of perfect memory thankes be to God doe ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge. ffirst I doe bequeath my Soule into the handes of almightie god that gave it me, and to his sonne Jesus Christ that Redeemed me by whose death and merritts I doe trust onelie to be saved and my Sole receyved into eternall ioye. for my bodie to be committed to the Earthe from whence it came and to be buryed at the discretion of my Executrix hereundernamed And for the rest of the porcion of goodes which the lorde hath lent me duringe my life my will is my welbeloved wife shall fullie and whollie enioy it whatsoeuer and to give unto my children that the lorde hath sent me whatsoever it pleaseth her into whose handes after my decease I comitt all that my estate and porcion ether in England or elsewhere beyonde the Seas and this I ordaine as my last will and testament and disanull all former whatsoeuer making my deerly beloved wife Margarett Harvarde my sole executrix. In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hande. The marke of Thomas Harvard.

Subscribed and deliuered by Thomas Harvard in the presentes of us hereunder named Edmond Swettenham the marke of Ann Blaton.

PROBATUM FUIT TESTAMENTUM suprascriptum apud London coram venerabili viro magro Richardo Clarke legum doctore Surrogato venerabilis viri domini Willimi Bird militis legum etiam doctoris Curie Prerogatiue Cantuarens magri Custodis siue Commissarii ltime constituti. Vicesimo tertio die mens" Augusti Anno Dñi Millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo secundo. Juramento Margarete Harvard relicte et executricis dicti defuncti in eodem testamento nominat. Cui Commissa fuit Administracio bonorum iurium et creditorum dicti defunct de bene et fideliter administrand &c. Ad sancta Dei Evangelia Jurat. 78, Saville.

July the xxvith: 1625

THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of Margaret Harwar* of St Katherines widdowe sicke and weake in bodie but in perfecte memorie thanks be gee geven to god in this manner and forme followeinge; ffirst I bequeathe my soule into the hands of Allmighty god that gave it me, and to Jesus Christ my saviour that redeemed me hopinge and trustinge only to be saved by his merritts death and passion and my bodie I committ to the earth

* This name in the original will appears invariably as Harvard.-H. F. W.

from whence it came and to be buried att the discretion of my executors hereunder named And my worldly goodes I bequeathe in this manner and forme followeinge; first my will and desire is that the howse I now dwell in, commonly called by the name of the Christopher scittuate and beinge in St Katherins neere the Tower of London be sould to the best advantage, And to him or her that will give most money for it, And beinge sould the money to be devided in this manner followeinge, The money to be devided between my three daughters Margarett Harward Alse Harward, and Jone Harward, And if any of my said daughters doe chance to dye before their legacies come to their hands or growe due, my will is that their parte or parts shall come to the survivors of those three; Item my will is and I bequeathe unto John Walbank my sonne the some of Twenty Pounds of Currant English money if he be livinge And if it please god that he be dead then my will is that this Sonne Thomas Walbancke my Grandchilde shall have it paid him when he comes to lawfull Age. It. my will is and bequeath unto my daughter Susan Walbanck the some of ffive Pounds to be paid unto her when my said howse is sould It. my will and desire is that those worldly goodes that god hath blessed me withall shall be equally devided betwixt my said three daughters Jone, Margarett Harward and Alse Harward parte and parte alike; every one there share; And if any of them happen to dye before their part come to their hands my will is it shall come to the survivor or survivo". It. my will is and I doe give unto Thomas Wallbanck my grandchild the some of Tenn Pounds to be paid unto him out of my two daughters porcons Jane and Alse. It. I give and bequeathe unto Thomas Harward the sonne of Thomas Harward my late husband the some of Tenn Shillins. It. my will is and I bequeathe unto my frend Edmond Swettenham of East Smithfeild the some of ffourty shillinges to make him one gould ringe withall to weare for my sake; And I doe ordaine my daughter Margarett Harward my sole executrix of this my last will and testamente; And I doe appointe and desire my two lovinge frends Robert Evebancke and Edmond Swettenham my two overseers of this my will and I doe give unto Robert Evebanck for his paines twenty shillings; The marke of Margarett Harward. Witnes Edmond Swettenham Rob't Ewbancke The marke of Marie psons.

