ninge, so as one half shall go to Anne Munninge, aged, lame and impotent, and the other half to Katherine and Ellen. To Thomas Munning, sometime my servant. To my cousin Robert Doe, of Bardwell. To my nephew John Appleton, the second son of my loving brother in the law John Appleton of Chilton, in the county of Suffolk deceased, my Latin bossed Bible, of Trimelius, in folio. To William Mills, of Lanham, in the County of Suffolk, painter and glazier, forty shillings, with all my boxes of Painting Colours, with the desire that, so long as he shall live and be able to work, that he do from time to time keep, renew and amend, as need shall require, the decays of colours, words, letters, compartments and forms of those tables, writings and inscriptions which he hath at any time made for me, as they are fixed in the Parish church or chancell of Preston aforesaid. To Zouch Allen the son of my niece Sarah Allen, widow, my customary tenement called Perkins-Bronds, in Preston. To the aforesaid John Appleton my copyhold lands and tenements holden of the manor of Brettenham Hall in the said County of Suffolk. To my loving cousin Richard Kymbould of Braintree in the county of Essex. To my cousins Rice Munning and his sister the wife of Francis Lucas. To Robert Johnson, my godson, and William Johnson, his brother, sometime my servant. To my loving brother-in-law Samuel Appleton, gentleman, now dwelling at Ipswich in New England. To Sarah Allen, sister of Zouch Allen, at the age of twenty one years. To Edmond Betts, of this town, my tenant. My niece Mrs Sarah Allen, widow, to be the sole executrix. Harvey, 36. ["Riece was yeoman of the Guard to K. Hen. 7 note yt all the kings Guard were gentlemen borne at ye first hee was Capt of Riece banke (?) and came to inhabit in Suff. with little John Vere E. of Oxford. His sone was justice of Peace and setled himselfe at Preston his name Roger he liued in Preston in the dayes of Edw. Mary & Eliza: (thus far Tilletson). Robert Riece his sonne had his education in Geneua in the house of Theodore Beza he liued in Preston in ye dayes of Q. Eliza: k. James and K. Charles and died lamented leauing a good name behind him but sine prole. He was a man very skilfull in Heraldy and set up the Royall armes of England in a faire Table in ye church of Preston in Suff. and in the glasse windowes the coats of very many of the cheife gentry of Suff. in his time where they remaine this 25 of March 1655." Harleian MS. 6071 (Candler's), p. 343, British Museum. H. F. W. Samuel Appleton, named in this will, a son of Samuel Appleton of Little Waldingfield, Suffolk, England, was born in that parish in 1586, and was baptized there Aug. 13 of that year. He died in Rowley, Mass., 1670. Messrs. I. A. Jewett (1850), John Appleton (1867) and W. S. Appleton (1873 and 1874) have published books on this family. Mr. Jewett prints the will of Robert Ryece in full.-ED.] AGNES DARBY, relict of Augustine Darby of Bisley in the County of Surrey (nuncupative), 21 May, 1650, proved 18 June, 1650. To Henry Collier of Horsell, yeoman. He to pay unto Edward Darby in New England ten pounds when he shall come and demand the same. To Richard Darby five shillings. To John Darby twelve pence. To Margaret Lee, wife of John Lee, five shillings. Youngest son Austen Darby. Son John Ellis. Joane Bowbrick, wife of Thomas Bowbrick. Henry Lee a witness. Pembroke, 90. [Edward Darby or Derby was of Braintree, Mass. He married Jan. 25, 1659–60, Susanna Hook. Several others of the surname settled in New England. Roger Derby, from Topsham, Devonshire, settled in Ipswich, Mass., about 1671, and among other sons had Richard, born Oct. 1679, who settled in Salem, Mass., and was the ancestor of a distinguished family.-EDITOR.] RICHARD HOUGHTON, citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, 30 July, 1652, proved 4 August, 1652. To my sister Alice White forty shillings and to her son twelve pence. To my sister-in-law Anne Houghton twenty shillings and to her sons who are now in the Common Wealth of England forty shillings apiece, and to her other son who is now beyond the seas, if he be now living and come home safe and alive within one year after the date hereof, forty shillings. Furthermore unto one of my said sister in laws sons who is now married (a bequest) and to the other son here residing, &c. To my uncle Hanmer twenty shillings and to his children twelve pence apiece. To my cousin Thomas Cooke, living in Fow lane, Southwark, thirty shillings and to his children twelve pence apiece. To Daniel Cooke, where I now lodge, five pounds, whom I desire to be sole executor. George Horne, cordwainer, and Mr Whittle, merchant