fimple and united view, is the design of what is offered in the fecond and third fections. In the laft fection a few general reflexions on the life of Jefus are fubjoined, which, 'tis hoped, will appear to be sufficiently supported by the preceding narrative. If what is humbly offered to the public in this effay, however far fhort it may fall, of the dignity and importance of the fubject, fhall in any degree, contribute to make the character and life of Jefus better understood, and more efteemed or if it fhall induce fome others, who have more leifure and capacity, to do greater juftice to the fubject, the purpose of the publication is obtained. INTRODUCTION. Pag. 1. AN ESSAY ON THE CHARACTER AND OFFICE O F JESUS CHRIST. INTRODUCTION. IT must be evident at firft view to every one who looks into the writings of the four Evangelifts, that they have given to the world the history of a very extraordinary personage. Jefus Chrift whofe life and actions they have left upon record, was in their apprehenfion, the Son of God; Had been in the beginning with God,' and was fent into this world by the special appointment of his Father, on a very important and extraordinary defign: and Jefus Chrift himself fo foon as he appeared publickly amongst mankind affumed this high and facred character, declaring that what he taught and did was by his immediate commiffion and authority. Hence we are naturally led to enquire, what is to be found in the history of his life, that is equal to the dignity A |