Imágenes de páginas



1. Nature of Trial-The steam-boat on trial-Efforts of the engineer-Im
provements-Final results-Her power-Safe and successful action-Life
a time of trial-Trials of childhood - The child and the forbidden book-
Commands-Pain-Advantage of trial in childhood-Putting playthings
out of reach- Conversation with a mother-Trials not to be shunned-
Instruction and practice-The merchant's plan for his son-A voyage of
difficulty-Its effects.

2. The uses of Trial-Self-knowledge-The deceived mother-True submis-
sion distinguished from false-The engineer was watchful-Trial a means
of improvement The boy studying division-The moral and arithmetical
question-Practical directions-God's providence universal-Losses of
every kind from God-The careless engineer-Neglect of duty-Conclud-
ing remarks,




1. Moral Improvement—General improvement a Christian duty-Moral
improvement-Faults-The vain boy-Way to reform him-Conversation
with his father-Instances of vanity-The boy's list-Effect of this con-
fession-Secret confession to be minute-Secret prayer often too general
-Way to make prayer interesting-Formal confession-Excuses-Way
to make secret prayer interesting-Private prayer-Examples of minute
confession-The father's letter-Object of this illustration-Faults to be
corrected-Young and old persons-Other means of correcting faults-
Exposure to temptation-Conversation between the boy and his friend-
Great and small temptations.

Growing in grace Unavailing efforts-The mother-The man of business-
The dejected Christian-Direct efforts Freedom of feeling and freedom of
action-Way to mould the heart-Metaphysical controversy-Story of the
Duke of Gloucester-Richard's artful plan-The council-Violent meas-
ures-Murder of the boys-Analysis of the story-Richard's wicked char-
acter-Sense in which character is voluntary-Distinction between charac-
ter and conduct Importance of it-Moral obligation-Ways of influencing
the character-Effect of Christian knowledge-The mother-The child-
Gratitude-Christian action-Why Howard became interested for prison-
ers-Paul-Dependence upon the Holy Spirit-An evil heart-Divine
influence necessary.

2. Intellectual Improvement-A finished education-Object of education-
1. To strengthen the powers-Robinson Crusoe's supposed experiment
with Friday-Conic sections-Difficult studies-2. Acquisition of know-
ledge 3. Skill Three experiments with Friday-Teaching him to count
-Study of mathematics-Imperfect education-Neglect of important
duties Intellectual progress of a young mother-1. Reading-Systeni
-Variety-Thorough reading-Short works-2. Conversation-Difficulty
of cultivating it-Means of cultivating it-Experiments proposed-Plans

sisters-Its advantages- Subjects - Notes and abstracts-True taking notes-Form of books - Plan-Variety-Specimens - F Humboldt-Chronology-Synagogues-History of the Bible phrey Davy-Story of the sea-captain-Hiring children-The thirst on the cross-Deceiving children-Narratives-Ellen, or " thyself of to-morrow"-The dying bed-The patient's interest in Her address to her husband-Her affecting remarks to her Moral aspects of what is seen and heard Power of the pen,



Responsibility of religious teachers-Injury to be done by this book fect self-application-A useless way of reading,





"Whoso confesseth and forsaketh his sins shall have mercy."

I WISH, in this first chapter, to point out to my reader something in the nature and effects of confession which every one has, perhaps, at some time experienced, but which few sufficiently consider-I mean, its influence in giving relief to the burdened spirit. But to make myself clearly understood, I must suppose a case.

Two boys, on a pleasant winter evening, ask their father to permit them to go out upon the river to skate. The father hesitates, because, though within certain limits he knows there is no danger, yet he is aware that above a certain turn of the stream the current is rapid, and the ice consequently thin. At last, however, he says, "You may go, but you must on no account go above the bend."

The boys accept the condition, and are soon among their twenty companions, shooting swiftly over the smooth black ice, sometimes gliding in graceful curves before the bright fire which they have built in the middle of the stream, and sometimes sailing away into the dim distance, in search of new and unexplored regions.

Presently a plan is formed by the other boys for going in a cheerful company far up the stream to explore its shores, and then return again in half an hour to their fire. Our two boys sigh to think of their father's prohibition to them. They faintly and hesitatingly hint that the ice may not be strong enough, but their caution has no effect upon their comrades; and the whole set forth, and soon are flying with full speed towards the limit prescribed. Our boys think they may safely accompany them till they reach the boundary which they are forbidden to pass; but while they do so, they become animated and intoxicated with the motion and the scene.

They feel a little foreboding as they approach the line, but as it is not definitely marked, they do not abruptly stop. They fall a little in the rear, and see whirling through the bend of the river the whole crowd of their companions-and, after a moment's hesitation, they follow on. The spot once passed, their indecision vanishes; they press forward to the foremost rank-forget their father, their promise, their danger. God protects them, however. They spend the half hour in delight, return down the river to their fire, and at the close of the evening they take off their skates and step upon the firm ground, and walk towards their home.

The enjoyment is now over, and the punishment is to come. What punishment? I do not mean, that their father will punish them. He knows nothing of it. He trusts his boys, and, confiding in their promise, he will not ask them whether they have kept it. They have returned safely, and the forbidden ice over which they have passed never can speak to tell of their disobedience. Nor do I mean the punishment which God will inflict in another world upon undutiful children. I mean another quicker punishment, which almost always comes after transgression. And I wish my young readers would think of this more than they do. I mean, the loss of peace of conscience.

As the boys approach their father's dwelling, unless their consciences have become seared by oft-repeated transgressions, their hearts are filled with uneasiness and foreboding care. They walk slowly and silently. As they enter the house, they shrink from their father's eye. He looks pleased and happy at their safe return. But they turn away from him as soon as they can, and prefer going to another room, or in some other way avoiding his presence. Their sister perhaps, in the gayety and kindness of her heart, tries to talk with them about their evening's enjoyment, but they wish to turn the conversation. In a word, they have done wrong, their peace of mind is gone, and they shrink from every, eye, and wish to go as soon as possible to bed, that they may be unseen and forgotten.

If they have been taught to fear God, they are not happy here. They dare not-strange infatuation-repeat their evening prayer; as if they supposed they could escape God's notice by neglecting to call upon him. At last, however, they sink to sleep.

They next morning they awake with the customary cheerfulness of youth, until, as they look forth from their window, they see the clear, ice-bound stream which tempted them to sin, winding its way among the trees. They say nothing, but each feels guilty and sad. They meet their father and mother with clouded hearts, and every object at all connected with their transgression awakens the remorse which destroys their happiness. Thus they carry about with them a wearisome and heavy burden.

I suppose that in such cases most boys would continue to bear this burden; until at last they should become insensible to it, that is, until conscience is seared. But though by habit in sin the stings of remorse may be blunted, yet peace never returns thus. By repeating transgression a great many times, we all come at last to feel a general and settled uneasiness of heart, which is a constant burden.

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