taylor, to be overseers. A bequest to cousin Anne Cord, widow, and her children. To fifty poor taylors ten shillings apiece; to fifty poor bodiesmakers ten shillings apiece; to fifty poor glovers ten shillings apiece; to fifty poor widows ten shillings apiece. To the two eldest daughters of my executors wife twenty shillings apiece; to his own daughter Mary forty shillings and to Mr Cooke herself thirty shillings to buy her a ring; and to Daniel Man, to buy him a coat, ten shillings. Sundry other bequests made. Bowyer, 227. ar GEORGE MOODY of Moulton in the County of Suffolk, yeoman, 20 February, 1651. To wife Lydia my mansion house commonly called Fryatts &c. &c. To my cousin Mary Smith thirty pounds in the second year after my death. To my cousin Jonas Alston's wife thirty pounds four years after my decease. To my cousin Alstone's daughter, Ann Alstone ten pounds in the sixth year after my decease. To my cousin Samuel Warren, son of my sister, Margaret Warren, forty pounds in the third year after my decease. To my cousin Clement Warren, son of my sister Margaret Warren, ten pounds in the fifth year after my decease. House to sister Margaret Warren and her son George Warren after her decease. To George Wa ren's wife ten pounds in the fifth year after my decease. To her daughter Sara five pounds in the sixth year, &c. and five pounds among the rest of her children in the seventh year, &c. To my brother John Salmon's eldest son thirty pounds in the eighth year, &c. Ten pounds to the rest of his children in the ninth year. To Francis Hovell's children five pounds in the tenth year, &c. To Richard Hovell of Ashfield Magna, to M' Croxen, to Mr Archer, to Mr Chatchpole, to Mr Deaken at Newmarket, to Mr Westwood of Dallam, to the poor in Newmarket, of Gaseley, of Dallum, of Barrow, of Denham and of Moulton. Mr Jonas Alston and John Salmon the younger to be executors. Certain lands to go to brother Samuel Moody in Berry (sic) and to his heirs forever. Mr. Eyres to preach my funeral sermon. The witnesses were Thomas Warren and Nathaniel Eyre. Administration with the will annexed was granted 3 May, 1654, to Samuel Moody, brother of the deceased, &c. the executors having renounced the Bowyer, 61. trust. SAMUEL MOODY, of Mowlton, in the County of Suffolk, Esquire, 18 February, 1657, proved by his son John Moody, executor, 28 June, 1658. To eldest son George Moody, houses, lands, &c. in Mowlton. My late mansion in Bury, where my son George now dwells, the lease renewed in my son's name. A son Henry named. To son John all my lands in Ireland. To Henry lands in Gaywood near Lynn, in Norfolk (forty acres). To daughter Anne in three years after my death or at her day of marriage, and to daughter Elizabeth (with the same condition). To daughter Mar garet Westropp, daughter Sarah Cooke and grandchild Mary Browne. To the poor of James Parish in Bury. To Mr Slater, minister in Bury. To the children of my sister Greenwood one hundred pounds in full for the debt which she or her husband claims from my brother George Moodye or his executors or administrators. The witnesses were Thomas Stanton and Edward Oxborough. Wootton, 492. [The following pedigree is from Harl. MS. 6071 (British Museum), p. 512 (or fol. 254 ). John Moody, according to the Apostle Eliot's records, came to New England in 1633 and settled at Roxbury. His wife was named Sarah. He removed to Hartford, Ct. His widow died in 1671 at Hadley. (See REG. iv. 179; xxxv. 242; Winthrop's New England, ed. 1853, i. 126; Savage's Dict. iii. 225).-EDITOR.] THOMAS COBBET of Moorton, parish of Thame, in the County of Oxford, 12 November, 1617, proved 11 February, 1617. My body to be buried in the church of Thame. To Thomas Cobbet, eldest son of my son John, five pounds within one year after my decease. To each of the rest of my son John's children forty shillings apiece within one year, &c. To son Raphe Cobbet forty pounds within one year & six months, &c. To Thomas, eldest son of Raphe five pounds within one year and six months, &c., and to each of the rest of son Raphe's children forty shillings (within the same period). To my son Christopher Pytts ten shillings, as a token of my love, and to my daughter Johane Pytts twenty pounds within one year, &c. To each of my god children twelve pence apiece. Item, I give to my cousin Thomas Cobbett of Newbury forty shillings of good & lawful money of England, to be paid him within one year after my decease. My son John Cobbett to be sole Executor; and my brother John Cobbett and my son in law Christopher Pitts to be overseers and to have five shillings apiece for their pains. Meade, 10. [Rev. Thomas Cobbet, of Lynn and Ipswich, Mass., is said by Mather to have been born in Newbury, England, in 1608. (See Magnalia, ed. 1853, vol. i. p. 518.) He was probably related to this family.