but laboring hereby to attend my duty and manifest my distaste against every evil way. Of the estate in New England, to Thomas Topper five pounds, Thomas Braines three pounds, Thomas Launder three pounds, Benjamin Nye thirty shillings, Thomas Grenuill ten shillings, all which deducted and paid together with the sending my two servants with my child into England, the residue shall be employed to the advancement of such works as in the wisdom of my executors for that purpose shall seem good for the plantations settled within the Patent of the Massachusetts; and for the discharging of these legacies and sums, and the right ordering of my estate for the public good I appoint for my executors John Winthrop, the elder, and John Humphry, esquires, John Wilson and Hugh Peter, PreachWitnesses, Edmond Freeman and John Greene. ers. 28 June, 1642. Emanavit comissio Edwardo Moonke avunculo Elizabethe Geere et Sare Geere filiarum dicti defuncti durante minori etate, &c. It appeared that the widow Elizabeth had departed this life. 66 Campbell, 79. [Dennis Geere with his family embarked June 15, 1635, in the Abigail of London, Hackwell master, having brought Certificate from the minister of Thiselworth," probably Isleworth in Middlesex. Those who embarked that day were Dennis Geere, 30; Elizabeth Geere, uxor, 22; Elizabeth Geere, 3; Sara Geere, 2, children; Anne Pancrust, 16; Eliz: Tusolie, 55; Constant Wood, 12." (REG. xiv. 315.) His fellow passengers, Anne Pancrust and Eliz: Tusolie, are no doubt the "cousin Ann Pankhurst and Elizabeth Tuesley' mentioned in the will. "Thomas Brane, husbandm. 40," and "Tho: Launder, 22," were also fellow passengers, having embarked in the Abigail, July 1, 1635. (REG. xiv. 318.) In the "Addenda" to Winthrop's Journal, under date of "1635, Dec. 10," among the "gifts bestowed upon the colony," is this entry : Denis Geere of Sagus gave by his will (at the motion of Mr. Hugh Peter) £300."-ED.] 66 THOMAS GEERE, of the parish of Falmer, near Lewes, co. Sussex, 6 March, 1649. proved 25 April, 1650, by Dennis Geere, son and executor. To wife Mary. To eldest son Thomas Geere and his wife Mercy, and their children, Mercy and Mary. To grand-children Dennis and Richard Geere and grand child Thomas Geere. To the poor of Falmer and the poor of Stamer. Youngest son, Dionice Geere, executor. Friend John Russell, of Southover, near Lewes, and Stephen Towner, of Kingston, to be overseers. Witnesses, Richard Banckes and Tho. Russell. Pembroke, 51. DOROTHY PARKER, of Mildenhall, co. Wilts, widow, 10 October, 1649, proved 11 April, 1650, by Benjamin Woodbridge, one of the executors. To son Mr. Thomas Parker, of New England, two hundred pounds now in hands of my brother, Mr. Richard Stevens, of Stanton Bernard, co. Wilts, not doubting that if he die unmarried he will bestow what remains at his death, thereof, upon the children of my daughters Sarah Baylie and Elizabeth Avery. Of the other one hundred pounds in my brother Stevens' his hand I give five pounds to my son Mr. Thomas Bayly and the remainder to my daughter Sarah Bayly and her four children, John Woodbridge, Benjamin Woodbridge, Sarah Kerridge and Luce Sparhawke, equally. For the one hundred pounds due to me from my son Avery, for which his house was mortgaged, I bestow it upon my daughter Avery and her children. To my son-in-law Mr. Timothy Avery, &c. My loving daughter Sarah Bayly to be executrix in trust with her sou, my grandson, Mr. Benjamin Woodbridge, executor, with his mother. Son Mr. Thomas Baylie and Cousin Mr. John Taylor to be overseers. Witnesses, John Barges and Anthony Appleford. Pembroke, 54. [An abstract of this will, made by the late Horatio G. Somerby for the Hon. Francis E. Parker of Boston, was published in the REGISTER, Xxxii. 337. Mr. Waters has thought that a fuller abstract would be of service to the readers of the REGISTER. -J. T. H. Mrs. Dorothy Parker was the widow of the Rev. Robert Parker, the famous Puritan author. Benjamin Woodbridge, the executor who proved the will, was the first graduate of Harvard College. See Woodbridge Genealogy, REG. xxxii. 292-6. See also the "Woodbridge Record," New Haven, 1883, large 4to., compiled from the papers of Louis Mitchell. Esq., by his brother Donald G. Mitchell, Esq. The will of the Rev. John Woodbridge, of Stanton, Wilts, the father of Rev. John and Benjamin Woodbridge, is printed in this work from a copy lately obtained in England.-ED.] EDWARD BELL, of St. Brevells, co. Gloucester, 16 August, 1649, proved 21 January, 1649. He mentions nephew John Gorges, Esq. In a codicil. 