The Sermon of All Creation: Christians on NatureJudith Fitzgerald, Michael Oren Fitzgerald World Wisdom, Inc, 2005 - 164 páginas With a profound vision of the sacred quality of creation, this collection of beautiful photographs of the natural world combined with commentaries by a host of Christian sages of all denominations, from the origins of Christianity through the 19th century, provides answers to how we should view the relationship between the Creator and creation as well as understand how the divine activity permeates the entire universe. |
Términos y frases comunes
animals Augustine of Hippo beasts beauty behold birds blessed century Christians on Nature contemplation cosmos created things creatures current environmental crisis divine emotional pain essence eternal everything eyes faith firmament flowers Francis of Assisi fruit Genesis glorify glory God's grass Gregory of Nyssa heart heaven and earth Henry David Thoreau Hildegard of Bingen Holy human Indian infinite inspiration Jacob Boehme Jean-Pierre de Caussade John Calvin John Chryssavgis John Damascene John Scotus Eriugena Judith Fitzgerald live Lord manifest Martin Luther Maximus the Confessor Michael Fitzgerald Michael Oren Fitzgerald mind natural world Perennial Philosophy pollute the land praise Ralph Waldo Emerson reason religion replenish the earth Sacred Worlds series sages scientism Scripture seed Sermon shine soul stars thee Therese of Lisieux Thomas Aquinas thou trees truth uncreated understand unto visible world voice waters whole universe wilderness wonder woods Word World Wisdom writings