Frauendarstellungen in ausgewählten Romanen der Schriftstellerin Marilyn French

GRIN Verlag, 2007 - 136 páginas
Magisterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Anglistik - Literatur, Note: 1,0, Universität Koblenz-Landau (Anglistik), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Gegenstand und Problemstellung der ArbeitEin 'monströses Frauenbuch'1 über 'die Komplexe der Amerikanerin,'2 'ein üppiger Saftschinken nach amerikanischem Rezept,'3 'ein Buch, das Leben verändert,'4 'das die Männer von den Frauen trennt'5 und das ' die komfortablen Konzentrationslager der amerikanischen Vorstädte wie eine Bombe einschlug'6 - selten wurde ein Roman mit so viel Häme und Lob überhäuft wie Marilyn French's Roman The Women's Room. Das belletristische Erstlingswerk der Autorin eroberte 1977 in kürzester Zeit die Bestsellerlisten in den USA. Als erste Veröffentlichung des damals neu gegründeten Verlages Summit Books, einer Abteilung des renommierten Verlagshauses Simon & Schuster Inc., erreichte allein die gebundene Ausgabe des Buches in wenigen Monaten enorme Verkaufszahlen, so daß die Rechte für die Taschenbuchausgabe daraufhin für die Summe von \$ 750.000 verkauft wurden.7 In über 20 Sprachen übersetzt, wurde der Roman auch international zu einem Erfolg und 1997 von Virago Press, London, neu aufgelegt. Dieser beeindruckende kommerzielle Erfolg rief natürlich nationale und internationale Literaturkritiker auf den Plan. In den USA beschäftigten sich Rezensent/Innen der bedeutendsten Zeitungen und Zeitschriften mit dem Roman, wie zum Beispiel Harper's, Newsweek, People, The New York Times und The Washington Post. Im deutschsprachigen Raum griffen ihn die Neue Züricher Zeitung, die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung und Die Zeit als erste in ausführlichen Rezensionen auf.


Gegenstand und Problemstellung der Arbeit
Der Mythos Frau eine Frage der Identität?
Lebensentwürfe weiblicher Figuren in Marilyn Frenchs Romanen
Literarische Darstellungsmittel der Identitätsproblematik
Behind the Bestsellers eine journalistische Rezeptionsanalyse
Derechos de autor

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Página 51 - But is her house in reality a comfortable concentration camp? Have not women who live in the image of the feminine mystique trapped themselves within the narrow walls of their homes? They have learned to "adjust" to their biological role. They have become dependent, passive, childlike; they have given up their adult frame of reference to live at the lower human level of food and things.
Página 31 - s"; informed and alert but not consumed by an intellectual passion; capable but not talented in areas relatively new to women; able to stand on her own feet and to earn a living but not so good a living as to compete with men; capable of doing some job well (in case she...
Página 7 - The transformation, reflected in the pages of the women's magazines, was sharply visible in 1949 and progressive through the fifties. "Femininity Begins at Home," "It's a Man's World Maybe," "Have Babies While You're Young," "How to Snare a Male," "Should I Stop Work When We Marry?
Página 13 - This paper has described the development of relational personality in women and of personalities preoccupied with the denial of relation in men. In its comparison of different societies, it has suggested that men, while guaranteeing to themselves sociocultural superiority over women, always remain psychologically defensive and insecure. Women, by contrast, although always of secondary social and cultural status, may in favorable circumstances gain psychological security and a firm sense of worth...
Página 25 - The critical task is, rather, to locate strategies of subversive repetition enabled by those constructions, to affirm the local possibilities of intervention through participating in precisely those practices of repetition that constitute identity and, therefore, present the immanent possibility of contesting them.
Página 25 - The critical task for feminism is not to establish a point of view outside of constructed identities; that conceit is the construction of an epistemological model that would disavow its own cultural location and, hence, promote itself as a global subject, a position that deploys precisely the imperialist strategies that feminism ought to criticize.
Página 8 - Really a Man's World, Politics"; and "Nearly Half the Women in Who's Who are Single." The short stories in those women's magazines we still read under the hair dryer were all about miserable girls with supposedly glamorous jobs in New York, who suddenly saw the light and went home to marry Henry. In "Honey, Don't You Cry...
Página 75 - ... close to advocating oppression itself, though. We are bound in by the terms of the sentence. Subject-verb-object. The best we can do is turn it around. And that's no answer, is it? Well, answers I leave to others, to a newer generation perhaps, lacking the deformities mine suffered. My feelings about men are the result of my experience. I have little sympathy for them. Like a Jew just released from Dachau, I watch the handsome young Nazi soldier fall writhing to the ground with a bullet in his...
Página 25 - The deconstruction of identity is not the deconstruction of politics; rather, it establishes as political the very terms through which identity is articulated.

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