Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Deep, low in the earth

Diepe, a town in France

Defer, to put off

Differ, to disagree
Desert, merit

Fellon, a whitlow Felon, & criminal File, a smith's tool Foil, to overcome Fillip, or Fillop, with the finger Philip, a man's name Fir, wood

Furr, of a skin
Floor, ground
Flour, for bread

Flower, of the field
Forth, abroad

Fourth, za number
Foul, nasty

Desart, or Desert, a wil. Fowl, a bird


Dew, from heaven
Due, a debt
Do, to make

Doe, a female deer
Dough, paste or leaven
Done, acted
Dun, a colour
Devices, invention
Devizes, in Wiltshire
Doer, that doth
Door, of an house
Dragon, a beast
Dragoon, a soldier
Draught, a drink
Drought, dryness
Ear, for hearing

Claws, of a bird or beast E'er, ever

Coarse, not fine

Course, race or way

Coat, or garment

Coat, a cottoge

Comet, a blazing star
Commit, to do
Common, públic
Commune, to converse

Council, an assembly
Connsel, advice
Cou'd, was able
Cud, of cattle

Courant, a messenger
Current, passable
Currans, Corinths, fruit

Creek, of the sea
Crick, in the neck
Cousin, near relation
Cozen, to cheat

Cymbal, an instrument

Symbol, a mark

Cypress, a tree

Cyprus, an island

Cruse, a little vessel

Year, twelve months Early, betimes Yearly, every year Earth, the ground Hearth, of a chimney Easter, a feast Esther, the queen Eaten, devour'd

Eton, a town's name Eminent, famous Imminent. over head

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Fourm, to sit on
Form, shape

Francis, a man's name
Frances, a woman
Frays, quarrels
Froise, fry'd meat
Gall, bitter substance
Gaul, a Frenchıman
Genteel, graceful
Gentile, heathen
Gentle, quiet
Gesture, carriage
Jesture, a merry fellow
Gilt, with gold
Guilt, of sin
Glutinous, sticking
Gluttonous, greedy
Grate, of iron
Great, large
Grater, for the nutmeg
Greater, larger
Greave, a boot
Grave, solemn
Groan, to sigh aloud
Grown, increased
Grot, a cuve
Groat, four pence
Hail, to salute
Hale, to araw along
Hare, a beast

Hair, of the head
Heir, eldest son
Harsh, cruel

Hash, to mince meat
Hart, a beast

Heart, the seat of life
Haven, a harbour

Heaven, on high

Herd, of cattle

Heard, did hear

Fare, a customary price Hard, difficult

Feed, to ent

Here, in this place

Hear, to hearken

Cruise, sail near the shore Fee'd, rewarded

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Mite, small money

Might, strength Moat, a ditch

Mote, in the eye

More, in quantity

Lettice, a woman's name Mower, that mows

Lettuce, an herb
Lease, of a house
Leash, three

Lees, dregs of wine
Leopard, a beast
Leper, one leprous
Leaper, that leapeth

Holloo, or ho! ho! to Lessen, to make less


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Lesson, a reading

Lest, for fear
Least, smallest

Liquorish, dainty

Liquorice, a sweet root
Lier, m wait

Lyer, a teller of lies
Limb, a member
Limn, to o paint
Loath, abhor

Loth, unwilling
Line, length

Loyn, of veal
Lo, behold

Low, humble

Lose, to suffer loss
Loose, slack

Lower, to let down

Moor, or marsh

Naught, bad

Nought, nothing
Nay, not

Neigh, as a horse

Near, or Neet, nigh
Neler, never

Neither, none of the twe

Neather, lower

No, denying
Know, understand

New, not old

Nnew, understood

None, not one
Known, understood
Neal, harden grass
Nap, sleep

bend the knee

Knap, of cloth

Nit, young louse
Knit, make hose
Nag, a horse
Knag, a knot
Nell, Elenor
Knell, for funeral
Not, denying
Knot, to unite

Ore, of gold

Eve, to see with

Idie, lazy

Idol, an image

I'll, I will

Isle, in the church

Lowr, to frown

Isle, an island

Made, finish'd

Oil, of olives

Maid, a young wowman

Imploy, work

Main, the chief

Oar, of a boat O'er, over

Imply, to signify In, within

Mane, of a beast

Of, belonging to

Male, not female

Off, at a distance

Inn, for travellers

Mail, armour

O, as O brave

Incite, to stir up

Manner, custom

Oh! alas

Insight, knowledge

Manor, a lordship

Owe, to be indebted One, in number Won, at play

Ingenious, of sharp parts Marsh, watry ground

Ingenuous, candid

Joyst, a beam

Joyce, a man's name

Ketch, a ship

Catch, to lay hold

Kill, to murder

Kiln, før bricks
Kind, good-natured
Coin'd, as money
Kiss, to salute
Cis, Saul's father
Knave, dishonest
Nave, of a cart wheel
Knight, by honour
Night, the evening
Lade, the water
Laid, or Layd, placed

