כבר יהוה GLORY or GRAVITY ESSENTIAL and MECHANICAL. WHEREIN The Objects and Articles of the As they were originally and fucceffively By Representations in FIGURES. AND AS WORDS were adapted to, and LETTERS With fome Account O F The ORIGIN and PRESENT STATE of the By J Hutchen. VOL. VI. LONDON: Printed for J. HODGES, at the Looking-Glafs, over M DCC XLIX. and דבר fo כבד HE Word T others ftill behind fhould have been inferted in M.fine P. because a Perfon who had no Beginning is The comprehended under thofe Names. Title is ufed for the Name of a Perfon in the Effence. We have fhewed that all Ideas of the Effence, and of the Perfons in it, or of their Perfections, are taken from Objects material, vifible or understood by the Senfes; and the Ideas |