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[The Minister standing: the Congregation sitting.]

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Minister. Let us Worship and Glorify God, with all solemnity, and in spirit, and in truth. Let us Pray.

[All kneel.]

Minister. Almighty and Eternal Jehovah, we thy sinful and unworthy creatures venture again to draw near unto thee on thy holy day. Not in our own name, O Most Holy God, do we come before thee: we come in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of him who shed his precious blood for our salvation, and who ever liveth at thy right hand to make intercession for us. Be merciful to us therefore, O our God, for his sake, and remember not our iniquities, which are great, nor compute unto us our continual transgressions; but say unto us, Your iniquities are pardoned, your transgressions are forgiven, ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus, and by the sanctification of the Holy Ghost. Say unto us moreover, O our God, say unto us, My Peace be with you, and my Joy be in you; and finally, O Father of glory and God of hope, bring us, we beseech thee,

into thy presence to receive that crown of glory which thou hast promised to all who love thee and serve thee in thy Son Jesus Christ.

Congregation.-O Lord our God, bless us with pardon, and grace, and glory, in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Minister. God of mercy, and grace, and lovingkindness, we thank thee and praise thee for our many, and special, and precious privileges. Thou givest unto us indeed a holy sabbath, thou givest us this day entire to wait upon thee, to renew our strength, to enlarge our views in thy kingdom, and to animate our hopes of everlasting blessedness. O may this day be ever sacred to us in all its parts, and may we ever devote this day unto the worship and service of Him whose name is named upon us, and to whose resurrection from the dead it is consecrated as a perpetual memorial. We thank thee, O merciful Father, for all thy goodness and grace to us in our services on the preceding parts of this day and now that thou hast brought us again into thy house, O look on us most graciously, we beseech thee, and cause the light of thy countenance truly to shine upon us.

Congregation.-O Lord, we adore thee for all our privileges, and now may the light of thy countenance be upon us.

Minister.-O God of our Salvation and of all our consolations, thou hast been pleased to promise special blessings to thy people in the great congregation: when they unite their voices with one accord, in confessions, thanksgivings, and supplications, thine eyes are graciously upon them, and thine ears are open to their prayers. Remember these thy promises, O our God, and fulfil them unto us this evening, in vouchsafing to us thy sweet presence and thy abundant blessing. Whom have we, O God, in heaven, but thee, and whom and what do we seek here on this earth below, but thee. Thou, O God, the King Eter

nal, Immortal, and Invisible, thou art our all and our all. To thee, and thee only would we live; to thee would we die; and all our desire is to live and reign with thee in holiness, and blessedness, and glory everlasting. O bring us, bring us, we beseech thee to thy eternal kingdom and glory.

Congregation.-O God, our only hope, bring us all to thy eternal kingdom and glory.

Minister. O most blessed and adorable Father, what shall we render unto thee for these glorious hopes which thou hast given us? Alas, we have nothing to give, but our poor worthless selves. But ourselves we do give unto thee, and devote unto thee as a living sacrifice. Thou hast redeemed us by the blood of Christ, and we are not our own. O may we constantly remember this purchase of us by the Son of God, and may we be faithful and devoted unto him who poured out his life for our salvation, and whose love is the same yesterday, and to-day and for ever.

Congregation.-O Lamb of God, who laidest down thy own life for ours, let us glorify thee in our souls' and bodies which are thine.

Minister.-Blessed Saviour, how gracious are thy appointments on our behalf, and how suitable to our case. Thou commandest us to meet together in thy name, that we may glorify thee with one accord, and be cheered with our mutual faces and voices, and be instructed and edified by thy ministrations. O let our simple purpose in now meeting before thee be thy glory; and grant, O Lord, that we may be instructed and animated through the means of thy appointment. O let us all earnestly desire the knowledge of thy ways, and may we hunger and thirst after thy grace, and thy mercy, and thy peace, in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Congregation-God of mercy, O let us all hunger and thirst after thy present and everlasting blessing.

Minister.-O Father of glory, let thy blessing rest

on the Church of Jesus Christ sojourning here below. Give thy grace to thy Ministers, pour out thy spirit on all thy Flocks, and cause thy kingdom to extend, and to fill the whole earth.

Congregation.-O God, illuminate, sanctify, and extend thy Church.

Minister.-Almighty God, bless our King, and all in authority; bless our country and all its inhabitants; bless all our Relatives, and Friends. Make us truly thankful for all thy benefits, and be pleased to continue them unto us: and do thou pity all those who are afflicted, in whatever way, and overrule their afflictions for their good. O God, let ignorance, and vice, and misery, be banished speedily from all the earth; and may this world become the garden of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Congregation.-O Lord, may all evil be banished from the earth, and may all good fill it, and abound in it for ever.

Minister. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done on earth, as it is done in heaven: Give us this day our daily bread: Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us: And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and

ever: amen.

Congregation.-Amen, and amen.

[All standing.]

Minister. Let us now sing to the praise and the glory of God:-" Awake and sing &c." [pronouncing the two first lines of the following hymn :-or, referring to some other, and pronouncing the two first lines of it.]

1. Awake and sing the song
Of Moses and the Lamb!

Wake every heart, and every tongue,
To praise the Saviour's name!

2. Sing of his dying love,

Sing of his rising power:
Sing how He intercedes above,
For us whose sins He bore.

3. Ye pilgrims on the road
To Zion's city, sing!
Rejoice ye in the Lamb of God,
In Christ the' eternal King!

4. Soon shall we hear Him say,

"Ye blessed children come!" Soon will He call us hence away, To our eternal home.

5. These shall our raptured tongue
His endless praise proclaim;
And sweeter voices tune the song
Of Moses and the Lamb.

[Still standing.]

Minister. In the view of Reading and Hearing God's Holy Word,-Let us Pray.

[All kneel.]

Minister.-O Lord our God, enlighten, we beseech thee, our dark and benighted minds, enlighten them with the rays of thy word. We thank thee, O Lord, for giving us the Holy Scriptures, that precious Book which is to us the sun of knowledge. Let us now, O our heavenly Father, sit under its beams, and bask ourselves in knowledge divine, whilst we read together in this Book of life.

Congregation.-O Lord, let us now enjoy the beams

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