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I; cemetery I; salary of Rector, per annum, $700, of which from Convocation or Sustentation Fund $300; extra Sunday services, free to all, all.

RECEIPTS.-Pew rents $116; envelope offerings $69.50; income from investments $90; Woman's Auxiliary $8; Junior Auxiliary $55.81; total .$339.31 EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $889.75; improvements $95; total Parochial

.$984.75 Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $18.42; Sustentation Fund $10; Missions, Deaf $5: Episcopal Hospital $10; Christmas Fund $10.50; Bishop's Fund $15; total Diocesan $68.92

Extra Diocesan Missions, Foreign $8.30, Domestic $20; India Relief $15; Mine Sufferers (West Virginia) $5; Jews $5; total Extra Diocesan $52.30 Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $8,000.

Calvary Church, Rockdale.

Admitted 1835. The Rev. J. F. Weinmann, Rector. Walter Batty, Rector's Warden; Horace S. Horace S. Griffith, Accounting Warden. Baptisms, adults 1, infants 17, total 18; Confirmed, male 9, female 8, total 17; communicants added, new 17, by transfer 2; present number of communicants 144; marriages 4; burials 17; public services, Sundays 116, other days 22, total 138; Holy Communion 32; children catechised monthly; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 13, scholars 125, total membership 138; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 5, members 40; Church 1, sittings 200; Rectory I; cemetery I; salary of Rector, per annum $1,000; of which from Convocation or Sustentation Fund $200; total number of free sittings, all in evening.

RECEIPTS.-Pew rents $547.50; envelope and plate offerings $441.36; other offerings for Parish purposes $46.94; donations to Heating Fund $695.64; income from investments $494.70; sale of lots $111; Sustentation Fund $200; From all other sources $212.63; total, $2,755.77 May 1, 1907, $225.87; May 1, 1908, $399.92. Balance May 1, 1907, Heating Fund Balance May 1, 1908, Heating Fund

$354.65 1,050.28

EXPENDITURES.-Parochial; Current expenses* $1,475.59; improvements $84.36; for the Poor $13.50; all other Parochial expenditures $34.50; total Parochial . $1,607.95

Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $36; Missions, Convocation $30, City $11.76, Deaf $2.87, Jews $4.81; Episcopal Hospital $3.56; Chester Hospital $16.70; Christmas Fund $7.29; Bishop's Fund $10; total Diocesan $122.99

Extra Diocesan: Mite Chests $50.25; Missions, Sunday School Offering $84.91, General, Parish Offering $7.63, M. T. O. $12.35; total Extra Diocesan


Total for all objects

$155.14 . $1,886.08

Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal $18,500; Endowment Fund, for support of Parish $5,000, for other objects $3,000.

Christ Church, Media. Admitted 1858. The Rev. William Reese Scott, B. D., Rector. J. Henry Evans, Rector's Warden; J. Rohrman Robinson, Esq., Accounting Warden.

Baptisms, adults 3, infants 7, total 10; confirmed, male 11, female 6, total 17; communicants, added, new 17, by transfer II, removed, by death 5, by revision 8, by transfer II, present number 330; marriages 8; burials 7; public services, Sundays 156, other days 255, total 411; Holy Communion 160; children catechised, times 52; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 12, scholars 153, total membership 165; other schools, teachers 12, scholars 75, total 87; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 13, members 110, total 123; Church 1, sittings 350; Parish and school building 1; rectory 1; salary of Recor, per annum, $1,500; toal number of free sittings, ample; extra Sunday services, free to all, 52.

RECEIPTS.-Pew rents $1,650; envelope and other offerings for Parish purposes $2,537.89; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $293.83; donations $329; Sunday School $224.71; Woman's Auxiliary $350.62; choir recreation $139.04; from all other sources $338.73; total $5,863.82.