Mesh, the hole in a net

Mayor, of a town

Mare, female horse

Mead, a meadow

Mede, one of Media

Mean, of little value

Mein, or Mien, aspect

Meat, to cat
Meet, fit
Meet, come together
Mete, to measure
Message, business
Messuage, a house
Mews, for hawks
Muse, to meditate
Mile, by measure
Moil, to labour

Own, to acknowledge
Order, Rank
Ordure, dung
Our, of us

Hour, sixty minutes
Palate, in the mouth
Pallet, a little bed
Pale, a colour
Pail, a vessel
Pall. a funeral cloth
Paul, a man's name
Pain, or grief
Pane, of glass
Parson, of a parish
Person, some body

Peal, upon the bells



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a leaden weight

Pole, a long stick
Poll, neck

Porcelain, or Porcelane,
a sort of china ware

Purslain, an herb
Pour, as water
Power, might
Practice, exercise
Practise, to exercise

Pray, to beseech
Prey, a booty

Presence, being here
Presents, gifts

Princes, the king's sons

Princess, the the king's daugh


Principal, chief

Principle, the first rule

Profit, advantage
Prophet, a foreteller
Prophecy, foretelling
Prophesy, to foretel
Quire, of paper
Choir, of singers
Quarre, of glass
Quarry, of marble
Rack, to torment
Wreck, of a ship
Rain, water

Reign, rule as king
Rein, of a bridle
Raisin, dry'd grape
Reason, argument
Raise, to set up
Ray, sun beams
Race, to run

Raise, to blot out
Raze, to demolish

Red, a colour

Read, did read

Radish, a root

Reed, a shurb


Read, in a book
Relic, a remainder
Relict, a widow

Rere, the back-part
Rear, to erect
Rest, quiet
Wrest, to turn or twist

Rhymeor Rhythm in verse
Rime, a freezing mist
Rice, a sort of corn
Rise, advancement
Rie, sort of corn
Rye, in Sussex
Wry, crooked
Ring, the bells
Wring. the hands
Rite, a ceremony
Right, just
Wright, a workman
Write, with a pen
Rode, did ride
Road, the highway
Row'd did row

and true

Roe, a kind of deer
Row, a rank
Rome, a city
Rheum, humour

Room, part of a house

Rote, by custom PB
Wrote, did write
Wrought, worked

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Spred, from Spread, &c.
Sign, a token
Sine, in geometry
Site, situation
Cite, to sumтоп
Sight, seeing
Sink, to go down
Cinque, five
Slight, to despise
Sleight, dexterity
Sloe, a sour fuit
Slow, not quick
Slough, a miry place
Soal, of a shoe
Soul, of a man
Sole, a fish
Some, a part
Sum, the whole
Son, in man child
Sun, the heavenly light.
Soon, quickly
Swoon, to faint
Sword, a weapon
Soar'd, did sour
Sore, an ulcer

Soar, to mount upwards
Stare to look earnestly

Stair, a step

Stear, a young bullock

Steer, to guide a ship
Stead, place

Rough, not smoothSteed, a horse

Ruff, a bond

Roof, top of a house
Sail, of a ship

Sale, bargaining
Saviour, that saveth
Savour, a smell
Sea, water
Say, speak
Seen, appear
Seam, that is sown
Scene, of the stage
Seen, beheld
Seas, great waters
Seize, to lay hold of
Cease, to leave off
Sent, did send
Scent, a small
Shew, to make appear
Shoe, for the foot
Ship, for sailing
Sheep, a beast
Shoar, a prop
Shore, the sea coast
Shown, did shew

Reddish, somewhat red Shone, did shine

Sliread, to mince

Shred, minced


Stile, for passage

Style, of writing

Stood, did stand

Stud, an ambossment
Succour, help

Sucker, a young twig
Sue, to make suit
Sew, with a needle
Sound, noise
Tail, end
Tale, a story
Tare, weight allow'd
Teat, to rend in pieces
Tare, did tear
Than, in comparing
Then, at that time
There, in that place
Their, of them
Through, thorow
Throw, to cast
Throne, a seat of state
Thrown, cast
Tide, flux of the sea
Ty'd, made fast
Tile, for covering
Toil, to take pains
Time, as day or hour

Thyme, a sweet herb

To, unto

Toe, of the foot

Tow, to draw along

Too, likewise

Two, a couple

Told, as a tale

Toll'd, as a bell

Tongs, for the fire

Tongues, languages
Towr, to Ay up

Tower, of defence

Tulip, a flower

Julep, Julap, a cordial.

