Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $10,000; indebtedness $865; Endowment Fund, for support of Parish $78. St. James' Church, Downingtown. Admitted 1844. The Rev. Joseph Holland Earp, Rector. William J. Sterrett, Baptisms, infants 3; communicants, added, by transfer 6, removed, by death 1, by transfer 2, present number 151; marriage 1; burials 4; public services, Sunday 154, other days 32, total 186; Holy Communion 92; children catechised weekly; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers II, scholars 60, total membership 71; Church 1, sittings 250; Parish and school building 1; rectory I; cemetery, plot in; salary of Rector, per annum, $1,000; total number of free sittings, 50; extra Sunday services, free to all, 2. RECEIPTS.-Pew rents $793.04; envelope offerings $314.91; other offerings for Parish purposes $256.25; donations $126.93; Sunday School $48; Woman's Auxiliary $96; total .$1,635.13 EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $1,142.35; improvements $219.86; for the Poor $15; total Parochial ........ .$1,377.21 Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $46.89; Sustentation Fund $8.38; Missions, Convocation $66, Deaf $3.25; Episcopal Hospital $30.80; Christmas Fund $13.25; all other Diocesan objects $8.05; total Diocesan .$176.62 Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $48, Foreign $7, Domestic $11, Indian $5; total Extra Diocesan Total for all objects .$71 .$1,624.83 Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $15,000. Church of the Trinity, Coatesville. Scott, M. D., Rector's Warden; Admitted 1869. S. H. Baptisms, adults 4, infants 16, total 20; confirmed, male 4, female 4, total 8; communicants, added, new 8, by transfer 3; removed, by death 2, by revision 10, by transfer 3; present number of communicants 150; marriages 5; burials 3; public services, Sundays, 117, other days 86, total 203; Holy Communion 57; children catechised monthly; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 20, scholars 160; total membership 180; Church 1, sittings 350; Parish and school building 1; Rectory I; cemetery plot; all services free to all. RECEIPTS.-Envelope offerings $1,336.52; other offerings for Parish purposes $674.06; income from investments $50; Sunday School $474.50; Woman's Auxiliary $273.35; from all other sources $1,454.07; .$4,262.50 total EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $2,649.44; all other Parochial expenditures $546.01; total Parochial ........$3,195.45 Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund, $82.78; Sustentation Fund $14.80; Missions, Convocation $59.40; Episcopal Hospital $26.75; Christmas Fund $57.34; total Diocesan $241.07 Extra Diocesan: Mission, Sunday School Offering $365.07. ..$3,801.59 Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $41,500; Endowment Fund, for support of Parish $1,000. Other Information.-The Parish is now without a Rector, the Rev. A. W. Wilde having resigned at Easter. Church of the Advent, Kennett Square. Admitted 1886. The Rev. T. J. Taylor, A. M., Rector. W. W. Polk, Rector's Warden; W. F. R. Whittington, Accounting Warden. Baptisms, adults 5, infants 3, total 8; confirmed, male 4, female 4, total 8; communicants, added, new 8, removed, by death 1, by revision 9, by transfer 1, present number 32; marriages 2; burial 1; public services, Sundays 77, other days 17, total 94; Holy Communion 20; children catechised, times 40; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 5, scholars 30, total membership 35; other Parish agencies, Guild, officers and workers 4, members 27, total 31; Church 1, sittings 150; salary of Rector, per annum, $550, of which from Convocation $275; total number of free sittings, all; extra Sunday services, free to all, all. RECEIPTS.-Envelope offerings $303.85; other offerings for Parish purposes $180.06; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $45.14; total May 1, 1907, balance May 1, 1908, balance .$529.05 .$16.17 .$63.68 EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $406.03. Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $8.37; Missions, Convocation $22; Christmas Fund $6; total Diocesan .$36.37 Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $19.50, General, Parish Offering $19.64; total Extra Diocesan .