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apointment thereby; However let me once more advise you as a sincere and real Friend to be always punctual to your word and strictly observant of your Promises, which will never faile of gaining you the goode Esteeme of every bodie, and mai[n]tain to your self a distinguishing Character, meritorious without spott, or blemish; and for this I am [persuaded] you have goode Nature [enough] to hold me excusable;

I beg leave to recommend the Bearer Mr. John Pigott, Son to old Major Pigott of our Island, to your Friendship and favour, and if you can be any way servisable to him by assisting him to gett an Employment in the Command of some goode Vessel; I shall take itt as a very greate favour, for He is truely a young Gentleman of Meritt, being, very modest, sober, industrious, a brisk Sayler, and goode Artist, which I aver to be the Character given to me of him by two Captains of Men of War, he had the honour to serve under as Midship Man for four years last past. Capt. Malbone1 I am in hopes will provide for him, and use your interest with him to that end. My Wife joyns with me in our best respects to Mrs. Redwoode, and accept the same from, My goode Friend, Your Affectt. Humble Servantt




Antigua, July 25th day, 1732.

THESE come to accquant you that I am safe arrived at Antigua in thurty one days after I left you, where wee have landed all your fraims in good order, and all the rest of my Lumber and as for our Staves being in so great demand when I was here last voyage that now they wont give more then four pounds for the best that brought here; and as for your Hups the major2 wants them all for the

1 Godfrey Malbone. See p. 49, infra.

2 Thomlinson.

Plantation, and the most part of the Staves, so that I shall have nothing to sell but the Shingles and sum of the Board, if I can sell them so have nothing strange to wright you, only that wee are all well in good helth, thank God, and shall make all the despach I can. I shall get about forty hhgds. in by night from Arter Willkerson upon freight for Rhode Island. I have had no Goods from the Plantation not as yet; so if the major dount detain me here, I hope to sale in three or four days after Capt. Casey; so I shall conclude your affectionate friend till Death,


My kind Love to you and your Wife and Children. [Endorsed,] These per Capt. Casey.



OUR last was by Capt. Croker with Invoice and 2d Bill of Lading for the Horses, etc. sent you in the Britannia. enclosed is copy of the Invoice for them.2

We are now to acknowledge your Favours 9th and 17 June, advising us of your Bills for £100 pay'a to Jonathan Thurston for £110 to Mr. John Brown, both which are honoured.

We are obliged to you for your Recommendation of Mr. Brown and shall take care that he have no reason to complain of our usage.

Enclosed is Account Sales for 10 hhds. Nett Produce £46. 2. 6, as also copys

1 The original is in the Newport Historical Society.

Sugar per
Sugar per Stewart.
of Sales for your

2 "We have at last got an opportunity to send your Horses and Capt. Draper has promised to take a great deal of Care of them, and to encourage him thereto we have given him £1. 11. 6 for his Prim[age] and Trouble. The Horses are thought to be very good and cost 50 Guineas. As the charge will be as much on ordinary ones as those that are very good, we thought you would not grudge the Expence." Rowland and Samuel Frye to Abraham Redwood, July 31, 1732.

Sugars by Davis, Oliver, Ion and Draper.1 we cannot yet. make out the Accounts for the 18 hhds. per Sutcliff, nor the 12 hhds. per King, but you may expect them in our next. Our Market has mended a little, but is still little, but is still very bad. if there be not something done to encourage an Exportation, the Colonys will suffer very much. We are, Sir, Your most humble Servants,




OUR last was 10 October. since which we have your's of the same Date, and are glad to hear the Horses cam to you in good order. Enclosed is Invoice and Bill of Lading for all the Goods you order'd, amounting to £154. 16. 4. we hope you will receive them in good order. we were forced to guess at the sizes of the Shoes, Gloves, etc. for want of your sending the measures. there is a Drawback on Linnen,2 Muslin and Haberdashery, for which you shall have credit as soon as we receive the money.