20 August, 1649, he mentions lady Elizabeth Gorges of Ashton Phillips, Mrs. Mary Cutts, "my" godson Mr. Edward Perkins, Mr. Thomas Pole, &c. &c. He discharges sundry persons (among whom Mr. Wymond Bradbury, deceased) "of all debts owing by them to me or my brother William which became due unto me by his gift." Pembroke, 3. [I suppose that this Edward Bell was a brother of Ann, daughter of Edward Bell of Writtle, Essex. Ann Bell was the first wife of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and her eldest son, John Gorges, probably the "nephew John Gorges, Esq." named in this will, was the father of Ferdinando Gorges, author of "America Painted to the Life." See Johnson's Wonder Working Providence, edited by William F. Poole, LL.D., and the notice of it by the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter in the REGISTER, Xxii. 213-19. "Lady Elizabeth Gorges of Ashton Phillips was no doubt the fourth wife and widowof Sir Ferdinando. See REGISTER, xxix. 42-7. Wymond Bradbury may be Wy mond Bradbury of Wicken Bonant, co. Essex, whom the late John M. Bradbury, Esq., supposed to be the father of Thomas Bradbury, of Salisbury, Mass. (see REGISTER, Xxiii. 262-6), but if so he died before 1650.-EDITOR.] y NATHANIEL PARKER, of East Berghoult, co. Suffolk, Esq., 5 August, 1684, proved 19 August, 1684. To be buried at the East end of the churchyard near the church of Great Wenham, co. Suffolk. He mentions his farm of Great Wilsey in Wrating, co. Suffolk. To nephew Philip Parker, Esq., son and heir apparent of Sir Philip Parker, Baronet, all my farm called the Priory in Great Wenham and East Berghoult, and the advowson of the church of Great Wenham, for life, and then to his son Philip. Nephew Calthorp Parker, son of Sir Philip Parker. Nephew Sir Philip Parker. Niece Mercy Parker, nieces Dorothy and Mary Parker, daughters of my late brother Sir Philip Parker, Knight. Niece Mary Parker, daughter of Henry Parker, Esq., my late brother. Nephew Henry Parker, son of said. brother. My nephew Philip Gurdon, Esq. To John Gurdon, son of my nephew Mr. Nathaniel Gurdon. To Sir John Barker, Baronet. To my godson Winiff Sergeant. My god-daughter Elizabeth Walker. My god-daughter the daughter of my nephew Bernard Saltingstall. My nephew in law Anthony Gaudy, Esq., and my god-son Anthony Gaudie, son of the aforesaid, and his sister Winifred Gaudie. My cousin Elizabeth Garnish, widow. Hare, 104. JANE WILLIAMS, of Whetenhurst, co. Gloucester, spinster, 31 May, 1650, proved 30 June, 1655. To brother Samuel Williams my Scottish print bible. To my brother Richard Williams and my sister Elizabeth Williams that are in New England, each of them twenty shillings apiece. To Benjamin Williams and Nathaniel Williams, the two sons of my brother Samuel Williams, ten pounds apiece when they reach the age of twentyone years. To John Hall, the younger, my sister's eldest son, ten pounds 9 and a standing bedstead that is in his father's parlour chamber, my brotherin-law John Hall's. To Samuel, Daniel and Susanna Hall, the other three children or my brother-in-law, John Hall, twenty pounds apiece at 21. Brother-in-law John Hall to be executor. Aylett, 292. [It is evident that the Richard Williams, nained above, as in New England, was Richard Williams of Taunton, Mass. (ante, p. 3). See also REGISTER, li. 209. - ED.] WILLIAM GOODRICK, of Walton Head, co. York, 21 September, 1662, proved 25 January, 1664. My two daughters, Sarah and Elizabeth. My daughter Mary and her husband Matthew Elwald. My nephews Sir John Goodricke and Sir Francis Goodrick. My wife Sarah. My son William Goodrick. [See REGISTER, xxxvi. 384.-H. F. W.] Hyde, 4. JOSEPH HOLLAND, citizen and clothworker of London, 25 December, 1658, with codicil dated 29 December, 1658, proved 17 January, 1658. To be buried on the south side of the christening pew in the parish church of St. Sepulchre, London, between my two former wives. To Elizabeth, my now wife, late the wife and administratrix of Jeffery Cumber, deceased. To son Joseph Holland the lease of my house in Green Arbour in said parish. To son-in-law John Perry and Johanna, his wife, my daughter, and their sons John Perry and Josias Perry and daughter Elizabeth Perry. To my said daughter Johanna, certain needle work "wrought by my first wife, her mother." To daughter Elizabeth, wife of Richard Bessy, in Virginia. To my son Nathaniel Holland, of Waterton in New England twenty pounds in goods; to son Samuel Holland, in Virginia, thirty pounds in goods or money; and to each a bible. To son-in-law Miles Rich and daughTo ter Prudence, his wife. To good friend Mr. John White, grocer, of abovenamed parish, and his wife. To Mr. John Andrewes in Fleet Lane. To the poor of said parish, in bread, twenty my servant John Arnott. The executor to shillings, to such as Master Gouge will distribute unto. be Master John White; the overseer to be Master Andrews. The witnesses to the body of the will were Hen: Travers Scr: Ellen Booth (her mark). The witnesses to the codicil were Hen: Travers, John Arnatt and Pell, 9. Thomas Bargett. [The family of Nathaniel Holland of Watertown, named in this will, is found in Bond's Watertown, p. 302. Dr. Bond erroneously conjectures that he was a son of John and Judith Holland of Dorchester, Mass., and he has been followed by other writers.