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years, time to read a great many pages; and as each discusses different topics, or presents them in new a and relations, it is well that books of this class shou multiplied. If twenty different individuals in various of our country, whom Providence has placed in suc cumstances as to interest them particularly in the y would write for them, the books would all be read in were properly written, and would all do good. They be different, if they were the results of the indepe reflection and observation of the authors, and each coöperate with and assist the others.


The absent son-The father's promise-Its implied limitations Improper
requests Requests in an improper manner-The letter-Our Saviour's
promise-Prayers denied-Power of prayer-Granting requests in another
form-The boy asking for a knife-The sick man unexpectedly cured-
Submissive spirit-Prayers of the young-The packet-Description of the

Story of the Chinese and the map-Difficulties in all subjects-Astronomical
difficulties Difficulties in religion to be expected First difficulty-At-
tempt to avoid it Conversation continued-Second difficulty-Extent of
the creation-Difficulty-The existence of suffering inexplicable-The
pirate condemned to die-Accountability-Foreknowledge-Story of father
and son-Imaginary conversation with an infidel-Answering prayer-
Case supposed-The sick son-Miraculous interference in answering prayer
-Sources of difficulty-Algebra-The surd-Difficulty theoretical-None
in practice.

Objects of this chapter-1. Inquiries-Disobedient school-boy-2. Perplexi-
ties of Christians-Way to avoid them-Plausible reasoning sometimes
unsafe-Scholars in geometry-Drawing inferences-Story of the knights
and the statue-The shield of brass and iron-One kind of controversy-
3. Difficulties of children Children's questions-4. Difficulties of parents
and teachers-The school-boy's question-A humble, docile spirit,




The doubting clerk-The unexpected letter-The sick child-Possible mis-
takes-Men act from reasonable evidence-Evidences of Christianity, His-
torical, Internal, and Experimental-Illustration-The phosphorus.

1. Historical Evidence—Seal-Miracles-Examining witnesses-The court

-The court-room-The prisoner-His accusation and trial Testimony of

the owner; of the watchman-The lawyer's question-The watchman's

story-The prisoner convicted-Points secured on trials-Three points to

be attended to-Irruption of the barbarians-Old manuscripts-Genuine-

ness of the Scriptures-Quotations Illustration-Use made of quotations

-Paley's Evidences-Necessity for proving the genuineness of the Scrip-

tures-The original records not remaining-The second point Opportuni-

ties of knowing-The housebreaker's trial-Sacred writers could not have

been mistaken-They were eye-witnesses-Third point Their style of

writing-Impartiality-Elevated views They were disinterested-Our

Saviour's farewell address-Interested witnesses Battle of Lexington-

Parliament and Congress-Points proved-Argument from prophecy-

Prophecies False prophecies-Subject difficult-Were the Christian wit-

nesses believed? - Contest with paganism-Power of truth.

2. Internal Evidence-Unity of the Scriptures-The Bible a number of

books-Its single object-The Bible a history of Christ-Sacrifices-

Meaning of sacrifices-Their moral influence Conclusion of the book-

Appropriate language-The advent of the Saviour-Its time and place-

The Mediterranean sea-Interesting associations-Character of God-Lan-

guage of nature; of the Bible-The sufferer in the hospital-Jehovah just,

as well as merciful-Butler's Analogy.

3. Experimental Evidence-Case of sickness supposed-Medicine-Proof

of it The mother-The mother and her sick son-The unbeliever-Power

of Christianity-Particular case-Prisons-Old and new system of dis-

cipline-Stories of the convicts-The disobedient son-Conversation-

Struggles with sin-Second story-Nature of ardent spirit-W.'s crime-

Learning to read in prison-First lesson-Effect of the Bible upon W.-

Sins against God-W.'s mental sufferings His prayer-His way of find-

ing the 51st Psalm - His relief-Close of the convicts' stories-Charlestown

state-prison-Old building-Crowded night rooms-Arms-Prison yard-

Chapel-Prisoners going to Sabbath-school-Aspect of the school-Pris-

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