Veil, a covering

Vale, a valley

Vain, useless

Vane, to shew the wind

Vein, for the blood

Valley, a dale

Value, worth
Volley, of shot
Vassal, a slave
Vessel, for liquor

Vial, or Phial, a glass

Viol, for music

Vice, ill habit

Vise, a skrew

[blocks in formation]

This fourth table, as well as the fifth, are borrowed chiefly from Mr. Dyche, who has well distinguish'd those words in their spelling, which are distinguish'd, or different in their signification. Tho' the critics will complain this is not always the truest spelling, yet I think this way has a great advantage to prevent one word being mistaken for another; which is a thing of great moment in writing.

TABLE V.-A Table of Words different in Signification by the

[blocks in formation]

Addition of e Final.

Cane, a staff
Cap, for the head

Cape, of a coat
Chin, of the face

Chine, the back-bone
Cloth, linen or woollen

Clothe, or Cloath, cover

with clothes

Cub, a whelp

Cube, a die

Cur, a dog

Cure, to heal

Dam, to stop water

Dame, a lady

Demur, to delay

Demure, modest
Din, noise
Dine, eat at dinner
Divers, many
Diverse, different
Fat, not lean
Fate, destiny
Fan, to blow

Fane, weather-cock

Far, at a distance

Fare, entertainment

Fin, of a fish

Fine, brave

Fir, a tree

Fire, that burns

Flam, a pretended story Paste, dough

Flame, of fire
Gat, did get

Gate, a-door,
Hast, thou hast

Haste, speed
Hat, for the head
Hate, to abhor
Her, she
Here, in this place
Hop, a bitter fruit
Hope, to expect
Hug, to embrace
Huge, very big
Kin, relation
Kine, the cows
Lad, a boy

Lade, to take up water

Lath, for tiles

Lathe, for turnerş

Loth, unwilling

Lothe, Loath, dishke

Mad, distracted
Made, done

Man, in stature...

Mane, of a hors

Mar, to spoil

Mare, a beast

Mat, to tread on
Mate, a companion
Met, come together
Mete, to measure
Mop, to avash with
Mope, stupid
Nod, with the he

he head


Pat, seasonable Pate, the head Pin, to o dress with Pine to languish Plat, of ground Plate, a metal Plumb, a fruit Plume, a feather Quit, to leave Quite, altogether Rag, of cloth Rage, fury Rat a little

le beast

Rate, a price

Rid, to deliver...
Ride, on horse back
Rip, to cut p
Ripe, full grown
Rob, to steal or plunder

Robe, long garment

Rod, to strike with

Rode, did ride

Rot, to consume

Rote, without knowledge

Sith, since
Sithe, to mury
Sooth, truth

Soothe, to Aatter
Sop, of bread
Sope, to wash with
Spit, with the mouth
Spite, malice
Stag, a deer
Stage, to stand on
Star, in the sky
Stare, to gaze
Strip, to uncover
Stripe, a blow
Swing, to and fro
Swinge, full scope
Them, those
Theme, a subject
Thin, not thick
Thine, of thee
Trip, to go nimbly
Tripe, the inwards

Tub, of waten
Tube, a
Tan, a ucight

a pipe

Sat, or Sate, did sit Tage, in music

Sate, cloy

Scar, of a wound
Scare, to affright

Scrap, a bit

Scrape, with a knife

Sever, to divide
Severe, cruel

Twin, one of tzvo


Twine, to close e about

Vane, a weather-cock


an, the front

Us, we


Use, accustom

War, fighting

Sham, a pretence Shame, a disgrace Shin, of the leg

Ware, merchandise

Wast, t, hast been

Waste, to consume

Shine, to took bright

Note, observe

Sin, a fault

On, upon

One, unite


Sine, in Geometry Sing, to be merry

[blocks in formation]

Pan, of earth

Singe, to burn

Writ, written

Pane, of glass

Sir, master

Write, with a pen

Past, gone

Sire, father

Node, a kuot Not, no

Win, to get

Wine, to drink

Wane, decrease

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TABLE VI-A Table of Words that may be spelled different Ways, which are not easily reduced to any Rules.

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