-EDITOR.] FRANCIS FAWCONER, of Kingscleare in the County of Southampton, Gentleman, 1 September, 1662, proved 21 May, 1663. To the poor of the parish of Kingscleare three pounds, to be distributed within six days next after my decease. To my cousin Peter Fawconer, son of Richard Fawconer deceased, all my freeland containing thirty acres, more or less, and the barn and timber and wood thereupon growing, in Kingscleare Woolands, which I purchased and bought of James Waite, and all the rents issuing out of the said lands, to the said Peter Fawconer and his heirs forever, and twenty pounds and all my wearing apparel. To his sister Elizabeth Fawconer one hundred pounds. Item I give and bequeath to my brother Edmond Fawconor that is living in New England two hundred pounds of lawfull money of England. To John Fawkner of Kingscleare twenty pounds. To Alice Person, widow, one hundred pounds. To Elizabeth Fawconer, their sister, forty pounds. More, to the abovenamed Peter Fawconor a joyned bedstead, a bedmatt, a bedcord, a feather bed, a feather bolster, two feather pillowes, a pair of pillowbeares, a pair of sheets of the best, a pair of blankets, a coverlet and curtains and my great chest, &c. To Alice Person, widow, a brass pot, &c., and all the brewing vessell that I have standing at her brother John Fawconer's house except the brewing tub. To Nicholas Knite of Kingscleare, miller, ten shillings; to Elizabeth, his wife, forty shillings; to her five children that she had by her first husband, that is, to Richard, Francis, John, Daniel and Anthony Fawkoner, twenty-five pounds to be equally divided amongst them, five pounds apiece, at the age of twenty one years. To Elizabeth Fawconer, sister of Peter (some pewter). To my brother in law, John Carter, and to Elizabeth, his wife, each a twenty shilling piece of gold. To John Carter the younger (some furniture standing at Coldhenly House). To Agnes Fawkener, widow, twenty shillings. To Winifrit Waite, wife of James Waite of Kingscleare ten shillings in gold; and to their son James and daughter Katherine Waite ten shillings each. To Francis Friser, of Kingscleare, the elder, ten shillings. To Alice Alle ten shillings. To Christopher Dugdale of Husborne* ten shillings. To his five children that he had, by Master Webber's daughter, one hundred pounds, equally to be divided amongst them, twenty pounds apiece, at age of twenty one years. I appoint John Atfield of Kingscleare, gentleman, overseer, and give him two twenty shilling pieces of gold, and to his wife one twenty shilling piece of gold. The residue to my sister's son, Matthew Webber, whom I make executor; and it is my will that he should agree with my Lord's officers for the Heriotts that were due to the Lord at my decease and to pay them in money or in goods, as they can agree. Wit: John Atfiell, Nicholas Bartholomew (his mark). This is probably meant for Hurstborne.-H. F. W. Juxon, 60. [The following pedigree of the Fawknor family of King's Clear, to which the testator of the preceding will and his brother Edmund (who settled in Andover, Massachusetts) must have belonged, is from the Visitation of Hampshire, 1634. Arms.-Sa. three falcons ar., beaked, legged and belled or. Crest.-A garb or, banded ar. THOMAS FAWNE, 25 December, 1651, proved 17 August, 1652. To Robert Williams, the chirurgeon of the ship called the Peter, one watch and a cornelian ring. To my servant, William Martin, his passage to Virginia and his freedom there and one suit of clothes with black ribbons. To the poor of Skendley† parish in Lincolnshire forty shillings. To M' Hatch, woollen draper, nine pounds; to Mr Crayford seven pounds; to Thos. Dagger one chest with whatsoever is in it. To my father one pair of silver fringed gloves and one pair of white gloves; to my mother two rings with stones in them. To Mr Murrell, Mr John Richards, Mr Corbin, Matt. Johnson (sundry bequests). To my brother Robert my rapier and belt. John Younge and John Stone, whom I make executors .... all my debts due to me in Virginia, and likewise the disposing of all my estate now shipped in the ship called the Peter, and the return whereof is to be divided among my brothers and sisters, whereof M" Francis White is to have one part. To the seamen two cases of drams. The witnesses were John Richards and James Frisby. Bowyer, 220. To *Harleian MS. 1139 (fol. 22), in British Museum, gives the surname Whitacres, instead of Withers, as above. This is so written. Probably Skendleby is meant.-H. F. W. |