$39.14 Total for all objects .$481.54 ...... Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $5,000. Church of the Good Samaritan, Paoli. Admitted 1903. The Rev. Horace A. Walton, B.D., Rector. Clement S. Phillips, Rector's Warden; John M. Wirgman, Accounting Warden. Baptisms, adults 9, infants 20, total 29; confirmed, male 7, female 10, total 17; communicants, added, new 17, by transfer 1, removed, by death 1, by transfer 3, present number 120; marriages 2; burials 8; public services, Sundays 171, other days 27, total 198; Holy Commu nion 69, privately 10, total 79; children catechised weekly; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 9, scholars 76, total membership 85; other schools, teachers 8, scholars 50, total 58; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 14, members 114, total 128; Church 1, sittings 150; Parish building 1; rectory 1; cemetery I; total number of free sittings, all. RECEIPTS.-Envelope offerings $1,725.40; other offerings for Parish purposes $464.05; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $413.40; donations $6,388.62; Sunday School $208.75. Woman's Auxiliary and W. A. to Convocation of Chester $34.34; from all other sources $21.64; total $9.256.30 April 1, 1907, balance .$184.55 ..$255.90 EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $1,851.58; all other Parochial expenditures $222.97; total Parochial ... .$2,074-55 Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $49.10; Sustentation Fund $8.78; Missions, Convocation $30, Deaf $4.90; Episcopal Hospital $35; Christmas Fund $52.90; total Diocesan .$180.68 Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering, Advent $8.70, Lenten $57.12, General, Parish Offering $72.65; General Clergy Relief Fund $10; all other Extra Diocesan objects, Men's Thank Offering $84.25; total Extra Diocesan Total for all objects .$232.72 .$2,487.95 Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $28,000. Other Information.-A tract of land adjoining the Church was purchased during the past year, which is to be used for a burial yard, and a sufficient amount has been set apart for the future extension of all Parish buildings. On the land so acquired was a frame dwelling which has been remodeled and admirably serves the purposes of a Parish house until such time as means are provided to erect a more substantial building. Church of the Ascension, Parkesburg. Montgomery, Minister-in-charge. The Rev. S. G. M. Baptisms, infants 5; communicants, added, by return 1, by transfer I, present number 37; marriage 1; burial 1; public services, Sundays IOI, other days 68, total 169; Holy Communion 20; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 2, scholars 5, total membership 7; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 2, members 10, total 12; Church 1, sittings 150; salary of Rector, per annum, $600, of which from Convocation $300; total number of free sittings 150. RECEIPTS.-Envelope offerings $223; other offerings for Parish purposes $100.52; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $59.66; donations $15; Sunday School $5; rent $1.50; total May 1, 1907, balance May 1, 1908, balance .$436.25 .$31.57 . $21.98 EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $339.61. Diocesan: Missions, Convocation $15, Deaf $5.70; Episcopal Hospital $14.11; Jews $4.50; total Diocesan -$39.31 Extra Diocesan: Missions, Foreign $19, Domestic $16.35; total Extra Diocesan $35-35. Total for all objects .$414.27 Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $7,000. DELAWARE COUNTY. St. Paul's Church, Chester. Admitted 1786. The Rev. Francis M. Taitt, Rector. Wm. Shaler Johnson, Rector's Warden; T. Edward Clyde, Accounting Warden. Baptisms, adults 8, infants 51, total 59; confirmed 31; communicants, added, new 31, by transfer 8, removed, by death II, by revision 7. by transfer 7, present number 645; marriages 14; burials 47; Holy Communion weekly and holy days; Mission Stations I; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 30, scholars 500, total membership 530; Church 1, sittings 750; Chapel building 1, sittings 500; Parish and school building 1; rectory I; cemetery 2; salary of Rector, per annum, $2,400; total number of free sittings, ample; extra Sunday services, free to all, 8 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. RECEIPTS.