II. III. IV. CHAPTER II. EVENTS AT BABYLON, BETWEEN THE COм- Condition of Daniel and his companions at Ba- Commission of Ezekiel ...... Daniel i. 8. to end. Ezek. i. ii. iii. 1-22. Prophecy of the miseries and destruction of Je- Ezek. iii. 22. to end; iv. ... Visions of the idolatries which occasioned the V. Various predictions against Zedekiah-The r v. vi. vii. Ezek. viii. ix. x. xi. 1-22. Ezek. xx. xxi. xxii. xxiii. Ezek. xxiv. Ezek. xxix. 1-17. Ezek. xxx. 20. to end; xxxi. CHAP. IV. SECTION I. II. III. IV. V. CHAPTER IV. EVENTS AT BABYLON BETWEEN THE DESTRUC- Ezekiel being informed of the destruction of Prophecy against Egypt ........ Nebuchadnezzar, on the completion of his con- X. Dan. iv. 28. to end. XIII. Accession of Evil Merodach, and release of Je-Jer. lii. 31. to end; 2 hoiachin from prison ... Kings xxv. 27. to end. PERIOD THE EIGHTH. FROM THE TERMINATION OF THE BABYLONISH CAPTIVITY, TO THE REFORMATION OF WORSHIP BY NEHEMIAH, AND THE COMPLETION OF THE CANON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT BY SIMON THE JUST.FROM 536 TO ABOUT 300. Chap. & Sect. Contents. CHAPTER I. Scripture. CHAP. I. FROM THE DECREE OF CYRUS TO THE Dedi- Ezra i. 5. to end; ii. iii. Ezra iv. 1-6. and part Ezra v. 3. to end: vi. 1-14.; Ps. cxxxviii. ; Zech. vii. viii. Ezra vi. 14. to end; Ps. cxlvi. cxlvii. cxlviii. cxlix. cl. xlviii, lxxxi. |