| Richard Allestree (D.D.) - 1677 - 314 páginas
...is a Veneration due to Age, if it be fuch as difowns not it felf, The hoary head , faies Solomon , is a crown of glory , if it be found in the way of righteoujnefs , Prov. 16. $1. but when it will mix it felf with Youth, it is difclaimed by both , becomes... | |
| Isaac Barrow - 1712 - 186 páginas
...Nothing doth fo adorn this age as goodnefs, nothing doth fo dilProv. 16. 31. grace it as wickednefs; The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteoufnefi ; but it is a mark of Infamy, if it be obferved proceeding in a courfe of iniquity, it... | |
| Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 páginas
...that when he (hall appear yemay have Confidence, and not be aftvamed before.. him at his coming. e The hoary Head is a Crown of Glory, if it. be. found in the way of Righteoufnefs. • Mat. 24. I2, i5. b E2ek. IS. 24.. ' i Pet. 2o, 2T. d Col. i. 6. i Tim. I. t9. John... | |
| 1737 - 770 páginas
...There is a Veneration due to Age, if it be fuch as difowns not itfelf : 'The hoary Head, fays Solomon, is a Crown of Glory, if it be found in the Way of Rigbteoufne/s, Prov. xvi. 31. but when it will mix itfelf with Youth, it is difclaimed by both, becomes... | |
| Thomas Watson - 1741 - 718 páginas
...be fomething zealous for the Truth, walk in clofe Communion with God. And his Honour, frov. 16. 31. *The hoary Head is a Crown of Glory, if it be found in the_ Way of Righteoufnefs. Tis one of the beft Sights, to fee an old Difciple ; to fee filver Hairs... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 434 páginas
...therefore natural and reafonable for us to look upon Length of Days as a Bleffing; and that the hoary bead is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteoitfhefs. But when any perfon through difcontent defires, not to continue in the World, nor to... | |
| Jonathan Mayhew - 1763 - 378 páginas
...contempt, are alfo good men, the fervants of the moft high God. For " the hoary head is [moft " eminently] a crown of glory, if it be found in " the way of righteoufnefs."J And all the young would do well to remember the curfe of God, •which befell thofe... | |
| Thomas Boston - 1773 - 892 páginas
...fpan of 'time, and doing that which .perhaps they too much neglected in the days of health and vigour. The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the ivayofrightcoufnefs, Prov. xvi. 3 i. Bui the finner being an hundred years old Jh all be accurfed,... | |
| 1788 - 598 páginas
...good. 30 He fhutteth his eyes to devife froward things : moving his lips he bringeth evil to pafs. 31 The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way or righteoufnefs. 32 He that is flow to anger, is better than the mighty : and he that ruleth bis fpirit,... | |
| Thomas Secker (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1790 - 424 páginas
..."without Him we can do nothing*. * 1 Tim. ii. 10. h John xv. 4, r. SERMON VI, PRQ V. Xvl. 31. tfbe hoary Head is a Crown of Glory, if it be found in th? Way of Righteoufnefs. Uneafinefles of Life in every Period •*• of it are many, and often heavy... | |
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