Deep, low in the earth Diepe, a town in France Defer, to put off Differ, to disagree Fellon, a whitlow Felon, & criminal File, a smith's tool Foil, to overcome Fillip, or Fillop, with the finger Philip, a man's name Fir, wood Furr, of a skin Flower, of the field Fourth, za number Desart, or Desert, a wil. Fowl, a bird dernesss Dew, from heaven Doe, a female deer Claws, of a bird or beast E'er, ever Coarse, not fine Course, race or way Coat, or garment Coat, a cottoge Comet, a blazing star Council, an assembly Courant, a messenger Creek, of the sea Cymbal, an instrument Symbol, a mark Cypress, a tree Cyprus, an island Cruse, a little vessel Year, twelve months Early, betimes Yearly, every year Earth, the ground Hearth, of a chimney Easter, a feast Esther, the queen Eaten, devour'd Eton, a town's name Eminent, famous Imminent. over head Fourm, to sit on Francis, a man's name Hair, of the head Hash, to mince meat Heart, the seat of life Heaven, on high Herd, of cattle Heard, did hear Fare, a customary price Hard, difficult Feed, to ent Here, in this place Hear, to hearken Cruise, sail near the shore Fee'd, rewarded Mite, small money Might, strength Moat, a ditch Mote, in the eye More, in quantity Lettice, a woman's name Mower, that mows Lettuce, an herb Lees, dregs of wine Holloo, or ho! ho! to Lessen, to make less call Lesson, a reading Lest, for fear Liquorish, dainty Liquorice, a sweet root Lyer, a teller of lies Loth, unwilling Loyn, of veal Low, humble Lose, to suffer loss Lower, to let down Moor, or marsh Naught, bad Nought, nothing Neigh, as a horse Near, or Neet, nigh Neither, none of the twe Neather, lower No, denying New, not old Nnew, understood None, not one bend the knee Knap, of cloth Nit, young louse Ore, of gold Eve, to see with Idie, lazy Idol, an image I'll, I will Isle, in the church Lowr, to frown Isle, an island Made, finish'd Oil, of olives Maid, a young wowman Imploy, work Main, the chief Oar, of a boat O'er, over Imply, to signify In, within Mane, of a beast Of, belonging to Male, not female Off, at a distance Inn, for travellers Mail, armour O, as O brave Incite, to stir up Manner, custom Oh! alas Insight, knowledge Manor, a lordship Owe, to be indebted One, in number Won, at play Ingenious, of sharp parts Marsh, watry ground Ingenuous, candid Joyst, a beam Joyce, a man's name Ketch, a ship Catch, to lay hold Kill, to murder Kiln, før bricks Mesh, the hole in a net Mayor, of a town Mare, female horse Mead, a meadow Mede, one of Media Mean, of little value Mein, or Mien, aspect Meat, to cat Own, to acknowledge Hour, sixty minutes Peal, upon the bells : 1 a leaden weight Pole, a long stick Porcelain, or Porcelane, Purslain, an herb Pray, to beseech Presence, being here Princes, the king's sons Princess, the the king's daugh ter Principal, chief Principle, the first rule Profit, advantage Reign, rule as king Raise, to blot out Red, a colour Read, did read Radish, a root Reed, a shurb TABLE IV. Read, in a book Rere, the back-part Rhymeor Rhythm in verse and true Roe, a kind of deer Room, part of a house Rote, by custom PB Spred, from Spread, &c. Soar, to mount upwards Stair, a step Stear, a young bullock Steer, to guide a ship Rough, not smoothSteed, a horse Ruff, a bond Roof, top of a house Sale, bargaining Reddish, somewhat red Shone, did shine Sliread, to mince Shred, minced فر Stile, for passage Style, of writing Stood, did stand Stud, an ambossment Sucker, a young twig Thyme, a sweet herb To, unto Toe, of the foot Tow, to draw along Too, likewise Two, a couple Told, as a tale Toll'd, as a bell Tongs, for the fire Tongues, languages Tower, of defence Tulip, a flower Julep, Julap, a cordial. Veil, a covering Vale, a valley Vain, useless Vane, to shew the wind Vein, for the blood Valley, a dale Value, worth Vial, or Phial, a glass Viol, for music Vice, ill habit Vise, a skrew This fourth table, as well as the fifth, are borrowed chiefly from Mr. Dyche, who has well distinguish'd those words in their spelling, which are distinguish'd, or different in their signification. Tho' the critics will complain this is not always the truest spelling, yet I think this way has a great advantage to prevent one word being mistaken for another; which is a thing of great moment in writing. TABLE V.-A Table of Words different in Signification by the Addition of e Final. Cane, a staff Cape, of a coat Chine, the back-bone Clothe, or Cloath, cover with clothes Cub, a whelp Cube, a die Cur, a dog Cure, to heal Dam, to stop water Dame, a lady Demur, to delay Demure, modest Fane, weather-cock Far, at a distance Fare, entertainment Fin, of a fish Fine, brave Fir, a tree Fire, that burns Flam, a pretended story Paste, dough Flame, of fire Gate, a-door, Haste, speed Lade, to take up water Lath, for tiles Lathe, for turnerş Loth, unwilling Lothe, Loath, dishke Mad, distracted Man, in stature... Mane, of a hors Mar, to spoil Mare, a beast Mat, to tread on he head 1 Pat, seasonable Pate, the head Pin, to o dress with Pine to languish Plat, of ground Plate, a metal Plumb, a fruit Plume, a feather Quit, to leave Quite, altogether Rag, of cloth Rage, fury Rat a little le beast Rate, a price Rid, to deliver... Robe, long garment Rod, to strike with Rode, did ride Rot, to consume Rote, without knowledge Sith, since Soothe, to Aatter Tub, of waten a pipe Sat, or Sate, did sit Tage, in music Sate, cloy Scar, of a wound Scrap, a bit Scrape, with a knife Sever, to divide Twin, one of tzvo " Twine, to close e about Vane, a weather-cock Van, an, the front Us, we : Use, accustom War, fighting Sham, a pretence Shame, a disgrace Shin, of the leg Ware, merchandise Wast, t, hast been Waste, to consume Shine, to took bright Note, observe Sin, a fault On, upon One, unite : Sine, in Geometry Sing, to be merry Pan, of earth Singe, to burn Writ, written Pane, of glass Sir, master Write, with a pen Past, gone Sire, father Node, a kuot Not, no Win, to get Wine, to drink Wane, decrease TABLE VI-A Table of Words that may be spelled different Ways, which are not easily reduced to any Rules. |