PROBATUM fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London cora Magistro Thoma Langley Clico Surrogato venerabilis viri domini Henrici Marten Millitis legum doctoris Curie Prerogative Cantuariensis Magistri Custodis sive Commissarii legitime constituti Nono die mensis Septembris Anno Dni Millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo quinto, Juramento Thome Gouldan Notarii Publici Procuris Margarete Harward filie et executricis in humoi Testō nominat Cui Commissa fuit Administračo bonorum iurium et creditorum dei defunct de bene et fidelit Administraîd eadem Ad sancta Dei Evangelia Jurat.

91, Clarke.

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. The eight and Twentyth daie of July Anno Dñi one Thousand sixe hundred Twentie five, & in the ffirst yere of the Raigne of our Soveraigne lord Charles by the grace of God Kinge of England Scotland ffraunce and Ireland defender of the faith &c. I Robert Harvard of y pish of St Saviours in Southwarke in the Countie of Surrey Butcher, being not well in body but sound in minde in memory (laud and praise bee to allmightie god therefore) doe make and ordayne this my pre


sent last will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to saie, ffirst and principally I bequeath and commend my soule into the hands of allmighty God trusting through his mercie and for the meritts of his deere Sonne my lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to haue forgivnes of all my Sinnes, and after this life ended to bee made ptaker of life eu'lastinge in the kingdome of heaven And I will that my body bee decently and Christianly buried in the pish Church of St Saviours aforesaid, after the discretion of my executrix hereundernamed, And as touching that Temporall estate of goods and Chattles wherewth it hath pleased god of his goodnes to blesse, my minde and will is as followeth vīzt, Inprimis I give and bequeath unto the poore of the pish of St Saviour aforesaid forty shillings and to bee payd and distributed according to the discrecon of my said Executrix & Overseers hereunder menconed Item I give and bequeath unto John Harvard my Sonne Two hundred pounds To bee payd unto him when he shalbee accomplish his age of one and Twentie yeres Item I give & bequeath unto Thomas Harvard my Sonne the like some of two hundred pounds to be payd likewise unto him when he shall accomplish his age of one and Twenty yeres Item I give and bequeath unto Peter Harvard my Sonne the like some of Two hundred pounds to bee payd likewise unto him when he shall accomplish his age of one and Twenty yeres And if any of them said three sonnes depart this life before his said pte and porcon shall growe due to bee payd by this my will, Then I give y° pte or porcon of him deceaseinge to the residue of them Surviving equallie to bee devided betwixt them, or wholly to the Survivor yf two of them decease And if it shall happen all my said three Children to decease before they shall accomplish theire severall ages of twenty and one yeres as aforesaid Then and in such case I give and bequeath unto my Cosin Thomas Harvard and his Children ffifty pound to bee payd within three moneths next after the decease of the last Child Item I give and bequeath unto Robert Harvard my godson sone of my said cosin Thomas Harvard Ten pounds to be payd unto him when he shall accomplish his age of one and Twenty yeres All the rest and residue of my goods and Chattles whatsoever my debts (if any be) beinge first payd and my funerall expences discharged I give and bequeath unto Katherin Harvard my welbeloved wife whom I constitute ordayne and make full and sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament And it is my will that shee shall haue the use of my said Childrens porcons for theire educacon and bringing up untill the same shall growe due to them as aforesaid And I make and ordayne my good neighbour and friend Mr Richard Yearwood Citizen & Grocer of London and the said Thomas Harvard my Cosin Overseers of this my last will and Testament desireing them as much as in them shall consist and lie to see the same pformed according to my true intent and meaneing herein declared And I give unto them for theire paynes to bee taken in seeing this my will performed Twenty shillings a peece to make them rings for a remembrance Provided alwaies & I will and ordayne hereby that my saide wife shall wth sufficient Suerties wthin three moneths next after my decease or at least before shee shalbe espoused or married agayne to any other, enter and become bound in the some of one Thousand pounds unto my said Two Overseers, if they shalbe both liveing or to the Survivor of them if either of them shallbee deceased, wth condicon to pay the pts and porčons of my said Children wch I haue before bequeathed unto them, accordinge to my true intent and meaning herein declared, and at such tyme or times as before is limyted and set downe for the payment thereof, In witnes whereof I the said Robert Har

