| Edward Marbury - 1650 - 614 páginas
...it befer- ]»m. 5. itf. •vent. Againft fin we have no fuch remedy as the word- So Ddd Pfal.i ii). Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not Jin againjc thcc11 • Our Leflbns from hence are; i We muft take it for a great favour of God to us,... | |
 | Richard Gilpin - 1677 - 656 páginas
...1 1. He puts his Probatum eji upon theHead of this Reccit, and fpeaks oi'it as his conftant refuge, Thy Word have I hid in my Heart, that I might not fin againji thee. In Pfal. 37. 3 1 . He fpeaks ot it as a tryed cafe Q{ common experience to all the... | |
 | James Burroughs - 1733 - 296 páginas
...fay to all eternity. SERMON II. Meditation on GOD's Word a prefervative againft fin. PSALM CXIX. 11. Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not Jin agamfk thee. N this pfalm we are not to expect a very ftricl: connexion of one part with the other.... | |
 | Richard Lucas - 1735 - 486 páginas
...truths of it with devout and inceffant meditation. This the royal Pfalmift was abundantly fenfible of, Thy 'word have I hid in my heart, that I might not Jin againft thee, Pfal. cxix: u. Thou through thy commandments haft made me ivifer than mine enemies... | |
 | Richard Lucas - 1735 - 486 páginas
...truths of it with devout and inceflant meditation. This the royal Pfalmift was abundantly fenfible of, Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not jin againj} thee, PfaL cxix: 11. Thou through thy commandments haft made me wifer than mine enemies:... | |
 | Benjamin Grosvenor - 1765 - 132 páginas
...a fure Recoujfe upon thofe Trials you are moft liable to. Lay up his Word in thy Heart, Job 22. 22. Thy Word have I hid in my Heart, that I might not Jin againjt thee. Let the Widow and the Fatherlefs remember, that he has promifed to be a Father io... | |
 | John Flavel - 1770 - 558 páginas
...word after hearing it ? * A. By preferring it carefully in our hearts and memories ; Ffalm cxix. 1 1 . Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not nn againft thee. Oe 26. What is the beft cure for a bad memory ? A. Labour to get an high efteem of... | |
 | John Willison - 1790 - 334 páginas
...it out, but we (hall continue to remember, ponder and meditate upon it long afterwards. cxix. ii.' Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might ' not fin againft thee.' Q^ IVhatJhall 1 do -with a lad memory, thai doth not retain the -word after 1 bear... | |
 | Ralph Erskine - 1794 - 542 páginas
...hearing the word attentively, .reading the word diligently, hiding the word in your heart carefully, like David; " Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not fin againft thee." Now, what diligent ufe do you make of the word ? Are you carelefs in hearing, efpecially... | |
 | Ralph Erskine - 1795 - 518 páginas
...but give it entertainment ; it will, perhaps, make more room for itfeli, and fanctify your memory : " Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not fin aguinft thee." EIGHTH CASE. If a word of promife come in to the heart with any power and life,... | |
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