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System of the Mathematicks, before I had amended them at Mr. Flamsteed's Admonition. It must also be observed, that I hardly ever had Patience, in any of my Tables or Calculations, to find the Seconds nicely; as esteeming them very troublesome to find, and of very little Consequence when they were found: However, since Dr. Halley's more ac. curate Tables are now to be published, these need be printed no more; but all Calculations ought to be taken from the other.

In the same Year, 1707, I published, by the Author's Permission, Sir Isaac Newton's Arithmetica Univerfalis, or Algebra, from that Copy which was laid up in the Archives of the University, as all Mr. Lucas's Professor's Lectures are obliged to be, and where my own Lectures were laid up accordingly: Which Algebra had been nine Years

Lectures of Sir Isaac Newton's; but because tas

acute Mathematician Mr. Machin, Profeffor of Astronomy at Gresham College (where I formerly read many Lectures for him) and one of the Secretaries of the Royal Society, has published this Work again, by the Author's later Defire or Permission; I lay no Claim to it. It has also been put into English from my Edition printed at London.

N. B. Mr. Cotes and I began our first Course of Philofophical Experiments at Cambridge, May 5, 1707. In the Performance of which, certain Hydrostatick and Pneumatick Lectures were compofed; they were in Number twenty-four; the one half by Mr. Cotes, and the other half by myself:


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Which Lectures were also afterward made use of

in the like [enlarged] Courses, which Mr. Hauks


bee and I performed many Years in London. Mr. Cotes's have been sometime ago published by his Cousin and Successor Dr. Smith, now Master of Trinity College, Cambridge: But I esteem mine so far inferior to his, and many later Books and Courses relating to such Matters being become common, I cannot prevail with myself so much to revise and improve them, as they ought to be before they are fit for Publication; so that I do not give any further Account of them in this Place. The present Duke of Argyle took a Copy of them long ago, when he had gone through our Course, and I suppose has it still by him.

In the same Year, 1707, I preached eight Sermons at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle, Efq; upon the Accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies; with an Appendix to the fame Purpose: To which is subjoined, a Differtation to prove that our Saviour afcended into Heaven on the Evening after his Refurrection. 8vo. Price 3s. 6d.

N. B. Upon any future Edition, these Lectures are to be printed from that corrected and improved Copy which is inserted into the Collection made 1736, of all the Sermons that had then been preached at that Lecture.

N. B. I made mention in these Sermons, 1707, of the modern French Prophets, who at that Time made a great Noise amongst us, with plain Disapprobation of their Pretences: And, about the Year

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1713, I held a Conference at my House, (they are my Words, pag. 68. of the first Edition of my Life of Dr. Clarke,) with Mr Lacy, and several other of those Prophets; wherein I gave my Reasons why, upon Supposition of their Agitations and Impulses being supernatural, I thought they were evil and not good Spirits that were the Authors of those Agitations and Impulses: Where I also add, that the Heads of the Reasons I infifted on are still preserved: I shall here therefore add those Heads in this Place, as follows.

Reasons against the new Prophets;

That their Spirit is not the Spirit of God. (1.) They father ridiculous Things upon God. (2.)They are lying Prophets, by foretelling Events that have not come to pass.

(3.) They falsely pretend to Miracles.

(4.) They permit Sin; as in Mr. Lacy's Adultery

with Eliz. Grey.

(5.) They misinterpret Scripture.

(6.) They think the Scripture the Rule of Faith,

contrary to all Antiquity.

(7.) They reject the Ufe of Reafon.

(8.) They make it impossible to discover false Prophets.

(9.) The Quakers, &c. have equal Pretences with them.

(10.) Tho' some true Prophets might not work Miracles, nor foretell future Events, yet they never then pretended to them, as these have done; so none were condemned for rejecting John the Baptist, because he wrought no Miracles; cles; and our Saviour says, If I had not done among them the Works which none other Man did, they had not bad Sin..

(11.) Wild Agitations are rather Signs of dæmoniacal Poffeffions, than of a Prophetick Afflatus. (12.) They are unable to explain any difficult Scripture Prophecies.

(13.) They entertain vulgar untrue Notions in Di vinity; such as the Athanafian Trinity; the imperfect Canon of Scripture, &c.

(14.) The old Prophets were owned for true, by their very Enemies; and fo had either certain Credentials of their own, or were attested to by others that had such Credentials, &c. But 'tis not fo here.


At last I took Mr. Lacy by the Hand, and said to him, and his Companions, I hope you are honest, but I am satisfied you are very weak: Which is what I would say to our present Enthusiasts also. Nor was the great Bishop Lloyd's Opinion of the French Prophets to be despised, who called this Pretence of theirs, the Devil's Banter; by their Folly to bring the true Scripture Prophecies into contempt.

N. B. Mr. John Westley, one among the present Methodists, having already freed himself from the Folly of Calvinism; having written for the Obfervation of the old Wednesday and Friday Stations, in which I gave him my Assistance long ago; having also preached and printed an excellent Sermon before the University of Oxford, and having lately shewed somewhat of a true Christian Temper, in unsaying unsaying what he had heard from a very foolish Enthusiast about Mr. Emlyn. I hope he will at last leave off his Athanafian Follies, and come intirely into old Chriftianity.

About August, in the Year 1708, as is noted in my Hiftorical Preface, pag. 55, 56. I drew up a small imperfect Effay upon the Apoftolical Constitutions, and offered it to Dr. Lany, our Vice-Chancellor, for his Licence, to be printed at Cambridge, but he refused to licence it.

In this Year, 1708, my great Friend Mr. Pierce, near whom I had formerly lived in intimate Friendship at Cambridge, and who was really the most learned of all the dissenting Teachers that I had known; but was at this Time a Preacher at Newberry in Berkshire; heard that I was become an heretical Eufebian, or Arian; fo he wrote me the following Letter, in the Way of a true Friend, and a good Scholar, but a zealous Athanafian.

Dear Sir,


Newberry, July 10, 1708.

N several Companies in London (from whence I

returned last Week) I met with a most displeafing Account of you, but it being from Persons altogether unacquainted with you, I thought it the Part of a Friend not to give Credit to it; and therefore did endeavour to quash that Kind of Dif. course, and alledg'd, what I thought rendered it improbable: But casually meeting with a common Friend of ours, I was forc'd to believe, what was so much against my Inclination. I need not apolo


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