IOHN MILTON; Containing, befides the hiftory of his works, several extraordinary characters of men, and books, fects, parties, and opinions: WITH AMYNTOR; Or a defense of Milton's life: BY IOHN TOLAND. AND UARIOUS NOTES NOW ADDED. VICTRIX CAUSA DIIS PLACVIT, SED VICTA CATONI. LONDON PRINTED FOR IOHN DARBY MDCXCIX. REPRINTED FOR A. MILLAR IN THE STRAND MDCCLXI. I SEND you at length, my best friend, what you have fo often and earnestly fol licited me to write, the life of JOHN MILTON, a man eminent at home and famous abroad for his univerfal learning, fagacity, and folid judgment: but particularly noted as well for thofe excellent volumes he wrote on the behalf of civil, religious, and domeftic liberty; as for his divine and incomparable poems, which, equalling the most beautiful order and expreffion of any antient or modern compofitions, are infinitely above them all for fublimity and invention. Obferving in this performance the rules of a faithful hiftorian, being neither provok'd by malice, |