You have also Account Sales for 12 hhds. Sugar per King, 18 hhds. per Sutcliff, and 10 hhds. per Coulter, with Copy of Sales for 10 hhds. per Stewart. these compleat the sales of all the Sugars sent us this year for your account. We have now likewise sent your Account Current, Ballance due to us being £612. 4. 11. after you have received this Account, we believe you will not be surprised that we have not paid the Bills, you drew on us lately, to the value of £450. We should be very proud to serve you, and would

1 The details were given in a letter of July 31: 10 hhd. per Davis, £52. 2. 10; 8 hhd. per Ion, £ 39. 18. 1; 10 hhd. per Oliver, £42. 19. 2; and 20 hhd. per Draper, £88. o. 6. The market was still very low, and the Sutcliffe shipment, "very ordinary," might sell for 13/.

2 In Massachusetts bounties were offered to raisers of hemp and flax. Belcher Papers, 1. 69. Rhode Island, in 1728, paid a bounty of 2d a pound to Samuel Clarke of Jamestown, on 1227 pounds of hemp raised, water rotted and dressed by him. Newport Historical Magazine, IV. 84.

have readily honoured your Bills, but it does not suit us to let so much money lay abroad, and sugars clear at present so little that it must be some time before they could discharge so large a Debt. therefore hope you will excuse us. if a small sum will at any time be of service to you, you may freely command it.

When we settled with the Executors of Mr. John Field and received the Legacy due to you by the death of your Brother William, you never mentioned any thing to us of any other Legacy, altho' we wrote you on this head, nor have you sent over any proofs of his Death. we will enquire of these persons about it and write you their answers in our next.

There is no such thing as a good Coachman to be got, they are very scarce and have great wages here, so that it will be much more for your advantage to get one from Boston. We are, Sir, Your most humble Servants




SAINT JOHNS, Antigua, March the 14. 1732 [1733.]

In my to last Letters I acquainted you of my proceding, which I dont doupt but you have received them; one by the way of Phillidelphia, the other by the way of New York. Antigua his now a scorching for want of Rain. there has binn no Rain not this three Mounth. Rum his att this time fiveteen pence for Cash and Sixteen pence for Goods Sugers from fifteen Shillings to twelf and sixpence per Hundread. White oak Staves and heedding his in great demand. other Lumber his not much wonted. Candles are in demand, and I belive will be all this year. the Ships not being arived that ware exspected fraight his not yet brock from fore Shillings, but exspect to brack every day. Capt. Pope his now a taking in and I hope will be redy to

1 He had commanded the sloop Diligence, of Rhode Island, taken by the French on the coast of Martinico in 1727. New England Weekly Journal, July 10, 1727.

saile by the first of Aprill. Your Mill has binn going night and day this five weeks and has made a great Deel of Suger. I shall take all dilligent Care to ship my Affects of your Sloup and Cargo has soon as possoble one board your Sloup.

Mr. Jonas Langford his married to Ashing Wanners Daughter.

Sir, your Humble Servant to command,

[Endorsed,] Per Capt. Braton.




Antigua, March 19th day, 1732 [1733.]

THESE Lines is to acquant you of my safe Ariveall in Antigua tweenty-eight days. So after a long and tedious Passage I have dun according to your Orders left on the Plantations six oxen, and two died upon the passage, and my horses; for major tomlinson taken them for the Mill, for your plantations suffred for want of them; and the most part of my Cargoe and the rest I shall dispose of as soon as I possibly can, and to the best advantage. as for the Cropps in this Island they are but poore, by reason of the great want of Rain, which is so much that water is not to be got for Drinking. as for my Candles I came to a good markett at 12 pence, and the rest of my Cargoe but indifferant. I shall take ten hogsed to day in, and the rest of my Cargoe as soon as possible, which I hope will be in three weeks after this, if Capt. Long does not detaine me upon the account of shipen his goods for I must weaight tell the fifteen of April. so my freaind, as for going for mill timber for the mill, major tomlinson he thought would not ben for your advantage, and he could not du it for I have gone according to his Orders as you have direcked me in my orders, so have no more to wright at present, but shall conclude Your very most humble Sarvant,

1 The original is in the Newport Historical Society.


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