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Debts you owe Capt. Leily £148; Mr. Langford on ball'a about £229; bill of exchange to George Byam, £90 Sterl. or £139; Lovell about 90- besides plantation char[ges].

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I REC'D a letter of yours of the 29th of March. this is said to be sent by the way of Boston, but came here from Rhoad Island (and delivered me by Capt. Newgent,) in which you are pleased to mention that you had rec'd a letter from me last January by which letter you understood that Mrs. French was dead (who dyd in Feb:) and you desire that I would put Capt. Newgent into the Managment of your plantation. Capt. Carr I am informd was arrivd

1 The original is in the Newport Historieal Society.

with you about ten days before this Vessell saild, in w[hich sen]t you a letter of the 7th of Aprill, and allsoe the Coppy of another letter dated the 12th of March, [in w]hich I acquainted you that I had plac'd a Manager on your Plantation with the likeing and approbation of your Kinsman Mr. Langford.

I cannot help being much surprisd first that you should write a letter said to goe by way of Boston that came directly from Rhoad Island, and at the same time is pleasd to take noe notice that you had rec'd my letters of the 12th of March or 7th of Aprill. I have noething to say against Capt. Newgent but that he may manage very well, and as the estate is your owne you may put on who you pleasd upon it. But I think there was noe Necessity for this cunning; for since you had a mind he should be put on your plantation, if you had plainly writ to me that Collo. Tomlinson should be displac'd, and the other put in his stead it woud have bin more sinceare and I woud have done it.

When Capt. Newgent came to me and shewd me your letter I desird he would excuse me from giving him the charge of your plantation until I did hear farther from you on that head. If he had desird the managment before I had agreed with the other he might have had it. But how far soe much artifice may consist with dealing as wee would be dealt by I leave you to judge. Now I beg leave youl be so good as to consider wheather or not you have not usd me very unkindly. I pray you to observe that in making up your Account I could have charg'd you (and it would have bin allowd me) five per Cent for paying about the sum of £7000 which would have amounted to here £350, as you may perceive by the debit part of your account. I gave you £50 Sterling in the bil of a £1000, for which I chargd but 50 per Cent and the exchange was 55. This you may remember I told you. I had reason to believe this might have obtained the small favour of the continuance of an Agent I had plac'd, until his il managment or unfaithfulnes should have deserv'd his being displacd.

But as I finde I can be of noe service to you I desire youl please to appoint another Attorny, and soe I wish you a great deal of prosperity from, Sir, Your humble Servant


You are sensible I overpaid £487. for which I have your bond. this I shall discount with Mrs. Burke.



London, 30 July, 1731.

My last was 26 Ulto. by Captain Forster since which I am not favour'd with any from you. I have by this Opportunity sent the Goods you orderd which I hope will go safe and prove to your Satisfaction. the Amount is £215: 12:8 as by Invoice and bill of Lading enclosed.

I could meet with no Master that was willing to carry the Horses. They insisted on £10 Sterling for each besides your finding all the Hay, Corn, etc. as I did not send the Horses I thought it was to no Purpose to send the Coachman; because if you are willing to give that Freight he must go over to take care of them. his Wages will be £15. Sterling per Annum, a Livery, his Passage and all Charges to be paid by you, for which Consideration he is to be bound to you for 3 Years1 You will be pleased to let me have your Directions in this Affair, for til then I cannot venture to send them upon such high terms.

I shall be glad to hear that the Iron Gates and Stone Work are as you directed, the Workmen inform me your

1 It was not unusual to obtain such servants from England. In 1733 Governor Belcher asked for a good footman: "I must pray you to be very carefull in making choice of this servant, that he be sober, honest, well understanding his business, that can shave and dress a wig well, and do every thing about a gentleman, that would go to the same church with me-not one bred to the Church of England. .. My footman that will be out of his time in three months has twenty pounds a year, this money, wages, besides a livery, dyett, etc., which are worth at least £60 a year more." Belcher Papers, 1. 271. He complained later that his servants were all free, and set up for themselves. Ib., 380.

Directions were not so perfect as could be desired, however that everything was performed in the best manner, and the Stone Work fitted to the Gates, that there cannot well be a mistake in putting them up.

Flower potts are not now in Fashion; so that I have now sent you two pine apples of a new sort of stuff which wears as well as stone, and comes very cheap; for in stone they would cost above £12. if you do not like them, they will probably serve for some other place about your house, and I will then send you any sort you please to order. There are 1 M of Bricks more than you order'd, but as you did not mention what sort they were to be, I first shipped Grey Stocks.1 I was afterwards informed that the Coins should be of Red Bricks, and have therefore sent I M of them. I hope it will be no loss to you as the Charge of them is not very great. These things are what I am no great judge of, and if any thing should be amiss I hope you will be so good as to excuse it, for I do assure you that I have used my utmost Endeavours to get everything in a handsome manner, and as cheap as possible, they being all bought with ready Money.

Governour Byam writes me that he shall not be able to ship me any of your Sugar by reason of the dry weather. the Market is still so bad that I believe it has been for your Advantage to pay them away there. it is to be hoped the Market will mend soon as the Crops fall short in several Islands.

I have now taken my Brother Samuel into partnership and shall beg leave for the future to subscribe our Names jointly. I am, Sir,


P. S. I have not yet had an answer to mine about your letter of Attorney.

Copy per Captain Homans.

1The English brick in 1724 was 9 inches in length, 44 inches in breadth, and 2 inches in thickness. London Gazette.



London, 13 August, 1731.

I WROTE you lately by Captain Homans who carried all the Goods you order'd, which I hope you have received in good order. this serves to enclose copy of the Invoice and 2d Bill of Lading for them.

As you desired your Acct. Current I have now been able to finish it and have sent it you accordingly. the Ballance is two shillings and 3d. in your Favour. you will observe that I have received no money by virtue of your Letter of Attorney, because I wait for your farther Instructions about it.

We have had several ships from Antigua but no news about the crops, only they have had some fine Rains. Sugars are still low, and there is no prospect of the Markets mending till the latter end of the year. I am, Sir, Your most humble Servant





Antigua, 5th October, 1731.

THIS goes per the Charming Nancy, Jas. Slocombe, Master, with four Hhds. Rum, Seven Hhds. Molasses, and Twelve Kegs Sweetmeats. I desire you'l ship the produce in Lumber and Stock, or any thing you'l judge to my advantage. The Bearer brings you Major Nugents Atty; in case my Cargo be not sufficient he will be accountable for the Remainder. I should on all Occasions be glad to serve you and am with Respect, Your Mo: Hunble Servant, HENRY CLINTON

I beg youl send 2 Thousand white oak heading; 4 Thousand white oak staves; One Hhead Buck wheat. What

1 Beginning with September, 1731, on the enforcement of the British acts of trade in New England, see the Belcher Papers, printed in 6 Mass. Hist. Collections, VI. VII. The papers run to 1643.

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