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cants 75; burials 4; public services, Sundays 78, other days 8, total 86; Holy Communion 14; children catechised, times 50; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 8, scholars 60, total membership, 68; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 25, members 25; Church I, sittings 200; Parish and school building 1; small tenant house; cemetery 1; salary of Rector, per annum, $910; of which from Convocation or Sustentation Fund $350; total number of free sittings 200; extra Sunday services, free to all 52.

RECEIPTS. Offerings for Parish purposes $906.52; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $62.46; from all other sources $1.48; total .$970.46 EXPENDITURES.-Parochial; Current expenses* $693; improvements $145; all other Parochial expenditures $80; total Parochial .$918

Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $14.46; Sustentation Fund $16.17; Missions, Convocation $1; deaf $4.19; Episcopal Hospital $5.52; Christmas Fund $11.12; total Diocesan

Total for all objects

.$62.46 $980.46

Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $11,000; Endowment Fund, $2,000.

St. Luke's Church, Newtown. Admitted 1835.

The Rev. Chauncy Emhardt, Rector. Horace G. Reeder, Rector's Warden; Geo. A. Jenks, Accounting Warden. Baptisms, adults 2, infants 27, total 29; communicants, added, by transfer 1, removed, by transfer 1, present number 78; marriage 1; burials 5; public services, Sundays 146; Holy Communion III; children catechised, times 52; Mission Stations I; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 9, scholars 75, total membership 84; other Parish agencies 6, officers and workers 35; Church I, sittings 180; Parish and school building 1; cemetery I; salary of Rector, per annum, $1,000, of which from Sustentation Fund $300; extra Sunday services, free to all, all.

RECEIPTS.-Pew rents, $701.65; offerings for Parish purposes $284.14; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $118.63; donations, $167.50; income from investments $80.60; Sunday School $101.16; from all other sources $186.96; total

May 1, 1907, balance
May 1, 1908, balance

.$1,580.62 .$143.02


EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $1,100.84; improvements $215; support of Parish Mission Stations $35; for the Poor $10; total Parochial ..$1,360.84

Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $24.13; Missions, Convocation $28.87, Deaf $4; Episcopal Hospital $20; Christmas Fund $12.50; Jews $12.50; all other Diocesan objects $39; total Diocesan $141.

Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $38.76, General, Parish Offering $14, Domestic $22.70, Indian $13; General Clergy Relief Fund $7; total Extra Diocesan .$95.46 Financial Condition-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $9,000.

Grace Church, Hulmeville. Admitted 1837. The Rev. Joseph T. Wright, Minister-in-charge. Frederick Afflerbach, Rector's Warden; Charles Afflerbach, Accounting Warden.

Baptisms, infants 8; total 8; removed by transfer II; present number of communicants 37; marriages 2; burials 5; public services, Sundays 126, other days 36, total 162; Holy Communion 34; children catechised, times 52; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 6, scholars 58, total membership 64; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 5; members 37; church I; rectory I; salary of Rector, per annum $700; of which from Convocation or Sustentation Fund $400; total number of free sittings, all.

RECEIPTS.-Envelope offerings $309.31; other offerings for Parish purposes $100.40; total receipts


EXPENDITURES.-Parochial; Current expenses* $362.26; improvements $33.00; total Parochial


Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School offering $14.25; total Extra Diocesan


Total for all objects

.$14.25 ..$409.51

St. Paul's Church, Doylestown. Admitted 1847. Hon. Harman Yerkes, Rector's Warden; Henry A. James, Esq., Accounting Warden.

Baptisms, adult 1; confirmed, male 2, female 7, total 9; communicants, added, new 9, by transfer 5, removed, by death 4, by revision 12, present number 210; marriages 3; burials 10; public services, Sundays 75, other days 15, total 90; Holy Communion 33; children catechised weekly; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 20, scholars 139, total membership 159; other parish agencies, members 55; Church 1, sittings 325; rectory I; salary of Rector, per annum, $1,200.