May 1, 1907, balance

May 1, 1908, balance



EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $2,840.38; improvements $491; for the Poor $75; choir recreation $139.04; all other Parochial expenditures $575.14; total Parochial

. $4,120.56 Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $85.50; Sustentation Fund $15.29; Missions, Convocation $33.53, City $2, Deaf $2.45, Seamen's, box valued $4.80; Episcopal Hospital $56.11; Christmas Fund $14.30; Bishop's Fund $10.87; total Diocesan .$220.05

Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering (Mite Chests) $19.30, General, Parish Offering $51.14, Foreign $33, Indian $16, Colored People $21; General Clergy Relief Fund $14.32; Monongahela Mine Sufferers $10.31; total Extra Diocesan

Total for all objects

$195.17 -$4.535.78

Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $25.000.

Other Information.—Missionary boxes sent valued at $168.47.

St. Luke's Church, Chester. Admitted 1874. The Rev. Henry J. Beagen, Rector. James H. Klee, Rector's Warden; Benjamin Crowther, Accounting Warden.

Baptisms, infants 9; Communicants, removed, by death 2, by transfer 1, total 3; Present number of communicants 75; burials 6; public services, Sundays 104, other days 17, total 121; Holy Communion 12: Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 9, scholars 90,

total membership 99; other Parish agencies, Altar Guild, Young People's Guild; Church 1, sittings 250; salary of Rector, per annum $1,000; of which from Sustentation Fund $300; total number of free sittings, all.

RECEIPTS. Offerings for Parish purposes $883.54; donations $35; Sunday School, to Church $64.25, Lenten Offering $19: .$1,001.79


EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $939.02. Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $33.77; Missions, Deaf $2, Jews $2.33; Episcopal Hospital $3.23; Christmas Fund $3.50; total Diocesan .$44.83 Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $19; General, Parish Offering $10; total extra Diocesan

Total for all objects

.$29.00 $1,012.85

Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish prop

erty, real and personal $15,800.

Other Information.-Efforts are being made to erect a Rectory upon the Church grounds.

St. Stephen's Church, Clifton Heights. Admitted 1879. The Rev. Thomas Bell, Rector. L. C. Dunn, Rector's War

den; Frank Shee, Accounting Warden.

Baptisms, adult 1, infants 17, total 18; communicants, added, by transfer 3, removed, by death 3, present number 81; marriages 5; burials 11; public services, Sundays 84, other days 28, total 112; Holy Communion 51; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 12, scholars 120, total membership 132; salary of Rector, per annum, $1,200, of which from Sustentation Fund $300.

RECEIPTS.-Pew rents $62; envelope offerings $614.02; other offerings for Parish purposes $98.09; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $160.12; donations $803.55; Sunday School $50.19; total $1,787.97 May 1, 1907, balance May 1, 1908, balance

.$3.15 .$11.98

EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $1.301.24; improvements $110.50; all other Parochial expenditures $201.65; total Parochial ..$1,613.39

Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $36.04; Missions, Convocation $20; Kensington Hospital for Women $5; Christmas Fund $4.18; Bishop's Fund $5.50; all other Diocesan objects $18.24; total Diocesan $90.61

Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $40.84, General, Parish Offering $15.98, Foreign $10; Bishop White Prayer Book Society $2.69; total Extra Diocesan

Total for all objects ...

.$69.51 .$1,773.51

Financial Condition.-Encumbrances on buildings and lands used

for Parish purposes $1,000.

PARISH OF CHRIST CHURCH, RIDLEY PARK. Christ Church, Ridley Park. Admitted 1881. The Rev. Francis C. Steinmetz, M. A., Rector. The Rev. M. B. Nash, M.A., Assistant Minister. Theodore E. Kremer, Rector's Warden; John J. Collier, Accounting Warden. Baptisms, adult 1, infants 5, total 6; confirmed, male 3, female 3, total 6; communicants, added, new 26, removed, by revision I, by transfer 31, present number 194; marriages 2; burials 4; public services, Sundays 138, other days 59, total 197; Holy Communion 65; children catechised monthly; Mission Stations 2; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 7, scholars 62, total membership 69; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 208, members 20; Church 1, sittings 215; Parish and school building 1; rectcory I; total number of free sittings 50.