-Pew rents $4.322.41; offerings for Parish purposes $2,820 30; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $830.69; donations $1,153.13; Sunday School $757.03; Woman's Auxiliary $30; from all other sources $9,167.72; total .$19,801.48 EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $5.510.17; improvements $5,076.75; payment of debts $5.775.87; support of Parish Missions Stations $466.73; for the Poor $170.45; all other Parochial expenditures $1,054.74; total Parochial ..$18,054.68 Diocesan and Convention Fund $157.93; Sustentation Fund $28.25; Missions, Convocation $189, City $66.94, Deaf $21.23; Episcopal Hospital $55.50; Christmas Fund $55.52; all other Diocesan objects $13.15; total Diocesan .$587.02 Extra Diocesan: Missions. Sunday School Offering $440.65, General, Parish Offering $236.50, Foreign $147.69, Domestic $88.81, colored People $25, Armenians $5; Christian or Theological Education $50; total Extra Diocesan Total for all objects ..$993.65 .$19,635.85 Other Information.-During the past year the Church received two legacies. Miss Elizabeth Thornley left $3,000 toward the purchase of an organ and Miss Laura J. Hard $4,500 for the payment of an indebtedness on the Rectory. St. Martin's Church, Marcus Hook. Admitted 1786. The Rev. R. M. Doherty, Rector. Richard G. Schofield, Rector's Warden; Daniel Sutton, Accounting Warden. Baptisms, infant I; communicants, added, new I, by transfer 2, removed, by death 3; marriage 1; burials 7; public services, Sundays 104, other days 87, total 191; Holy Communion 17; children catechised, times 12; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 6. scholars 42, total membership 48; Church 1, sittings 40 pews; salary of Rector, received from Parish $409.36. RECEIPTS.-Envelope offerings $57.90; from all other sources $456.63; total .$514.53 EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $489.78; re pairs $236; total Parochial Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $6.43 .$725.78 $732.21 St. David's Church, Radnor. Admitted 1786. The Rev. James H. Lamb, D. D., Rector. Joseph Horner Coates, Rector's Warden; Henry P. Conner, Accounting Warden. Baptisms, infants 14; confirmed, male I, female I, total 2; communicants, added, new 2, removed, by death 3, by transfer 1, present number 158; marriages 5; burials II; public services, Sundays 91, other days 22, total 113; Holy Communion 24; Parish agencies, officers and workers 3, members 17, total 20; Church 1, sittings 175; Chapel building I; rectory 1; cemetery 1; salary of Rector, per annum, $2,250; Extra Sunday services, free to all, afternoons. RECEIPTS.-Pew rents $1,332.50; other offerings for Parish purposes $749.75; donations $430; income from investments $275; Woman's Auxiliary $200; from all other sources $1,171.97; total .$4.159.22 EXPENDITURES.—Parochial: Current expenses* $2,938.03; for the Poor $87.53; total Parochial .$3,025.56 Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $93.87; Sustentation Fund $16.78; Missions, Convocations $90; City (special appeals) $82.81, Deaf $2.35; Episcopal Hospital $30; Christmas Fund $20; Bishop's Fund $5; all other Diocesan objects $332.50; total Diocesan ...$673.31 Extra Diocesan: Missions, Foreign $14.50, Domestic $435.85; General Clergy Relief Fund $5; Clergymen's Retiring Fund $5; total Extra Diocesan .$460.35 Total for all objects .$4,159 22 Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $16,500; Endowment Fund, for support of Parish $8,000, for other objects $2,000. St. John's Church, Concord. Admitted 1786. The Rev. Joshua Cowpland, Rector. Francis P. Willitts, Rector's Warden; Joshua Cowpland, Jr., Accounting Warden." Baptisms, infants 3; confirmed, male 2; communicants, added, new 2, removed, by revision 20, present number 33; public services, Sundays 57, other days 17, total 74; Holv Communion monthly; children catechised frequently; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 5, scholars 50, total membership 56; other Parish agencies, Junior Guild; Church I, sittings 150; Chapel building 1, sittings 125; rectory |