MEMOIRS of feveral of his FRIENDS also.
Ne quid falfi dicere audeat :
Ne quid veri non audeat :
Who art thou that thou shouldft be afraid of a Man that shall die,
and of the Son of Man which shall be made as Grafs? and
forgetteft the Lord thy Maker, that hath ftretched forth the
Heavens, and laid the Foundations of the Earth. If. li. 13, 14.
Thou shalt not accept Perfons when thou reprovet for Sins; but do
as Elijah and Michaiah did to Ahab; and Ebedmelech the
Ethiopian did to Zedekiah; and Nathan to David; and John
to Herod. Conftitut. VII. 10.
Them that fin rebuke before all, that others alfo may fear.
Thou shalt not hate thy Brother in thine Heart. Thou shalt in
any wife rebuke thy Neighbour, and not fuffer Sin upon him.
Levit. xix. 17.
Printed for the AUTHOR, and Sold by Mr. WHISTON, in Fleet-
Areet; and Mr. BISHOP, in Little Turn-Stile, Holborn, 1749.
( Sheets Six Shillings.).