-ED.] [I find a grant of land on record in the Virginia Land Registry Office, of 189 acres, to Edward Besse, on the south side of Chickahominy River, April 7, 1651, Book No. 2, p. 321. The names Arnott, Gouge, Booth, Perry and Travers appear Francis Willis, the ancestor of the worthy Virin the early annals of Virginia. ginia family of that name, married, about the middle of the 17th century, Ann Rich.-R. A. BROCK, of Richmond, Va.] MARGARET LANE, of London, widow, 16 January, 1661, with addition made 3 September, 1662. To be buried in the grave of my late husband, Edmond Lane, in the parish church of St. Dunstan's in the East, London. To my sister Martha, wife of William Eaton, now, I think, in New England, one hundred pounds within one year next after my decease. To her five children twenty pounds, to be equally divided amongst them, and also within the like time, to their said father or mother for their use, and whose acquittance shall be a sufficient discharge to my executor for the same. To my cousin Sarah Barett, daughter of my late brother Daniel Jenkin, deceased, and now wife of John Barett, twenty pounds. To her eldest daughter, Sarah Barett, thirty pounds, and to her son John Barett and her other daughter, Mary Barett, twenty pounds apiece. To the three children of my late sister Priscilla Hamond, deceased, late wife of William Hammond, ten pounds apiece within one year after my decease. To Thomas Jenkins, eldest son of said deceased brother Daniel Jenkins. To my other cousin Daniel Jenkins, son of said deceased brother, &c. &c. The addition, or codicil, mentions cousin Thomas Jenkins, of Minster, co. Kent, who is appointed overseer, the said 3 August (sic) 1662. The witnesses to the will were Henry Travers, Scr. in Smithfield, Jo. Newland, Micah Machell and Samuel Fox, his servants. Elizabeth Jenkin, relict and administratrix, with the will annexed, of Daniel Jenkins, deceased, executor of above will, received commission to administer on the estate of the above, 5 August, 1667. Carr, 107. ["William Eaton of Staple, husbandman, Martha, his wife, three children and one servant, ," embarked for New England in 1637 (REG. XV. 29). They settled at Watertown (Bond's Watertown, p. 202). They had two children born in this country, making in all five children, the number named by Mrs. Lane.—ED.] EDMUND MUNINGES, of Denge, co. Essex, the unprofitable servant of God, 2 October, 1666, proved 18 July, 1667, by Hopestill Muninges, executor. To wife Markiet ten pounds within one month after my decease, and the household goods which her father gave her, and that is to say, one bed, one table, cubbord, one guite (sic) chest, one brass pot, one dripping pan and four little platters. To second son, Return, twenty pounds within one year after demand be made for it. To third son, Takeheed, forty pounds within six months after my decease. To eldest daughter, Harry (sic) ten pounds within one year after demand be made for it. To second daughter, Rebecca, ten pounds. Eldest son, Hopestill, to be executor. If wife Markit prove with child, then to such child ten pounds at age of twenty-one years, &c. Testator made his mark in presence of William Cooch, John Spencer and Takeheed Muninge. Carr, 95. [Edmund Munnings, aged 40, came to New England in 1635, in the Abigail, Robert Hackwell, master, bringing with him his wife Mary, aged 30 years, daugh ters Mary and Anna, and son Mahalaleel, respectively nine, six and three years of age. He settled in Dorchester, where he had grants of land, among them that of Moon Island, layd to Dorchester" by the General Court, June 2, 1641. This Island contained about twenty acres of land, and was used for pasturage, it may have been, for two and a half centuries. On the northerly side was a high bluff: southerly it was connected at very low water, by the bars or flats of the island, with the promontory of Squantum. This island is named on the Dorchester Records, in 1637 and 1638, Mannings Moone." It is, however, no longer an island, having recently been joined to Squantum by an artificial isthmus in connection with the great Boston sewer, the reservoir of which is being built here. Mr. Munnings had three sons, born and baptized in Dorchester, bearing the singular names of Hopestill, born April 5, 1637, Return, Sept. 7, 1640, and Take Heed, Oct. 20, 1642. The Dorchester Church Records say that Hopestill went to England. We have also evidence that the father returned and died in his native clime. Return removed to Boston. Goody Munnings, the mother, was admitted to the Dorchester church, 16. 