vard haue to this my p'sent last will and Testament put my hand and Seale the daie and yere first aboue written, The marke of the said Robert Harverd Sealed acknowledged and delivered by the said Robert Harverd for and as his last will and Testament the daie and yere first aboue written in the presence of Ric: Sandon Scr The m'ke of Richard Rayner.

PROBATUM FUIT Testamentum suprascriptum apud London coram magistro Thoma Langley Clico Surrogato venerabilis viri Domini Henrici Marten militis legum doctoris Curie Prerogative Cantuariensis magistri Custodis sive Comissarii ltime constituti Sexto die mensis Octobris Anno Dõi millesimo sexcentesimo vicesimo quinto Juramento Katherine Harvard Relicte dicti defuncti et executricis in huiusmodi Testamento nominat Cui Comissa fuit administrat &c. de bene et fideliter administrando eadem, ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat. 111, Clarke.

JOHN ELLETSON citizen and cooper of London 15 June, 1626, proved the last day of June, 1626. To Mr William Quelch, clerk, sometimes minister of St Olaves in Southwarke, forty shillings, & to Mr Archer, minister of St Saviours in Southwarke, twenty shillings, within six months after my decease if they be then living. To my sister's son Stephen Hall, Bachilor of Divinity at Cambridge twenty pounds, to be paid him within six months next after my decease. To my sister Elizabeth Rigate full power and authority to dispose of the house wherein she now dwelleth for the term of two years next after her decease conditionally that a pepper corn be paid yearly therefore to my executrix. The residue of the term of years unexpired of the said house I will and bequeath unto my nephew Robert Elletson, son of my late deceased brother Robert Elletson, his executors and assigns. To my aforesaid nephew Robert all those my two messuages or dwelling houses, &c. situate & being in the liberties of East Smithfield in the parish of St Buttolph's Algate, to him and to the heirs of his body lawfully to be begotten, and, for want of such issue, to his brother William Elletson & to the heirs of his body, &c., and, for lack of such issue, to George Elletson his brother and to his heirs forever, which houses I bought and purchased of Mr Norton, gentleman. And my will and mind is that my loving wife Katherine Elletsonne shall have her thirds out of the same during the term of her natural life. Item I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife Catherine Elletson and her assigns during her natural life the yearly sum of twelve pounds of lawful money of England to be paid unto her quarterly and to be issuing and going out of all and singular my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever lying and being in the several parishes of Alverstoke and Rowner in the County of Southampton. To my sister in law, Mary Elletson, and her two daughters, Elizabeth Elletson and Margaret Elletson, and their assigns, during the natural life of my said loving wife Catherine Elletson, the like yearly sum of twelve pounds, &c. To my nephew George Elletson, son of my said brother Robert, all that my messuage, barns, lands & commons, &c. called or known by the name of Hemeleys, situate in the parish of Alverstoke (with remainder first to William, then to Robert, brothers of the said George), which aforesaid premises I bought and purchased of Thomas Rabenett, mariner. To nephew Robert my messuage, &c. situate in Brockhurst in the parish of Alverstocke and Rowner, &c. (with remainder to his brothers William and George, &c.) which premises I bought of Robert Nokes of Brockhurst, yeoman. To nephew William my messuage, &c. in Newton

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