Inhabitants of Gillingham,
In the County of Dorset:
A LOOKING-GLASS for the Faithful,
Their NAMES were written in the LAMB's Book of Life, before the Foundation of the World:
SIMILES typical of JESU's Blood;
Never before Published.
By JOHN CAVE, Glover, in BRECON.
Wherein are Instructions for the Ignorant; Milk for Babes; stronger Meat for young Men and Fathers; and a Death Warrant for the formal Profeffor, and careless Sinner. Begun Nov. 19th, 1752, in Gil- lingham, my native Town, owing to a hot Persecu- tion for receiving Minifters to my House, and finish- ed lately in Brecon. And has been much approved of by many eminent Divines, who for several Years have frequented my House there.
Printed for the AUTHOR, by E. EVANS. 1781. [Price Two SHILLINGS and SIX-PENCE.]
OXFOCOLLEGE, Oft. 25th, 1779.
The Rev. Mr. BODDILY, having first examined the Epistle to Gillingham, subscribed; and sent a Recommendation of it to Bath: Afterwards it gained the following Approbation of other Ministers.
WE whose Names are under written, have perused the Epifile to Gillingham, do believe it to be the true Spirit of the Gospel, and the Genuine Experience of a true Believer; and as fuch recommend it, hoping and wishing it may be of general Advantage to the Interest of Religion, and the Souls of Men in
08. 30th, 1779.
BATH, Nov. sth.
Have not perused all the Book, but what I have beard and seen, believe it to be orthodox and found.
Jan. 5th, 1780.5 SALISBURY, Ja. 31st. BRECON, Mar. 5th.
CARMARTHEN, Apr. 13th.
N. B. The Number of Subscribers to this EPISTLE confifteth of about Two Thousand: but it being so well attested by the above DIVINES; it is needless to infert their Names for a Recoinmendation.
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WHereas, by the Providence of God, this Epistle hath made its Way into the World; my Readers might be anxious to know the efficient Cause of its being written: therefore I would wish to inform them, that I was born in Gillingham, in Dorset- shire, brought up a Churchman, and by Occupation a White Tarver and Glover: after which I commenced an Officer of Excise, and was ordered to Talgarth, in Breconshire; and having Trevecka under Survey, had frequent Opportunities of attending the Mini- Stry of Mr. Howell Harries, who lived there; under whose effica tious Doctrine I was convinced of Sin; after which the Lord was graciously pleased to reveal himself unto me. Some Years after, I was favoured with an amiable Wife; and having now left the Excife, we judg'd it proper to go to Gillingham to fettle : and being a Native of that Town, was received with much Affection, and lived exceeding happy for fome Time: but feeing the People quite ignorant of the true Knowledge of God, was grieved for want of Christian Fellowship; I therefore endeavoured to exhort my Neighbours to feek the Lord, as they really stood in Need of Some one to teach them; for on a Sabbath Day, as I was coming from Church, I heard fome of them boasting to each other, faying a famous Scholar our Minister is, his Learning great, that we do not understand the Half that them what Advantage his Learning was to them, if they did not understand him, and also how many knew their Sins forgiven in his Congregation? They all declared that in this Life there was no fuch Knowledge to be obtained. I then insisted upon the Ne- ceffity of Men's knowing it, or at least to have a well grounded Hope, through Grace: and that the constitutional Doctrine of the Church of England agreed thereunto. This new Opinion, as they called it, foon spread about, which caused the Rev. Mr. Wesley's Society from Shaftsbury to come to see me. The Town by this Time began to be alarmed, at feeing so large a Company of Methodists, as they called them. Therefore when Preaching began, it being out of Doors, the Riot Act was read, and from that Time Persecution commenced against me through the whole Town; and the Minister every Sunday railed against the Methodists. And as my House was opened for all enlightened Minifters, therefor eSatan's Revenge was the more against me, 'till at length the People with- drew all their Custom. After this I removed and came back to Wales; But have often wondered why the Lord suffered me to go to Gillingham to experience so much Trouble; but as our Lord must needs go thro' Samaria, to talk to the Woman at Jacob's Well, who brought the whole City to hear and believe on him: so there was a needs be for me to go to Gillingham, for a Foundation to write this Epistle; and I trust that more than the whole City of Samaria will see the Lord Jesus in it, and worship him no more on the Mountains of Ignorance, but worship God in Spirit and in Truth.
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