tities arrive, am inform'd it will be scarce and dear towards the Spring. I recollect nought else to add, but to assure you, I have a Respect and Esteem for you, and that I put ample Confidence in all you have said to me, no way doubting but a short time will dispel this Cloud of Uneasiness and Difficulty, and the chearful Sun once more smile upon us both, which that God may grant is the incessant and fervent Prayer of, Dear Sir, Yours, etc. HEN: CRUGER, Jr. October 20. Altho' several Vessels are lately arriv'd from Jamaica, I have yet received not a penny from Mr. Mendez. 30th. Nothing further to add. no Remittance from Jamaica. Sir, HAYLEY & HOPKINS TO CHRISTOPHER CHAMPLIN London, 20 October, 1768. For the last three years during which I have carried on Business alone, I have devoted my whole time and attention to do it in such a manner as might give satisfaction to all my Friends in America, and as it has pleased God to bless me with un[in]terrupted health, I flatter myself not the most trifling disadvantage to any of them has arisen from my being without a partner; nevertheless it has all along been my intention (in order to add a Stability to the House) to engage in a new Partnership as soon as I could meet with an opportunity of doing so with a prospect of answering that valuable purpose. I am very happy in acquainting you that I have now contracted with my approved Friend Mr. Edmund Hopkins, a Gentleman whose more than common abilities for business has made me long wish to have this connection with him take place. I am sure I shall be happy with him, and I have not the least doubt but his conduct will be agreeable to all the Gentlemen who may favour us with their commands. Our partnership is to commence the 31st day of December next, and you will please to address your future favours to the new Establishment of Hayley and Hopkins. I beg leave to return my sincere acknowledgment for your past favours, and to assure you that the same care which I have hitherto taken of the Interest of my Friends shall still be exerted in the service of those who may favor the new establishment with their Commissions. I am very respectfully, Sir, Your most humble Servant [Endorsed,] Per 、pt. Hulme. Dear Sir, HENRY CRUGER, JR. TO AARON LOPEZ [Bristol,] 31 October, 1768. 1 IN In my Letter of 3d Instant I wrote you (in order to save Time and preserve Method) that "inclosed was an Account of £700 Stg. Insurance done on the Charlotte, Cost £. . . . . .1 to your Debit," thinking then that I should have been able to effect it before the sailing of the Vessel the Letter went by; but behold our Underwriters here would not do it, but at an inordinate Premio, for which Reason, I sent it up to London to be done by my Insurance Brokers there, and before I had their Answer the Vessels by which I wrote you were sailed, so I could not by those Opportunitys, give you the advice I now do. their answer was, the Underwriters in London had suffered so much by these Bay Risques, that they gladly would be excused writing at any rate, but to oblige me (who am a very good Customer) they would take it at an advanced Premium, this was my Brokers answer. I then again tried every Office in this City, and to a Man they would have nothing to do with it, upon which I wrote my Brokers in London, and told them that I had orders to effect the £700, and it must be done, let the Premio be 1 See next letter. what it would, and to encourage them, and to shew I have not so bad an opinion of the Risque, I have taken £100 myself, at the Premio the rest is done at. If they do it at all, and I have an Account, before I'm obliged to seal this Letter, you shall be advised, with Cost of the same. Yours Hen: Cruger, JR. ut supra, HENRY CRUGER, JR. TO AARon Lopez Bristol, 3d November, 1768. TO HENRY CRUGER, JR., Dr. For Cost of Insurance on the Charlotte John Piner Master from Jamaica to the Bay of Honduras and from thence to Rhode Island, vizt. I HAVE already had the pleasure of addressing you per this Bearer, and since, have received your esteemed favor of 7th September, ordering Insurance on the Jacob, which (agreable to my promise of 3d October) shall get effected on the best Terms in my power,1 and per my next hand you Account thereof, as I now do, of that per Charlotte, Cost £62.11.6 Stg. to your debit. the premio is high, but nothing save an advanced Premium would have induced the Underwriters to speculate, the Bay Risques are become so hateful. Having nothing further to communicate, I kiss your Hand and remain, Sir, Your most humble Servant, Hen: Cruger, Jr. 1 The insurance for £1200 cost £69.16.0, or at the rate of five guineas per cent. BENJAMIN WRIGHT TO RIVERA OR LOPEZ Gentlemen, Savana La Marr, the 12th November, 1768. THESE serves to acquaint you of my safe arrival had twenty three days Pasage had no blowing weather. I spook with a Briganteen in Lattitude Thirty six belonging to Conecticutt. he informed me that he sailed in company with Capt. James Potter, hope you have had the pleasure of seeing him before this time. my salt fish I disposed of the first day I arriv'd at 25/ per Ct. heartily wish I had broat double the quantity, as, that articule was in good demand which has been the meens of my getting my money in to good hands. Every other articule that my cargo consists off, seems dull by reason of sundry Vessels have been here this summer with the articuls of flour and Spermicita Candles I am under no concern; the remainder of my cargoe will come in play before the Croop is over. flatter my self I have Lodgick enough to vent or sell our Oil to as good advantage as last year. Am in hopes my Sails in general will not fall much short of those last year, except the artical of Sperm Cita Candles. the Island seems well stock'd with that artical. Our friend Mr. A. P. M[endes] is now here, and has been this for or five weeks, as am informed; and in regard to his affairs am not able to give you any account, have had no time to sound in to the bottom of his misstereous proceedings. I am now about setting out into the Country to see my friend the planters where I expect to putt off or ingauge the greates part of my oil. You may rest asured I shall advise you of my proceeding by all opertunitys and every other occurance that may happen, whereby you may reep the best advantag am willing to convince you that I am truly sencible of the happy sittuation I poses by haveing the best of Employers therefore shall pay due Respect to any advice rec'd from you, or even any thing you please to committ to my care. |