2. 1641. On the "9 (8) 59, Mahallaeell Munings was dismissed from this church" vnto ye new," or second "church at Boston, & dyed ye 27 (12) 59, being drowned in ye Millcreek at Boston in ye night."-Dorchester Church Records. He married Hannah, daughter of John Wiswall. The widow subsequently married Thomas Overman. By the inventory of the estate of Mahalaleel Munnings, made in 1659, and proved Jan. 30, 1660, occupying three large folio pages in volume three of Suffolk wills and inventories, pages 229 to 231, the last inventory in the book, it would appear that he invested largely in English goods, and was a prominent merchant of his day. In 1667 widow Munnings was taxed three pence, among those rated for lands at the neck in Dorchester, at a half penny per acre for the plow land. Mahalaleel went to England, it may have been with his father, and is doubtless the person who returned to New England in the Speedwell in 1656, Capt. Locke, master, notwithstanding the slight discrepancy in age, as given at the two arrivals. The name of Edmund Munnings, on the 7th of 12 mo. 1641, is affixed to the list, consisting of seventy-one, of the inhabitants of Dorchester, who agreed that a rate of twenty pounds per annum should be paid out of the rents of Thompson's island towards the maintenance of a school in Dorchester. We are not certain that Mr. Munnings was there subsequent to 1641. On the 8th of March, 1663-4, his name stands the fifteenth on the list of rights in the New Grant of undivided land, which did belong to William Stoughton. Mr. Munnings had an interest in 10 acres, 3 quarters, 12 pole. Mr. Savage says Mr. Munnings had probably gone home, I think, to Malden, co. Essex, there at least, was somehow connected with Joseph Hills, who before coming over had given M. £11 in a bill for bringing one bullock for the use of H." Maldon is a few miles only from Dengie, and is locally in the hundred of Dengie." See REGISTER, i. 132; vii. 273; viii. 75; x. 176; xiv. 316; Fourth Report of the Record Commissioners, Boston, pages 29, 32, 106, 120; Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, iii. 255; Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of England, ii. 20; iii. 206; History of Dorchester, p. 68; King's Handbook of Boston Harbor, pp. 100, 106.-W. B. TRASK.] JOHN NORRIS the elder, of Westminster, co. Middlesex, yeoman, 8 June, 1667, proved 4 (or 5) July, 1667. To son William Norris seventy-five pounds to make up the twenty-five pounds formerly given him to one hundred pounds, &c., and also house, &c., at Mooret-clack,* co. Surrey, which I bought of him, and a tenement at Tame in co. Oxford, held by lease. To son John Norris ninety pounds, to make up the ten pounds formerly given him to one hundred pounds, and a tenement at Mooretclack, bought of son William, &c. To grand child Annanias Andrews thirty pounds at age of twenty-one or day of marriage. To grand child John Andrews thirty. pounds at twenty-one. To daughter Elizabeth Bell, now beyond the seas, forty pounds, if she be living and come to England to receive the same herself, and that Samuel Bell, her husband, shall not meddle or have to do therewith. To grand-child Edward Norris, son of Christopher Norris, thirty pounds, five pounds whereof to put him forth an apprentice, and the remaining twenty-five pounds, with the benefit and increase, at age of twenty-one years. Remainder to two sons, William and John Norris, equally. Carr, 95. Sir ROBERT PEAKE, Knight, citizen and goldsmith of London, 15 May, 1666, with codicil made 27 September, 1666, proved 26 July, 1667, by Gregory and Benjamin Peake. To my cousin and sometime servant, George Lyddall, in Virginia, gentleman, three hundred pounds in three years (one hundred pounds per year payable on Michaelmas day). To my sometime servant, Michael Tucker, in Virginia, husbandman, ten pounds. To servant Elizabeth Essington, of London, widow, twenty pounds. To my cousin James Waters, the son of Joseph Waters, fifty pounds. To my cousin Waters, relict of Samuel Waters, skinner, deceased, twenty pounds. To friend Doctor James Hide of Oxford, and his wife Margaret Hide, fifty pounds, and to their son Robert, my godson, fifty pounds. To my good friend and valentine Mary St. Loe, of the Parish of Dunstans in the East, London, widow, one thousand pounds in ten years (one hundred pounds a year, payable on Michaelmas day). To Mrs. Mary Burton, wife * Mortlake. |