RECEIPTS.-Pew rents $1,633.33; envelope offerings $1.189.30; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $406.66; donations $412.87; Sunday School $59.99; Woman's Auxiliary $485.18; received for Endowment Fund $3.50; from all other sources $458.90; total .$4.649.73 May 1, 1907, balance

May 1, 1908, balance



EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $2,786.82; improvements $346.61; payment of debts $50; for the Poor $75.40; all other Parochial expenditures $1,153.64; total Parochial .$4,412.47


Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $62.16; Sustentation Fund $11.11; Missions, Convocation $91.85, Deaf $9.56; Episcopal Hospital $21.64; Christmas Fund $11.20; Jews $8.21; all other Diocesan objects $45.04; total Diocesan .$260.77

Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $27.34, General, Parish Offering $30.90, Indian $17, Colored People $10; General Clergy Relief Fund $28.15; Christian or Theological Education $22.50; all other Extra Diocesan objects $10; total Extra Diocesan

Total for all objects

.$145.89 .$4,819.13

Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $26,000; encumbrances on buildings and lands used for Parish purposes $4.500; other indebtedness $325; Endowment Fund, for other objects $100.

St. John the Evangelist Mission, Essington. The Rev. Francis C. Steinmetz, M. A., Rector.

Baptisms, adult 1, infants 7, total 8; confirmed, male I, female 3, total 4; communicants, added, new 4, by transfer 1, removed, by death I, by revision 3, by transfer 2, present number 28; burials 2; public services, Sundays 80, other days 13, total 93; Holy Communion 13; children catechised monthly; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers

and teachers 5, scholars 112, total membership 117; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 3, members 141; Chapel building I, sittings 100; total number of free sittings, all.

RECEIPTS. Offerings for Parish purposes $12.63; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $47.61; Sunday School $58.60; total $118.84 May 1, 1907, balance

May 1, 1908, balance

.$8.85 .$23.08

EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Car fare $12.63; all other Parochial expenditures $20; total Parochial


Diocesan Missions, Convocation $21.44, Deaf $1.31, Seaman's $4.20; total Diocesan .$26.95

Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $24.37, General, Parish Offering $1.16, Foreign $2.93, Domestic $1.48.Jews $6.07; General Clergy Relief Fund $1.50; Christian or Theological Education $7.52; total Extra Diocesan

Total for all objects

..$45.03 .$104.61

St. James' Mission, Prospect Park. The Rev. Francis C. Steinmetz, Rector. M. Belknap Nash, M.A., Vicar. Arthur D. Troxell, Warden, Thomas A. Flanagan, Treasurer.

Baptisms, infant I; confirmed, male 2, female 4, total 6; communicants, added, new 6, by transfer 10, present number 32; burials 2; public services, Sunday 112, other days 30, total 142; Holy Communion 31; children catechised, times 36; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 10, scholars 45, total membership 55; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 16, members 80, total 96; hall 1; salary of Rector, per annum, $1,000, of which from Convocation or Sustentation Fund $500; total number of free sittings, 75.

RECEIPTS.-Envelope offerings $330.43; other offerings for Parish purposes $194.49; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $28.98; donations $25; Sunday School $68.13; received for Endowment Fund $157-43; total

May 1, 1907, balance
May 1, 1908, balance




EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $543.80; added to Endowment Fund $157.43; all other Parochial expenditures $34.56; total Parochial .$735.79


Diocesan: Missions, Convocation $15; Episcopal Hospital $2 05; total Diocesan . $17.05

Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $6.74; General Clergy Relief Fund $2.36; total Extra Diocesan


Total for all objects


Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish prop

erty, real and personal, $200; Endowment Fund $165.87.

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