RECEIPTS.-Pew rents $1,149.50; envelope offerings $723.75; other offerings for Parish purposes (Guild) $213.16; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $278.59; Sunday School $195.80; total $2,560.80.

EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $2,027.21; payment of debts $200; for the Poor $5.01; all other Parochial expenditures $20.51; total Parochial ..$2,252.73 Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $48.68; Sustentation Fund $8.70; Missions, Convocation 88, Deaf $5.65; Episcopal Hospital $8: Christmas Fund $16.11; all other Diocesan objects (Sunday School) $17.64; total Diocesan ..$192.78

Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $56.66, General, Parish Offering $29.15; total extra Diocesan

Total for all objects

..$85.81 .$2,531.32

Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish prop

erty, real and personal, $12,000.

Other Information.-At Easter our Rector, Rev. Roderick P. Cobb, requested the Vestry to accept his resignation, owing to his physical disability from which he had been suffering for many months. The Vestry finally yielded to the Rector's wishes in the matter, with resolutions of sincere regret.

The Parish having been for six months with an afflicted Rector and dependent upon supplies, accounts for the fact that the present report is not as favorable as usual.

Christ Church, Eddington. Admitted 1884. The Rev. Addison Atkins Lamb, B. A., Rector. Henry B. Pancoast, Rector's Warden.

Communicants, present number 64; marriages 2; burials 4; public services, Sundays 86, other days 26, total 112; Holy Communion 50; children catechised, times 23; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 4, scholars 30, total membership 34; other Parish agencies 2. officers and workers 5, members 35, total 40; Church 1, sittings 250; Parish and school building I; rectory 1; salary of Rector $1,100, of which from Convocation or Sustentation Fund $100.

RECEIPTS.-Pew rents $218.75; offerings for Parish purposes $833.76; for the Poor $37; donations $59.08; entertainments $98.62; Sunday School $21.05; Hospital Work $3.75; Missions $10; from all other sources $91; total .$1,373.01 EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $1,000; support of Sunday School $21.05; for the Poor $37; all other Parochial expenditures $250.98; total Parochial .$1,309.03 Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $33; Sustentation Fund $5.89; Hospital Work $3.75; total Diocesan .. .$42.64


Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $11.34, General, Parish Offering $10; total Extra Diocesan

Total for all objects

.$21.34 .$1,373.01

Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish prop

erty, real and personal, $15,000.

Other Information.-This report covers a period of twelve and a half months, namely, from March 24, 1907, to April 5, 1908.

St. Paul's Church, Bristol. Admitted 1905. The Rev. John Kennedy Moorhouse, Rector. Wm. V. Leech, Rector's Warden; Ellis E. Ratcliffe, Accounting Warden. Baptisms, adults 6, infants 14, total 20; confirmed, male 4, female 9, total 13; communicants, added, new 13, by transfer 4, removed, by death 1, by transfer 14, present number 158; marriages 5; burials 5; public services, Sundays 116, other days 60, total 176; Holy Communion 28; children catechised, times, about 30; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 20, scholars, about 200, total membership 220; other parish agencies, officers and workers 25, members, about 150; Church I, sittings 200; salary of Rector, per annum, $1,000; total number of free sittings, all.

RECEIPTS.-Pledges $860.45; offerings for Parish purposes $440.19; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $182.01; Sunday School $28; Woman's Auxiliary $18; from all other sources $504.43; total

May 1, 1907, balance
May 1, 1908, balance


$38.16 .$42.03

EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $1,381.82; improvements $90.50; payment of debts $175.33; for the Poor $62.85; all other Parochial expenditures $23.35; total Parochial ........$1,733.85

Diocesan Episcopal and Convention Fund $43.87; Sustentation Fund $7.84; Missions, Convocation $38.50, Deaf $3.76; Episcopal Hospital $10; Bishop's Fund $7.39; all other Diocesan objects $1.71; total Diocesan .$113.07

Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offerings $28, General, Parish Offering $55.85; all other Extra Diocesan objects $98.44; total Extra Diocesan

Total for all objects

.$182.29 .$2,029.21

Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $8,300.

