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ment of this world is carried on by general laws, which are inflexible because they are the best poffible, every important event is attributed to an immediate interpofition of the Deity. As the Grecian gods were thought to have bodies like men, and like men to require nourishment; they were imagined to act like men, forming fhort-fighted plans of operation, and varying them from time to time, according to exigencies. Even the wife Athenians had an utter averfion at philofophers who attempted to account for effects by general laws: fuch doctrine they thought tended to fetter the gods, and to prevent them from governing events at their pleasure. An eclipfe being held a prognostic given by the gods of fome grievous calamity, Anaxagoras was accufed of Atheism for attempting to explain the eclipse of the moon by natural causes: he was thrown into prifon, and with difficulty was relieved by the influence of Pericles. Protagoras was banifhed Athens for maintaining the fame doctrine. Procopius overflows with fignal interpofitions of Providence; and Agathias, beginning at the battle of Marathon, fagely main

tains, that from that time downward, there was not a battle loft but by an immediate judgement of God, for the fins of the commander, or of his army, or of one perfon or other. Our Saviour's doctrine with respect to those who suffered by the fall of the tower of Siloam, ought to have opened their eyes; but fuperftitious eyes are never opened by inftruction. At the fame time, it is deplorable that fuch belief has no good influence on manners: on the contrary, never doth wickedness so much abound as in dark times. A curious fact is related by Procopius (a) with respect to that fort of fuperftition. When Rome was befieged by the Goths and in danger of destruction, a part of the town-wall was in a tottering condition. Belifarius, propofing to fortify it, was opposed by the citizens, affirming, that it was guarded by St Peter. Procopius obferves, that the event answered expectation; for that the Goths, during a tedious fiege, never once attempted that weak part. He adds, that the wall remained in the fame ruinous state at the time of his writing. Here is a curious conceit-Peter created a tutelar (a) Historia Gothica, lib. 1.



deity, able and willing to counteract the laws by which God governs the material world. And for what mighty benefit to his votaries? Only to fave them five or fifty pounds in rebuilding the crazy part of the wall.

It is no lefs inconfiftent with the regular courfe of Providence, to believe, as many formerly did, that in all doubtful cafes the Almighty, when appealed to, never fails to interpofe in favour of the right fide. The inhabitants of Conftantinople, ann. 1284, being split into parties about two contending patriarchs, the Emperor ordered a fire to be made in the church of St Sophia, and a paper for each party to be thrown into it; never doubting, but that God would fave from the flames the paper given in for the party whose cause he efpoufed. But, to the utter astonishment of all beholders, the flames paid not the leaft regard to either. The fame abfurd opinion gave birth to the trial by fire, by water, and by fingle combat. And it is not a little remarkable, that fuch trials were common among many nations that had no intercourfe one with another : VOL. IV. I i

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even the


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enlightened people of Indoftan try crimes by dipping the hand of a suspected person in boiling oil. Such uniformity is there with respect even to fuperftitious opinions. Pope Gregory VII. infifting that the Kings of Caftile and Aragon fhould lay afide their Gothic liturgy for the Romish, the matter was put to trial by fingle combat; and two champions were chofen to declare by victory the opinion of God Almighty. The Emperor Otho I. obferving the lawdoctors to differ about the right of reprefentation in land-eftates, appointed a duel; and the right of reprefentation gain'd the victory. If any thing can render fuch a doctrine palatable, it is the believing in a tutelar deity, who with lefs abfurdity may interpofe in behalf of a favourite opinion, or of a favourite people. Appian gravely reports, that when the city of Rhodes was befieged by Mithridates, a ftatue of the goddefs Ifis was feen to dart flames of fire upon a bulky engine, raised by the befiegers to overtop the wall.

Hiftorians mention an incident that happened in the ifland Celebes, founded on a belief of the fame kind with that

that above mentioned. About two cen-
turies ago, fome Christian and fome Ma-
hometan miffionaries made their way to
that island. The chief king, ftruck with
the fear of hell taught by both, assembled
a general council; and ftretching his
hands towards heaven, addressed the fol-
lowing prayer to the fupreme being.
"Great God, from thee I demand no-
"thing but justice, and to me thou owest
❝ it.
Men of different religions have
ર come to this ifland, threatening eternal
punishment to me and my people if we
"difobey thy laws. What are thy laws?
"Speak, O my God, who art the author
"of nature: thou knoweft the bottom of

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our hearts, and that we can never intentionally disobey thee. But if it be unworthy of thy effence to employ the language of men, I call upon my whole people, the fun which gives

me light, the earth which bears me, "the fea which furrounds my empire, "and upon thee thyfelf, to bear witnefs

for me, that in the fincerity of my "heart I wish to know thy will; and "this day I declare, that I will acknow"ledge as the depofitaries of thy oracles, "the

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