There are many missions in the Convocation which are doing admirable work and which appeal to Churchmen in the Diocese. The Board believe, however, that it is important to adhere to the plan outlined in their last annual report and establish strong centers of missionary work. In pursuance of this plan, effort during the past two years has been largely concentrated upon St. Nathanael's Mission, nearly twenty-five thousand dollars having been raised during that period for that Mission, leaving but a small additional sum to fully complete the amount needed. The Board have now decided to concentrate their efforts upon the establishment in like manner of St. Bartholomew's Mission, at Twenty-fifth Street and Lehigh Avenue, in a section of the city which is rapidly improving, and at a recent meeting adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, That the Deans of the several Convocations be requested to co-operate with the North Convocation in the effort to raise $25,000 for the Mission of St. Bartholomew." With the cordial assistance of all those interested in the growth of the Church in our Diocese, this effort should be brought to a successful issue during the coming year. Your Board would earnestly call attention to the effort now being made for raising $100,000 for church extension in the Diocese. The need of this amount of money is urgent for the purpose indicated. In each Convocation, as the reports of the Deans will show, there are from two to three points where lots should be purchased and the services of the church begun, NOW, not at some future time when it will mean double the expense and serious loss of prestige. The placing of the missions, at present under the charge of the several Convocations, on a self-sustaining basis, means additional strength for the future and should be accomplished as soon as possible. The practical results obtained by the use of the previous $100,000 fund but intensifies the appeal for a like fund at the present time. Your Board are conscious of the conditions of the times, the many appeals for one purpose and another, but the call for church extension and the ingathering of the children of the Church should have a chief place in the minds and hearts of the generous Churchmen and Churchwomen of the Diocese. The committee appointed to confer with the stewards of the Sustentation Fund on the proposed amendments to Canon XXI, relating to the Sustentation Fund, respectfully recommend the following: Amend Canon XXI as follows: (a) After the word "Rectors" in third line of Section 1, insert the words "and Ministers in charge of organized parishes." (b) Add to Section 4 the following: "VII. No appropriation from this fund shall be made to any clergyman elected a Rector of a parish after May 1, 1909." (c) Insert the following as Section 5, and change the number of the present Section 5 to 6. "Section 5. Appropriations from this fund may also be made from time to time to augment the salary of any minister appointed by the Bishop to the charge of an organized parish, the vestry of which shall have waived for the time being its right to elect a rector, and shall have requested the Bishop to appoint its minister for the term of at least one year, and for so long a time as an appropriation to aid in the support of its minister shall be asked for." The amount needed to carry on the work for the current year is $20,000. The Board recommend the passage of the following resolution: Resolved, That the parishes of the Diocese be requested to contribute during the coming year for Diocesan Missions the aggregate sum of $18,000. The appropriations made by the Board to the several Convocations have all been paid in full as follows: On motion of the Rev. Simeon C. Hill, the resolution was amended to read, $20,000 instead of $18,000. Addresses regarding the Missionary work of the Convocations were made by the following: The Rev. Jacob LeRoy, Dean of the Convocation of Germantown; the Rev. Herman L. Duhring, D.D., Dean of the Convocation of South Philadelphia; the Rev. Edgar Cope, Dean of the Convocation of North Philadelphia. The Tellers reported the vote of the Clergy and Parishes for five Clerical and five Lay members of the Standing Committee as follows: The Chair declared the following duly elected as members of the Standing Committee: The Rev. J. A. Harris, S.T.D., Mr. John E. Baird, The Tellers reported the vote of the Clergy and Parishes for one Clerical and two Lay members of the Trustees of the General Theological Seminary as follows: The Chair declared the following duly elected as Trustees of the General Theological Seminary: The Rev. H. B. Wright, Mr. J. Vaughan Merrick, The hour of adjournment having arrived, on motion, the Convention adjourned to meet on Wednesday morning at 9.30. THOMAS J. GARLAND, Secretary. |