Other Information.-A heater was placed under the Church in September, 1907. Over two thousand dollars in hand for the building of a Parish House.

St. James' Chapel, Langhorne. Organized 1894. The Rev. Thomas Theodore Butler, Deacon-in-charge. Edward

Wenlock, Warden.

Baptisms, adults 3, infants 3, total 6; confirmed, male 5, female 4, total 9; communicants, added, new 9, by transfer 12, present number 55; marriage 1; public services, Sundays 97, other days 84, total 181; Holy Communion 13; children catechised often; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers II, scholars 58, total membership 69; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 4, members 20, total 24; Church I, sittings 225; salary of Rector, per annum, $1,000, of which from Convocation or Sustentation Fund $500; total number of free sittings 225.

RECEIPTS.-Envelope offerings $413.30; other offerings for Parish purposes $378.18; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $64.25; Sunday School $68.78; from all other sources $185.09; total $1,109.60.

May 1, 1907, balance
May 1, 1908, balance



EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $819.64; Sunday School expenses $35.91; improvements $187; support of Parish Mission Stations $10.75; all other Parochial expenditures $3.18; total Parochial . $1,056.48 Diocesan Sustentation Fund $5.77; Missions, Convocation $30; Episcopal Hospital $4.25; total Diocesan


Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $22.58; Foreign and Domestic $30; total Extra Diocesan


Total for all objects


Financial Condition.-Estimated aggregate value of Parish property, real and personal, $9,650.

All Saints' Church, Fallsington. The Rev. Robert Erskine Wright, Priest-in-charge.

Baptisms, infants, 6; total 6; whole number of baptized persons 145; confirmed, female 3; communicants, added, new 2; removed, by revision 7; present number of communicants 58; marriages 3; burials 4; public services, Sunday 148, other days 159, total 307; Holy Communion 153; children catechised, times 40; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 8; scholars 75; total membership 83; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 5, members 14; Church 1, sittings 135; Rectory 1; salary of Rector, per annum, $300; arrears of salary, May 1, 1903 to May 1, 1908, $140.35; total number of free sittings 135.

RECEIPTS.-Envelope offerings $267.95; other offerings for Parish purposes $187.59; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $59.35; Sunday School $64.75; total .$579.64 EXPENDITURES.-Parochial: Current expenses* $395.40; for the poor $18.62 all other Parochial expenditures $33.95; total Parochial .$447.97 Diocesan: Missions, Convocation $14; Deaf $1.60; Episcopal Hospital $7.37; Christmas Fund $2.15; St. Augustine's Mission $1.73; total Diocesan

.$26.85 Extra Diocesan: Missions, Sunday School Offering $27.68; general, Parish Offering $13; General Clergy Relief Fund $6; Men's Thanksgiving Offering $13.50; total Extra Diocesan..


Total for all objects



St. Peter's Church, Great Valley. Admitted 1785. The Rev. Wm. H. Burbank, Rector. R. Francis Wood, Rector's Warden; Henry Curry, Accounting Warden.

Baptisms, infant 1; communicants, removed, by death 2, by revision 4, present number 44; burials 2; public services, Sundays 50; Holy Communion 6; children catechised often; Sunday School and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 6, scholars 40, total membership 46; other Parish agencies, officers and workers 3, members 10, total 13; Church I, sittings 100; Chapel building 1, sittings 100; cemetery I; salary of Rector, per annum, $400; total number of free sittings, all.

RECEIPTS.-Envelope offerings $312.15; other offerings for Parish purposes $23.12; donations $47.39; income from investments $410.48; Sunday School $38; total .$1,031.44

May 1, 1907, balance
May 1, 1908, balance



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